
Temporal Navigator

This is the JOHN TITOR A.K.A. RAZIMUS REPORT like I promised.

It is finally here, I created 2 youtube videos I will add here as well.

Let me know what you think, thanks.
Financially motivated fraud, eh?


If it is proven to be an operation as you allege, then it is potentially arguable that they committed fraud to obtain an economic benefit- increased traffic, therefore increased ad revenue etc.

I will try and find a historical snapshot of their front page to see if an appropriate legal disclaimer was there. The usual one disclaims responsibility for the content of posts, but the legal clause in this case would need to be broader for them not to fall foul of Federal online and broadcasting laws. Not that they are enforced consistently...
Read it all.


I find the Anomalies theory weak to say the least.

To identify the Titor hoax perpetrators, it has to follow the pattern of the crime or alleged crime involved. It has to. It's the "physics of crime". One of my areas of past professional involvement.

There are alternate explanations for all the points raised by Hughston, and the alternate explanations are at least equally credible.

A while ago I posted my off the cuff "Disney execs did it" theory- let's say "rogue Disney execs did it" to be accurate. There is at least as much circumstantial evidence for that as for the Anomalies accusation.

For that matter had I been more open about my postings back then I would make an excellent candidate too, and as someone who was victimised by three idiots in relation to the Isaac Caret hoax- I was accused of being the perpetrator and had to go so far as to contact civil and criminal authorities to get the moonbats back on their meds- I don't think an accusation on such flimsy evidence as was assembled here is sensible.

The strongest single argumentative point was the kinesics analysis of the Olav interview where he laughed and seemed indeed to be dissimulating in relation to his level of knowledge of Titor. But there again, guilty behaviour could indicate a lot levels of involvement, it isn't a smoking gun. And that sole point aside, this whole drawn out presentation by "Razimus" has been overhyped and undercooked.

Absent better proof, this theory is shelved for me.


Anomalies net doesn't in fact have a landing page with legals on it- might be an idea to remedy that. If you want me to draft a clause just PM me.
Raz, I made a thread at GLp for you ,for encouragement.

2 days ago....

but apparently now you are getting some traction at ATS also.(stupid attention whores),Even if it was you that posted it...try to avoid that forum...there is no worse that ATS, like the vanilla of the ice cream aisle.......

ATS link

Seems people like your work raz.

I figured as much.

Just sends more money back here to raul, because they will all link here.

Sooner or later.

This small obscure forum is one of the gravitational centers to all real conspiracies.

Good thing ya did posting what ya had here.

And if I argued with ya a few months ago, when pamela got mad and ran off, I apologize.

And to Pamela also.
Well, like the new economic stimulus plan and the new Titor Report, I guess, Wall Street, Washington D.C., and Democrats that don't pay taxes, can print it all out and give it to the homeless people to build a fire with, and give what is left of Washington D.C., and Wall Street, and the Democrats that do not pay taxes, back to the Indians, Israeli's, and Ethiopia where the Mother of Man, Lucy, came from 3.2 million years ago. For the Govmint workers and for a new medical plan, they can all go see the Indian's Medicine Tribes Men!
I'll now respond to the report here on TTI:

I read on ATS that Beaux sees his name on the sock-puppet list. That’s the updated list. I gave Raz the names of 15 other people listed by him as Titor sock-puppets who, like Beaux, are real people who were using their real names. I know this because I know the people – mostly via email and several by both email and telephone. Thus far a cursory review of the list of the sock-puppets has disclosed a high percentage of misidentifications - 16 people. Raz has deleted the names that I gave him from the list.

Raz made a conspiracy of the original people who posted on Anomalies after Titor stopped posting. Yet the history of how we happened to find our way to Anomalies is well documented on that site. We ended up on Anomalies because Art Bell and Premiere Radio Network shut down the Post 2 Post BBS on or about April 5-6 at 3:00 am without notice, warning or explanation thereafter. The site was just taken down right in the middle of our reading and posting. It took me two weeks and calls to Premiere Radio to discover that it wasn’t a fatal server crash. It was a business decision to pull the plug on the, then, free BBS (it came back six months later but it wasn’t free). Anomalies’ TT forum didn’t come into existence for a few weeks after Titor stopped posting and P2P shut down. We contacted what members from P2P for whom we had email addresses, invited them to the new TT forum and continued the discussion. But we only had the email addresses of a dozen or so people. The others still had no clue about why the 404 Error was on the old P2P webpage and Art Bell didn’t supply any explanation. They had no way of knowing that we were on a new forum. That’s why a boatload of P2P folks posted a few times and disappeared. They didn’t disappear – the website - therefore their link to the discussion disappeared.

The “Steven” jump video didn’t disappear from Anomalies. It’s on the same page that it’s always been on for the past several years. The link to the Steven video is on the same page where the links to the Titor photos, schematics, etc. are located.

The “Steven” video was never put forth as “Titor’s” video. Quite the contrary. It was always been made clear that the Steven video was not the Titor video and had absolutely nothing to do with the Titor Saga. There are several threads on Anomalies that discuss this. In fact, in 2005 Razimus was a part of that discussion - he posted on one of the Steven video threads.

Raz made a conspiracy of Steven but didn’t even bother to read the threads (there are several more than the one that he posted on). Instead, without all of the information, he stated that Anomalies somehow was the prime mover in foisting such hoaxes on the Net. Had he taken the time to do his homework, in addition to reading the caveats that the video had nothing to do with Titor he’d have also read that the Steven TT story did not originate on Anomalies. It originated on Post 2 Post shortly before P2P shut down. He migrated to Anomalies when he came there promising a second video – became angry with me over our pointed questions – stormed off the set and said he’d post the video on Denny Unger’s site (Dark Planet). I talked to Denny. We waited. No Steven - ever.

As an aside he questioned me about how I just happened to know that Steven’s name was “Steven Antle”? Raz didn’t see that name so it must be yet another Anomalies conspiracy and I’d slipped up by revealing the last name when no one else but a conspirator would have access to it. No. The name Steven Antle is fom the Post 2 Post thread. It’s the handle that Steven used on P2P. That’s how I knew the name.

Raz has not read the Titor threads, or so it appears. He has totally confused the “I am from 2036” thread that started on Art Bell’s Post 2 Post forum in January of 2001 with the “Time Travel Paradoxes” and “Topics limited to 11 pages…?” threads on Time Travel Institute. He never even mentions the two original threads.

His claim that “Paul Collins” posts were mysteriously and conspiratorially culled out of the “I am from 2036” thread is based on his having so totally confused the Time Travel Institute threads with the Post 2 Post thread. There was no Paul Collins to cull. There was, however, Paul Curran. Curran was the OP on the “Time Travel Paradoxes” thread – the thread that TimeTravel_0 first started posting on. He would have known this had he just read the original thread. And Paul Curran is a real person. He lives in Derry, Ireland and I have had email contact with him years ago, no to mention that he has his own sites on the web.

He makes a conspiracy of the fact that all of Dan Blatesky's posts were changed and/or deleted on Anomalies including his posts on the "I am from 2036" thread...suggesting that the Anomalies Admin had some hand in it and something to hide.

We didn't alter any of Dan's posts on Anomalies. I banned Dan one night in 2002 because he went through every post that he'd ever made on the site (about 125 posts) and alternated between deleting the posts entirely or changing them to gibberish so the responses to the original posts made no sense.

But - he didn't change anything on the "I am from 2036" thread. He couldn't. The copy of the thread is a MS Word document pasted into the forum under Pamela's sig. Dan had no access to edit the original text of the thread. BTW: No one else changed the thread in any way.

Not to mention that this is another case of Raz confusing the threads and sites. Dan Blatecky (Creedo) was never a member at P2P where the "I am from 2036" thread resided. He was, of course, a member here and on Anomalies.

I’ve told Raz that I appreciate the hours of work that he put into this effort. But I also told him that it is sloppy work. It looks good until you go to the threads, check the facts and have some clue about the history of the events.

And I'm giving Razimus a break here that he didn't give to Anomalies or anyone else that he fingered with bold text "suspect" or verbal punctuations in the video of FACT!...blah, blah, blah. FACT!..blah, blah, blah, blah when the fact was far different than as stated.

He looked for and found dust bunnies under every bed. Everything that he found odd he declared a conspiracy. What is it that Anomalies is trying to hide?

But the break that I've given him here is that I'm attributing his poor work to sloppy technique, laziness and poor execution rather than a deliberate "conspiracy" to put out bad information hoping that no one will check up on it.

I really do believe that the former, not the later, is the case. Sloppy work - not purposeful deception.
Even I have to admit that the possibility that he did not read the entire thread is a possibilty.

He would have named J-C as a major player in the entire team-titor as an 'instigator'.

I of course do not know them.. and if he is listed in this "set" , I dont see it.

There was a lot of controversy at the time and even more, let the thread ride feeling to it..from many of the other people involved in the thread.

Like I said, it was encouragement for the Op to continue ahead because it felt somewhat incomplete/ almost lacking in some of the content.

So on that level, I agree.

I actuality, though Darby. There is no real resolution to this "story". Which has become the legacy of the entire subject.

Which just so happens to be the reason I stand to the sideline(In most cases), except when some abuse comes down the line to the people I do know, concerning the subject.

So goes.... another "branch to the conspiracy". ......Into the fire for heat.. For the simple need to "collect wood"
Even I have to admit that the possibility that he did not read the entire thread is a possibilty.


Not "thread" - it was "threads" - three of them. And unless he was being purposefully misleading, which I don't believe to be the case, he simply didn't read the threads. His references to various subjects in the report that he attributes to the "I am from 2036" thread are simply incorrect. Wrong thread...which explains, for instance, why he didn't find Paul Collins' posts on "I am from 1036"

a) wrong thread not to mention wrong website, and

b) he got the name wrong in any case - it was Paul Curran.

No one named Paul Collins ever posted on any of the three threads. See the below linked thread started by Paul Curran here on TTI. It was the first thread that Titor, as TimeTravel_0, posted on.

Time Travel Paradoxes - TTI

On another note. Aside from the 15 names that I gave him that he deleted from the report two more real people who have seen the report have let him know that they weren't Titor sock-puppets: Beaux (though he doesn't ID his old handle)

Beaux's Reply - "I am one of those listed"

and Jeanette Foresta. Jeanette responded to him with a video on youTube. She had one response, from a handle "hoaxhunter", who commiserated with her plight. Offered to help her out if she contacted him. . "Hoaxhunter" also has a video on you Tube. "Hoaxhunter" seems to have neglected to inform her while offering his assistance that the person that she's conplaining about in her video is none other than he...Razimus. The person in the video is Razimus using yet a third recent sig as he tells us all about the sock-puppets used by the evil and deceitful Boomer.

Jeanette was at least the third woman that Titor decided to communicate with privately. The other two were Pamela and MysticWarrior (Shana). We've never heard from a male who had private communication with him. The thing about the communication with Jeanette is that she recalls that it occured about a year before he started posting here.

Jeanette's youTube Video

Hoaxhunter's "Paul Collins" Video

Razimus has been around for a long time. He's always been a little over-the-top about Titor but I'd never suspected him of running puppets before this recent set of events. Interesting. Confusing, but still interesting.

BTW: Actually Razimus did suggest JC as a Titor suspect a couple of weeks ago on Anomalies. I asked him about it and he replied that it was a ruse to throw "someone" off the scent. He didn't elaborate other than to say that he already knew that it's not JC.
Hey Darby,

Is it true that you sent Razimus an email that contained the following?

"If your decision is to put yourself and your family at risk for a typical Internet fable then that's your choice. I've done my part in giving fair warning. Have fun with this but don't put your family at risk."

If so, what did you mean by that?

Yes. Here's the rest of the context so you can see what I was refering to:

Razimus contacted me about this a day or so after he posted messages on three sites asking for people to give him Pamela's email address because the address he had was no longer valid. His attempts to solicit the email address from people without Pamela's permission was not well received on those sites. He took a lot of flack over the attempt. Remember, Razimus is someone that we've dealt with for years. He's not a bad guy but he is someone who has been a bit over-the-top regarding Titor. No one was willing to give up that private information to him.

I won't post the entire email but in closing it here's what I advised him:

As you go about this please keep some perspective: the story is almost ten years old. No one really cares about it any more except for the flurry of interest in Italy following last year's Voyager episode about Titor on RIA network. If you post asking for someone to have Pamela contact you make sure that your post doesn't sound like "yet another Titor researcher". No ALL CAPS, no text set off by *ASTERISK*, excessive bold text, red text - nothing that is indicative of someone who is consumed by the story. Let's be frank – don't do anything that makes it look like you're a Titor nutcase hell bent on solving the Titor Conspiracy. Pamela simply will no longer respond to emails that even look like that's the case. She (and I) has had hundreds of fruitbat email contacts who really troubled her with their irratic ideas. OK?

Remember that this is now and always has been Internet entertainment – nothing more. It's not a huge conspiratorial hoax, it's not National Security, it is not imperative that anyone ever solves the mystery and it's not something that should, in our desire to solve the mystery, cause us to announce online "suspect" Titor's personal information like real names, address', phone numbers, etc.

So, even before the report was made public I'd warned him about using the real names of real people in Titor "suspect" lists. I didn't do that at random. It was specific to him. I know how much this has consumed him, at least online, over the years and I know how he has had a tendncy to get outside the envelope in the past.

As to your quote above, here's more of the context of my response taken from anothr email to him:

One last time: Perspective. Titor is a game. Fingering over a dozen real people and a couple of real businesses by use of the terms “suspect” while suggesting fraud isn’t a game. You’ve already had one person respond to your Anomalies portion of the expose who appears to have interpreted your information as an accusation of some sort of possible Internet financial fraud. That’s not a good sign. Coupled with your statements about the owner, Olav Philips, as being the #1 suspect, Anomalies being involved in assisting people with such hoaxes and all the obvious factual errors in the report and…do you see where I’m going with this? I’m not suggesting that Olav would sue you. What I’m saying is that if you look at just one of the people that you fingered you’ve left yourself wide open to civil liability. Now multiply that by the 110 names – 15 of which we absolutely know not to be sock-puppets, suspects of anything and who haven’t had any involvement with the Titor Saga for almost a decade and the involvement that they did have was minimal at best...[snip]

The report had come out and I had correctly guessed how Razimus would approach it - once again he was over-the-top.

I posted some comments on Anomalies after I posted the above quoted text there. Here are my additional comments:

As I said you fingered over a hundred people and if just one takes offense to the accusation...

And so far not one, but two very real people not included above have seen their names on your Titor sock-puppet list and have had to take the time to respond - Beaux from ATS and Jeanette on youTube. That's at least 17 people's names that you put out there that were incorrect.

You and I both know that what I wrote to you was in no way a threat. It was simple advice with a request to put this thing into some sort of common sense perspective. I still don't know what you believe your end-game is, what you hope to acomplish or if you've really considered the privacy issues involved with shotgunning over a hundred names into the public arena with no evidence to support the accusation that they were puppet accounts for Titor.

Anomalies Post

Raz knows that I wasn't threatening him. I was trying to give him some perspective on what it was that he was actually doing when he tossed out over 100 names of posters. most of whom appeared to have been using their real names. and accused them of being Titor sock-puppet accounts...simply because they only posted a few times and never posted about Titor again.

When I first received the report from Raz via email I immediately recognized 15 of the names on his "puppet" list as people that I have had personal contact with at one time or another. I told him that they were not Titor alter-egos/sock-puppets. I told him that not everyone will have a sense of humor, ten years after the fact, when they see their real name associated with a report that calls them "suspects" in a context that implies that they were involved in some sort of fraud. And within 48 hours of that message to Raz two people - people that were not in my list of 15 - recognized their names and replied to him (Jeanette and Beaux).

Olav Phillips, the owner of, was listed as Suspect #1. One might not agree that Raz accused him of a crime - yet on this site at least one poster, Doghead, has posted his interpretation of the report as possibly being an accusation of a crime by Phillips.

02/13/09 09:13 PM ( Edit Reply

Financially motivated fraud, eh?


If it is proven to be an operation as you allege, then it is potentially arguable that they committed fraud to obtain an economic benefit- increased traffic, therefore increased ad revenue etc.

I will try and find a historical snapshot of their front page to see if an appropriate legal disclaimer was there. The usual one disclaims responsibility for the content of posts, but the legal clause in this case would need to be broader for them not to fall foul of Federal online and broadcasting laws. Not that they are enforced consistently...

Doghead's Post

Olav was not in a humorous mood upon reading the report, viewing the videos and seeing Doghead's post given the above context that involves his very real name and the name of his website being associated with an accusation of "financially motivated fraud".

And we've only heard from three people whose names are still hanging out there. There are another dozen names on the list that I'm fairly confident that I had contact with via PM or email in 2003-2004 after the JTFan media blitz promoting The Book for the JTF. It's been my practice to save all Titor related emails but they are spread out over several HDD's. I just haven't been too motivated to dig through them to see just who on the list has contacted me. It's enough for me to know that a significant number of real names are incorrectly on the list of Titor puppets.

Now, that's the context in which I was communicating with Razimus. Not a threat but advice and a call to step back and look at what he was engaged in with some sense of calm and a clear head.

And here's the problem, other than the privacy issue, with his conclusions regarding the names of people who only posted a couple of times on the Post 2 Post "I am from 2036" thread:

You can't put the Titor Saga as it was in Jan-Mar 2001 on that site into the context of 2009, which is what he did. In 2001 on Art Bell's site we had about 5,000 members. A little over 100 of them postd at least one time on the Titor thread. In other words, only 2% of the members even bothered to post at all on the thread. The BBS was very active on a broad base of topics and Titor was just one of those topics. People dropped in to post, weren't interested enough to continue, and moved on to another topic.

And there's the false premise. Razimus concluded that those people had to be sock-puppet accounts because they never posted to the Titor thread again. He does so without knowing whether they "never posted again" or simply moved on to another topic on the general P2P forum.
"If your decision is to put yourself and your family at risk for a typical Internet fable then that's your choice. I've done my part in giving fair warning. Have fun with this but don't put your family at risk."

well, i cant speak for darby, but i can say that is a good piece of advice. after dedicating a year to the titor hoax, and quite a few emails from concerned friends, i dropped my investigation. it simply was not worth all that i had gone through, or worth what i was about to go through.

if someone wants to know who titor is, all they have to do is read some threads and start putting it together.

through this, you can prove to yourself that titor was a hoax, but if you investigate well, you will find that theres only one way to publicly prove him a hoax, and that is illegal.

If so, what did you mean by that?

i think this link will explain alot.
Follow-up to above:

One should at least question Raz's motive behind hanging a lot of his hat regarding the report on multiple Titor handles while using the same technique himself.

I believe that Ray was the first one to catch on to it. He came on as "Flying Unknown", released the report as Razimus and in the one response that Jeanette has received to her youTube video response he used "HoaxHunter". That last one is a bit interesting because his response is an offer to help her, without, at least publically, stating that he's the very person that she's responding to in her video.

I'm not saying that he has intentionally attempted to obfuscate his identity through the use of multiple handles. But it is interesting that he's engaged in the practice of using multiple handles in a context where he's accusing Boomer of fraud because Boomer used multiple handles.
Thanks for the context, Darby. Without the back story it just didn't sound like the Darby we know and love.

It seems that the sheer frustration the mystery behind the hoax can create is enough to get people riled and rattled when their faced with a brick wall made up of possibilities but no hard answers. Rainman's thread is at least an indication that Razimus isn't alone in wanting to take decisive action. Hell, my own 'Pamela's Top Ten Most leading Titor Questions' thread stemmed from a recognition of what Razimus has been probing - The dodgy Q&A sessions that got the hoax rolling.

Still, I believe the truth will out eventually. Its just mnore likely to come from within than without I guess.

You're welcome.

And I agree that Pamela did tend to toss out both marshmallow questions as well as leading questions. I've chided her on several occassions about that. In her defense, though she really doesn't need me to defend her, I can at least say that she was consistent. She asked the same leading and marshmallow questions of every would-be TT before and after Titor. That's who Pamela was - a New Age version of the 1960's "Flower Child". It doesn't appear that she gearded the questions to be specific to Titor. In fact I believe the opposite to be true - that Boomer geared many of Titor's responses to be specific to Pamela's preconceptions based on her posts here prior to 2-NOV-2000.