It is just the way things are.

from peter novak

Zeshua has said elsewhere that everything she has predicted to us referred to events occurring between 2007 - 2009. That means that her prediction that the Middle East will erupt in “all out war” is supposed to come true sometime in the next 21 months.

uh oh buddy.... clocks ticking... you don't have much time left, hope you're prepared to do the honorable thing and admit yours and zeshua's defeat when things don't turn out as bad as you hope.

I mean, it's the least you and Zeshua could do for being really annoying for the last 4 years
totally agree with you Michael,i feel sorry for them,Fakers have to be debunked for the well of the human kind,hehe /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I will dance a jig in Times Square if Zeshua's predictions prove false. No one will celebrate it more than I.

Annoying you, am I? Interesting, that.

If some guy came online and spent three years insisting that dinosaurs are real and are about to rise up and destroy the earth, I don't think you'd find that annoying at all, because you wouldn't feel the least bit worried that he might be right. You'd either be amused by him, or just ignore him. In either case, it wouldn't bother you in the slightest. You wouldn't lose any sleep about it. You wouldn't think about it when away from the computer, nor would you waste your time and energy trying to convince him that he was wrong.

Your annoyance suggests you secretly fear Zeshua is right after all. Your own annoyance testifies against your claim of confidence.

- Peter
yeah man, the fact she predicted the patriot act going to court a year after it was already in court really was unnerving. you got me pegged dr phil time traveler
If some guy came online and spent three years insisting that dinosaurs are real and are about to rise up and destroy the earth, I don't think you'd find that annoying at all, because you wouldn't feel the least bit worried that he might be right. You'd either be amused by him, or just ignore him.

That's the problem with this, Peter. Zeshua hasn't spent three years online doing anything. Zeshua has made 42 posts. Most of them appear to you to be anagrams - but they are stated in clear text.

You have "interpreted" the anagrams. It's you, not Zeshua, who has spent three years online making predictions.

You'll never dance that jig in Times Square because no matter what the future holds you'll interpret the news to fit your interpretation of whatever "message" you read in Zeshua's posts.

And you'll read doom and gloom because you are a rather gloomy person. That's a prediction that you can take to the bank.

The Zeshua thread(s) really say a lot more about you and your outlook on life than they say about the real world at large.
The anagrams' correct solutions were confirmed by Zeshua on January 11, 2007, as shown at

You are correct that my interpretations of those solutions are open to dispute, but the solutions themselves are not. So what does “disaster looms”, “sharia law”, “massacre in palestine”, “middle east war”, “economic collapse”, “mahmoud ahmadinejad”, “earthquakes rumble”, “nuclear islam”, “will strike from skies”, “Israel based on lies”, “secrets safe from no eye”, and “Mother Earth sighs" mean? I have given my own opinions, nothing more, although Zeshua did privately confirm my interpretations of some of them.

Am I the one who is being "rather gloomy"? Me? Really? You don't think that looming disaster, Palestian massacres, war in the Middle East, worldwide economic collapse, or an aerial nuclear strike from Islam are gloomy enough matters all on their own, but you do think that I am? Well, I guess that says more about you than it does about either Zeshua or myself. Again, just my opinion. None of this gloomy material originated with me, so don't lay it on my doorstep. This last February, Zeshua wrote me :

"Even I do not understand exactly what happened. It was a confluence of events that set into motion an historic disaster of global proportions unlike anything ever seen in the history of this world. In the end, Billions died."

Her words, not mine. How's that for gloomy? All I have done is continue to ask questions about this material, questions that you sort still have offered no answers for. I have more questions than answers when it comes to Zeshua. For example, as I have repeatedly presented here previously, in 2005 Zeshua wrote :

"Seven to eleven, cards collapse, thy dollar not firm.
Twelve to fifteen, half the world burned."

And the questions I have asked about this is, how was she able, two years in advance, to pinpoint the exact year the economic collapse would begin? Back in 2005, very very few economic experts were predicting a collapse at all. VERY few. The vast majority of so-called "economic experts" in the world were at that time insisting that the sky was the limit; they were very bullish. A few lone "cranks" dissented from the majority opinion, and were roundly ignored and ridiculed. And of those few lone "cranks", ONLY ONE -- Zeshua -- accurately predicted the exact year the collapse would begin.

She is completely unique in that respect, and that uniqueness supports her other claims.

You think that I am gloomy? Pop your head up out of that hole in the ground and take a look around -- it's the world that is gloomy. All I am doing is mentioning what I see. So what is worse, the fire in the barn, or the man who points it out?

Today, Congressman Jerry Nadler told Democracy Now that the USA is on the verge of a 15-year long new Great Depression :

"The economy is on the brink of an absolute catastrophe. [...] we’re in 1931. In 1931, a recession that started with the Crash of 1929 tipped into a fifteen-year depression. We are on the precipice of that.[...] If we’re not very lucky or if we don’t do everything right, we could easily have a ten- or fifteen-year depression, a repeat of the 1930s."

Today, everyone's talking about it. And you say I'm gloomy!

- Peter
from petey

If some guy came online and spent three years insisting that dinosaurs are real and are about to rise up and destroy the earth, I don't think you'd find that annoying at all, because you wouldn't feel the least bit worried that he might be right. You'd either be amused by him, or just ignore him. In either case, it wouldn't bother you in the slightest. You wouldn't lose any sleep about it. You wouldn't think about it when away from the computer, nor would you waste your time and energy trying to convince him that he was wrong.

you ever notice hdrkid lays out these same types of scenarios, when she's whining about debunkers?...coincidence? I think not
This last February, Zeshua wrote me :

"Even I do not understand exactly what happened. It was a confluence of events that set into motion an historic disaster of global proportions unlike anything ever seen in the history of this world. In the end, Billions died."

Sorry, Peter but this is the same problem that people had with Pamela & Titor. A large number of the Titor posts were actually posted by Pamela. People had to take her word that Titor, not she, wrote the words via emails to her. At least she posted the material,

People have to take in on faith that there is no hanky-panky going on. But faith is something one has in God - not in an erstwhile gloomy-doomy book writer who is the world's #1 (and virtually only) Madame Z promoter.

I'm not buying it (not that I actually care about Zeshua). I'm not convinced that you, your sister or some close friend isn't the Zeshua Puppeteer and that this is just another run-of-the-mill TT site hoax. There's no particular reason to believe otherwise. There are three people on the planet who "believe"...though the names of the other two slip my mind right now...and you're by far the loudest.
I would hope to impart wisdom to those seldom few who are wise enough,
not to reject what I have to say, without careful consideration.

What I have to share will be brief, and will only require a few
moments of your time. You may choose to accept what I have to say, or
you may reject it. Or you may choose, if it is your pleasure, the
third option.

The world as it is, in your current day as I post this on the 14th of June
2007, will no longer be sustainable. I do apologize for the
inconvenience, please consider a more sustainable balance for your
futures. Global economic imbalances must be corrected, Cultural
imbalances must be corrected. This due course of events will happen
as I have stated previously. In your current time the course of
events of which I speak is set in stone and will not change. You will
hear words like "Civil War" and "Massacre in Palestine", The Middle
East will erupt in chaos and all out war. It starts and then stops,
then starts up again, this is a continuous struggle which has gone on
for years and will come to a very abrupt end.

There is very little any one individual can do, I recommend you take
heed, be vigilant, be concerned of important matters of the day.
Become aware of alternative news sources, do not be "Told" how it is
by the mass media which have come to pull the wool over your eyes.

When it happens, you will know. It is now, only a matter of time.

In 2005, Zeshua wrote

“Seven to Eleven, cards collapse, thy dollar not firm.
Twelve to Fifteen, half the world burned.”

In 2005 when she wrote this, the Dow was near its all-time highs, and it continued to thrust higher still for another two years. Then, right on schedule in 2007 just like she said, the Dow collapsed, as this graphic shows:^DJI#chart3:symbol=^dji;range=my;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined

If this prediction is to be believed, the economy won’t be getting any better until 2011 or 2012, and it may even continue to drop until sometime in 2011. But according to this, the US dollar will lose significant value by 2011, which until now it has kept to a minimum, so that’s supposedly something still to come. Then she seems to predict a new World War between 2012 - 2015, which sounds like it either engulfs half of the world, or possibly even kills half the world’s population with nukes.

Only one of the three predictions in this poem have come to pass so far, so it’s still somewhat easy to pass it off as a fluke or something. But when two of the three predictions have come to pass, will you then still be able to prepare for the third to arrive, or will it be too late by then to make the kind of preparation you might have liked to and still had the resources for?

One five-dollar, ten-pound bag of rice can keep a person alive for three weeks.

How many people do you know who you could not turn away if they came to your front door asking for food?
I understand where you're coming from, Peter, and any post that contains possible "prediction's" of the future can be interesting and capture the imagination.

After reading so many of these "predictions", you begin to recognize particular patterns in almost all of them.

Some people are better than others. Many "psychics" are merely skilled with reading people via body language, and extracting information, without the person being "read" realizing that they themselves are providing the information.

All of Zeshua's posts that still exist, still contain information that is NOT really new. These topic's were under discussion elsewhere in various realms. Professional, Academic, Disciplines, Bar Rooms and Taverns, and these topics were also under discussion at week-end BBQ's.

Zeshua's "predictions" are extremely general, and can be applied to any number of events. Being here when the first Zeshua posts arrived, I have yet to see you mention the posts that seemed to have vanished, that were absolutely incorrect.

Zeshua posted an image of a "future" thread from here at TTI, and that thread never came to pass.

By throwing alot of "stuff" into the threads, and selectively deleting or altering posts, one can create a fairly nice little "track record".

A war breaking out in the Middle East. If you would be so kind to present a period of time when there was NOT a possible war breaking out in the Middle East, feel free to post the dates.

The "predictions" of the economy, were probably discussions taking place in economic classes in school. I worked in the Real Estate Industry around 2004-2007 and most of us in the industry saw this coming. It didnt take a genius to be sitting at a desk in front of the Lender as they "worked-out" the financial details to get a buyer into a New Home, and realize that people who couldn't afford to buy a home were being taken in by the Lender.

We actually were surprised that the Real Estate Market didn't collapse sooner, and considered length of time the market did so well, as a bonus. Even then...we had several New Homes that had to be placed BACK on the market when the buyers lost the home, for the same reasons as we see today. The only difference was that then it was only a few, but recongized as a sign back then, to get while the getting was good, since we expected the market to fall at any time.

The future is NOT set in stone, and we can make changes. The posted image provided by Zeshua of a portion of a future thread here at TTI is missing, and never was written as shown by Zeshua. The date of the image as provided by Zeshua has come and gone, no such thread, future not as Zeshua claimed it would be. If a thread never was created, then what else will NOT occur.

What happens with using scare tactics, is that one can actually cause a situation to occur, that may not have happened otherwise. Most "real" psychics will not tell anyone if they see "death", because to do so, might scare the individual being read to the point that they do something stupid, and bring about death as a direct result of what the psychic said.

As told by psychic's, death seen might not be a physical event for the person, anyway, but merely a passing away of old habits, and the entering of a new phase of life.

It would seem to me that anyone who really is concerned about the future of humanity and indeed was from our future would provide proof positive, and not be evasive regarding providing absolute proof to get us to "believe" they are a "real" time traveler.

By posting a mysterious phrase or poetry, and then there is a nuclear exchange between warring countries, that results in millions dead, while people are still puzzling over mysterious poems, seems to me to not really be "helping" anyone.

As an example :

The Huntington Libray discovered they had a set of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the vault. There were a couple of groups that demanded the library hand them over. These groups, for whatever reason, did not want the information contained in those copies to become known. The Huntington resolved the situation by publishing what they had for "anyone" and "everyone" to read.

Whether the "groups" got the original copies back was now a moot point.

Simply put, that is what this site is about, Time Travel, not the Nostradamus Quatrains Institute, meaning this not a forum for brain teasers and/or for gymnastics on solving puzzles.

If someone wants to prove to the community here at the Time Travel Institute that they are "real" time travelers, then it should be known up front, most of us are not interested in solving cryptic poetry, nor being given general "predictions" to "puzzle" over, but to be provided good, solid, verifiable "proof".

To continue to try to and convince anyone that Zeshua is a time traveler, serves no purpose.

I, personally, don't want you to leave TTI, but to leave the dead horse where it has fallen, await with the rest of us for the day when a "real" time traveler might show-up, and in the meantime, have some fun, while remaining a member of the TTI family.
All of Zeshua's posts that still exist, still contain information that is NOT really new. These topic's were under discussion elsewhere in various realms. Professional, Academic, Disciplines, Bar Rooms and Taverns, and these topics were also under discussion at week-end BBQ's.
Zeshua's "predictions" are extremely general, and can be applied to any number of events. Zeshua posted an image of a "future" thread from here at TTI, and that thread never came to pass. A war breaking out in the Middle East. If you would be so kind to present a period of time when there was NOT a possible war breaking out in the Middle East, feel free to post the dates. The "predictions" of the economy, were probably discussions taking place in economic classes in school. I worked in the Real Estate Industry around 2004-2007 and most of us in the industry saw this coming. The future is NOT set in stone, and we can make changes. The posted image provided by Zeshua of a portion of a future thread here at TTI is missing, and never was written as shown by Zeshua. The date of the image as provided by Zeshua has come and gone, no such thread, future not as Zeshua claimed it would be. If a thread never was created, then what else will NOT occur.

I'm not aware of anyone but Zeshua predicting the exact year the collapse would begin : 2007.

And regarding your references to some deleted image of a future thread? I have no idea what you are talking about. I have no recollection of that ever occurring, and I believe I have been keeping better track of this thing than anyone else. I can only assume that either your memory is faulty, or a timeline change has occurred.
I'm not aware of anyone but Zeshua predicting the exact year the collapse would begin : 2007.

And regarding your references to some deleted image of a future thread? I have no idea what you are talking about. I have no recollection of that ever occurring, and I believe I have been keeping better track of this thing than anyone else. I can only assume that either your memory is faulty, or a timeline change has occurred.

My reference to the Zeshua predictions as far as any collapse, such a discussion was already on the table long before Zeshua ever showed up, in places other than TTI. That the economy didn't collapse sooner surprised several of us in the Real Estate Sector.

My memory is somewhat faulty, ( and no more than yours
),but not with that post. That post showed up when Zeshua first arrived here. I don't know how many threads were started by Zeshua with almost the identical first post as the others. Some of "those" threads were deleted long ago.

That particular post was note-worthy because the names were blocked-out from the image provided, and some time was spent trying to figure out who the authors of the "future" posts may have been, with success.

The date on the image was sometime in 2007, which has long since passed.

I also recall that Zeshua even posted some pictures from "the future" that resulted with some heavy chuckles and some deep laughter, and I haven't been able to find those pictures any longer, as well. I will see if "that" thread is around, again. Maybe I didn't look long enough.

Timeline!!! Good try, but no, it was this one.
I did find one reference to the deleted "future" image, as posted by TTI member Risata206 on 5/06/06.

Risata206 wrote:

How come no one commented on the link that zeshua left? Click on it, and it brings you to apparently, a page in the future. Now I realize anyone can make a webpage at an .org site. just curious tho, why no one made mention of it

The page in the future as mentioned by Risata, is one and the same that I brought up in my post above.
And regarding your references to some deleted image of a future thread? I have no idea what you are talking about. I have no recollection of that ever occurring, and I believe I have been keeping better track of this thing than anyone else. I can only assume that either your memory is faulty, or a timeline change has occurred.

Or the third option, which is much more likely: You have not been doing as great a job as you think you have.

Or my favorite option:

You are ignoring the deleted Zeshua posts on purpose.

Try these on for size:


And then we could also discuss the posts that you made that you felt necessary to delete! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

zeshua is the biggest hoax i had ever witnessed here since Titor leave in 2001.He failed both to ray's and my challenge too,he is just another fraud mostly believed to be perpetrated by Mr Peter Novak,end of story to me /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif