Chrono Cadet
Actually, don't answer that. I don't care, lol. No offense.
Have a good day.
Actually, don't answer that. I don't care, lol. No offense.
Have a good day.
Actually, don't answer that. I don't care, lol. No offense.
Have a good day.
Hi, Gpa.To those of you that believe time travel is possible and multiple time lines or universes are possible and that, when you time travel, you never return to the "original" T/L or universe...Perhaps, you would explain something for me that I haven't noticed being accounted for, as yet.
When you arrive in your new T/L or universe, what happens to the "you" that already existed in the T/L or universe you now occupy??
Does he/she poof out of existence with your arrival? How unfair would that be?
Do you arrive in a T/L or universe another "you" doesn't already exist in? Then how would your new existence be explained?
Do you coexist and become best buddies?
I'm curious to hear explanations that account for "this" paradox since the multiple T/L or universe conjecture supposedly accounts for potential paradoxes.
And, No, I do not subscribe to multiple universes or alternate/multiple time lines. I can't understand why the universe needs to be constantly recreated to satisfy a fantasy of men that... "Every thing that can happen, must happen." If you try to say it's "because of probabilities", I respond, Nothing "I know of" in probabilities dictates all outcomes are required. Only the chance that, any one of many, might happen.
Syzygy said:Time travellers vanish and reappear.
Usually, but not always, the event is unobserved,
if not rationalized as one’s mind playing tricks on him.
Such disappearances are the difference
between time slips and near death experiences,
which, in afterthought, I regard spiritual journeys
I see no correlation between time travel and a spiritual journey, nor with the universe and heaven.Syzygy said:Time travel is to spiritual journey
what universe, singular or plural, is to heaven,
I am unaware of any use of time travel by God. I am aware of interpretations of His omnipotence that allows His being in the past, present, and future simultaneouslySyzygy said:With Him, all things are possible,
but not equally probable as a result.
My signature notwithstanding, not everything we can imagine or envision does or will exist.Syzygy said:And, insofar as the universe or the multiverse is
concerned, once I imagined a universe within a torus
I couldn’t help but envision multiple universes
strung or loomed like so many beads.