Is This Really Just A Coincidence?

CAT--this is an excellent post (from my viewpoint). The ether is not something in space (the luminiferous etherists thought of a subtle material substance)but space, itself .

I'm sure that Rainman and others will have something to input on the subject.
Hi Cat

"Ether", its an esoteric term unwritten accurately about

I believe the term was originally to be applied to a universal reference frame. But experimental evidence shows without a doubt that no universal reference frame exists. Facts are facts. The experimental observations show the earth not to moving or rotating. The experimental facts do seem to conflict with what we would like it to be. I just interpret this with the idea that the local time and space are extensions of the earth. Gravity probe B may also shed some light on this very controversal subject. But as for the "Ether", I believe the term has to be relegated to the sci-fi realm. I do agree with you that others seem to use the term to describe something other than what it was originally intended for. Personally I would prefer to use the term "Primordial soup".

Physics has been on the wrong track all along, misled by the idea that the material world exists of separate hard particles! I’m am now suggesting that we live in a wave-based universe where matter is simply the focal point of a vibration in an energy sea called the ether…

I have a different interpretation. Most everything in physics is mysteriously grouped in threes. Yet an EM wave is only attributed to have just two components. The electric wave, and the magnetic wave. Both of which I might add are out of phase with each other. What if there is a third wave there? Maybe a length wave in the direction of propagation. Going from zero length to positive length and back to zero again. Then it would only be during the positive length portion that we would actually see particle formation.

Just remember, a theory is not a fact. It's just a tool to use on the road to comprehension.
Thanks Packerbacker, I hope my posts stir more then just the imagination! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Several "ether" tests established that the speed of light had the same constant value no matter in what direction the speed of light was measured... From these experiments it was concluded that the ether did not exist and physics has abandoned the ether theory ever since... So you are correct Einstein, however I think that the experiments have been misinterpreted...

A roundabout example of why I feel they were misinterpreted, would be to suppose we have a population of rabbits that has an abundant supply of lettuce... Since rabbits breed like hell, their population will grow fast. However in our habitat there are also foxes that feed on the rabbits, limiting the growth of the rabbit population... Since the rabbit population grows fast, so does the fox population... However, since there is a feedback loop in our system, (as I’ve explained above as vortexes) balance will be restored in our habitat when the foxes eat too many rabbits, they will run into a food shortage, reducing the growth of the fox population and allowing the rabbits to survive... The fox-rabbit population will oscillate between two extremes, a minimum and maximum, a this is a perfect example of a wave oscillation allowing me to reason that the ether may likewise spawn wave patterns from two ether states, two different etherons, that continuously mutate from one state into the other and visa versa... In normal cases, the ether maintains its equilibrium state due to the second law of thermodynamics, however under critical conditions these ether transmutations like the predator-prey waves may become self-organizing and form stable wave patterns... These wave patterns will become "observable" in our physical universe as electromagnetic energy, LIGHT! So you see Einstein it is only sensible that I speculate otherwise…

In addition, the vortexes that I refer to are the mechanical property in what gives matter its mass, it’s the angular momentum of the whirling ether energy… Mass is simply the inertia created by the ether vortexes much like the inertia that is created by a spinning top…

I look to Dr. Hans Jenny’s Cymatics research and pictures for answers…


The white curved and straight lines in the pictures are the places where the vibration is cancelled, these are the "nodal points", the still places to which the colloid particles dissolved in the fluid take refuge when the fluid is vibrated... The geometrical patterns are the result of wave interference... When the outgoing waves from the center of the sphere meet the "reflected waves" from the surface of the sphere, standing waves are formed...

I was just reading a book writen in the middle 1800's that was discussing the (supposedly) heretical idea of the Trinity. In a nutshell, it was discussing the paganistic origins of the Trinity doctrine and the early Christian history which shows that this was not evident in the early teachings of the church. In other words, the Dark Ages produced a theory that the Father preexisted before anything was, and that the Son was "begotten"--and therefore had a beginning. the same goes with the origins of the Spirit. Of course, she claims that they were of "one substance" and, therefore, all existed eternally.

This is a very complex doctrine and just "happens" to be the main "base" upon which all Catholic teachings derive. At least, this is what "she" claims as the basis for which all other churches eventually pay "homage" to her along with the "other" "doctrine" for which she claims sole authorship--Sunday worship. Her claim to fame on this issue occurred in the year 321 when the Sabbath Law was changed from Saturday to Sunday(Christians having worshipped on Saturday prior to this time.)

The very interesting thing that caught my eye, however, was the author's mention of "First Cause". According to the author, the Father WAS,IS the ONE responsible for First Cause but then goes on to say that the Son was "Second Cause". In other words, being the "only begotten", there was "another first cause" that was different than, yet indistinguishable from the "first cause" What a beautiful picture this paints to me of the resulting "standing waves" that Cat speaks of. I can't imagine a more perfect way for "Elohim" to create "form" than this.

As always, Cat, your posts are very timely and appropriate. Thanks for the input.

I agree with all of that. What I am saying with respect to the ether, is that one doesn't need both an ether and space. You can call it what you will.

This medium of conductivity might be thought of as a soup, but it can be a very stiff soup. The basic units of this medium would be vibrating bubbles (the one element) that vibrated backward and forward in time, and hence would be a self-enclosed, or self-contained wave. This medium is too dense for matter to pass through it, only waves.A vast assemblage of these bubbles form the root or parent space and serve the same purpose as the ether (which is the same thing).Each bubble is four-dimensioned, but each has its own unique set of dimensions. There is no overall dimensionality to the bubble field.The bubbles, or self-enclosed waves, vibrate in both size and rate of time, which is cyclical. Hence, the Hermetic Doctrine says that time and space "run in circles".

The universe itself results from an interference effect between a very large bubble and the bubbles of the bubblefield. These bubbles are also the basic unit of consciousness.

This type of medium can support gauge waves, which wouold be waves of compression and rarefaction (actually the size of the bubbles increases and decreases along with their rate of time) Such gauge waves can be expected to form standing waves on the surface of objects.For example, standing waves on the surface of the Earth, I believe, create a trough at about 30 degrees N. Lattitude and a bulge at about 30 S. These would actually be secondary gravitational fields which would give the Earth a pear-shape.

Standing waves can also explain the formation and pattern of matter, and there are, or can be, standing waves in space itself independent of mass. I think that the space of our galaxy is fluted somewhat like a sea shell, and that in the progress of the solar system through these nodes and antinodes the resonances of complex structures (viz.: the sun, the planet Earth, and the human organism) are disturbed. We are likely in such a period of change right now.

The rotation of the solar system about the galactic enter is calculated to be about 225 million years, and geologists have long be interested in attempting to correlate this with geologic changes in Earth's history of about the same, or slightly longer period. PB.
Zerub of Babel:
The very interesting thing that caught my eye, however, was the author's mention of "First Cause". According to the author, the Father WAS,IS the ONE responsible for First Cause but then goes on to say that the Son was "Second Cause". In other words, being the "only begotten", there was "another first cause" that was different than, yet indistinguishable from the "first cause" What a beautiful picture this paints to me of the resulting "standing waves" that Cat speaks of. I can't imagine a more perfect way for "Elohim" to create "form" than this.
Another says "UGH!" Endemically, I deny that my fly won't turn dry. Uno pleads Duo and then baby makes Three!

A structure lives within, and It is One... that Am. Please! Understand!

are you refering to the the specific point of consciousness of 'Sohang', "I Am That" where Soul realizes that it is part of all it sees?
are you refering to the the specific point of consciousness of 'Sohang', "I Am That" where Soul realizes that it is part of all it sees?
Transdermic! I yam what I yam, sans brussel sprouts. Ascension of spinach is fanatically neural. Layers of french toast give rise to conscious crackpots.

For more?
Hmm... traveling the upper reaches without brussel sprouts may infact be a good Idea as the petite schu may become confused and have to migrate another turn on the wheel of the 84.

How about this, what's your view on that phenomenia refered to as the 'Veil of Death' though no such thing as death exists, That 'veil' which keeps Soul from being able to remember the tests and trails it took the last time it was here?

How about this, what's your view on that phenomenia refered to as the 'Veil of Death' though no such thing as death exists, That 'veil' which keeps Soul from being able to remember the tests and trails it took the last time it was here?
More distillation of the firmament of the dog. Purpose aligns with what I mentioned in the restroom. My veil is for sale, but only to reach the lonely. Separation from nation serves the unity of the curves.

Pierce Daath, but follow the path. Find the salmon of mind.