Is This Really Just A Coincidence?


Super Moderator
Anyone who owns a cell phone, or who has ever dialed a phone number on a touch-tone phone dial pad, has encountered a natural, (3x3)+1 matrix-configuration for the 10 digits used in our human-oriented base-10 decimal number system:


Furthermore, if it is accepted as true that Freemasons were the predominant intellectual force in developing America in its early days, as well as its technology boom era where digital electronics were introduced, is it really such an unexpected coincidence that the standard 10-digit touch tone matrix keypad can be directly aligned with the (3x3) + 1 (=10) matrix structure of the ancient knowledge laid out in the Tree Of Life?


And is it also just a coincidence that this matrix structure mirrors the (3x3)+1 matrix structure of our human body?


Is it all really just one big coincidence, or is it possible that this matrix structure of 3x3 can be mathematically shown to be a dominant structure that co-exists in all intelligent systems that are capable of modifying the universe around them?

Yes, yes it is. But how does it relate to TT?

Considering the usefullness of the * and # keys, as well as the ABCD tones, I'd say that yes, it's just a coincidence. Consider instead a 4x4 matrix. Perhaps an AWD matrix?

What of rotary phones?

Ah, wait. I can see it now...It's a circle!
So it must be a mystical connection to the closed loop systems...

The Force is strong with you, but I think you fail to see the point.
What point?
There is no point. Only perceptions of points.

--Not enough Bothans died to bring you this message.

Who really missed the point?

Good question, Rainman.

Mankind does reflect the essences of nature in his "creations".

And the masons do place symbology into many things, sometimes easily seen, other times, hidden.

Never noticed the phone layout, but it does align very well with the Tree, and the basic principles contained therein.

To respond to Timeline---How does this relate to TT ?

The thread started by Rainman is merely an extension of other ideals posted in other threads. The basic concept is an attempt to understand the very essences of existence.

As we peer into the fabric of creation, and understand "how" it is put together, or what the building blocks actually are, then we can use that understanding to possibly develope a method of manuevering 'within' those "building blocks", one of the possible outcomes of such an understanding is being able to travel in time.
Re: Who really missed the point?

Hi OvLrd:
Mankind does reflect the essences of nature in his "creations".
And the masons do place symbology into many things, sometimes easily seen, other times, hidden.
As we peer into the fabric of creation, and understand "how" it is put together, or what the building blocks actually are, then we can use that understanding to possibly develope a method of manuevering 'within' those "building blocks", one of the possible outcomes of such an understanding is being able to travel in time.
Egg-ZACTLY! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Yes, yes it is. But how does it relate to TT?

Hi TL79,
Considering the usefullness of the * and # keys, as well as the ABCD tones, I'd say that yes, it's just a coincidence.
Fortunately, I have "inside knowledge" that assures us otherwise.

AT&T Touch-Tone Telephone, 1963. Early Touch-Tone sets had only 10 buttons. AT&T added the * and # keys in 1968 for use in advanced services.
What I mean by "inside knowledge" is that my father worked for AT&T his entire career. And in fact, prior to my birth in 1964 he worked on the development of touch tone phones for household use since transistors were coming down in price and going up in reliability. He had to work heavily with the human factors folks, and he also worked for Claude Shannon in the late 40s and early 50s. My dad has assured me that there were several well-placed masons who were the ones who worked on the keypad layout (and the original 10 key pad).

So you are free to think it is a coincidence, but my information tells me otherwise. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Yes, yes it is. But how does it relate to TT?

Hello Ray,

I wasn't aware of the original 10 digit layout, so I stand corrected. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I've just always lived with 12-16 digit systems, so...mea culpa.

But I do agree with you in respect to the Masons directing/engineering/structuring the way things work, and their symbolism in modern society. Hmm, sounds like Operation/Function/Physicality of systems to me, so I guess we can agree there, too. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Have a great day,

Re: Yes, yes it is. But how does it relate to TT?

Hi again TL,
Have a great day,
Thanks... I have been having a pretty great day. Although I must say it would've been greater if Notre Dame had won against Michigan. My dad and oldest bro went there, so I am a big fan.
But I do agree with you in respect to the Masons directing/engineering/structuring the way things work, and their symbolism in modern society.
There are many people who are suspicious of the Masons, because their secrecy, and these people will often just assume that anything that any one Mason might do is cross-purposed, or somehow "evil". But in fact, a great many Masons have contributed significantly to our society... and as we know there were a great many Masons who had a hand in crafting our republic. I, myself, am not a Mason but I see and appreciate their many contributions to our modern society.

Many of the Mason's "secrets" are very technical in nature, and a deep understanding of geometry is one of them. One of the reasons I posted this thread was to call attention to one "secret" of geometry that several Masons used when they designed the first touch tone keypad. It points to one of the technical "secrets" of Masonic knowledge... Masons are well aware of the Tree Of Life structure, and it certainly is part of Masonic teachings. A Mason may never admit that to you, because they have taken a vow to protect Masonic secrets. However, I am bound by no such vow so I can tell you this matter-of-factly. They also learn the concepts of triangles & balanced groupings of three (active, neutral, passive) which is at the heart of Qabalah/Tree Of Life study (Not to mention the sciences!)
Hmm, sounds like Operation/Function/Physicality of systems to me, so I guess we can agree there, too.
Another set of threes that balance/complement each other! One could call it a very Masonic kind of structuring!
However, I developed the Operational/Functional/Physical integrated model for systems engineering as a result of my own study and application of the Tree Of Life architecture. This is the model I use to teach undergrads how to do systems engineering designs, and perhaps even a systems engineering textbook in the future.

And so now again the question is: So what the heck does all this have to do with time travel? As OvLrd stated, we really need to understand how "reality" is structured if we are to manipulate the physical aspects of Time. Qabalah is a body of "secret knowledge" that explains that the Operational/Functional/Physical aspects of the universe can all be explained and understood as a (3x3)+1 MATRIX set of "dimensions" (a la String Theory).

When we speak of Physical we define it scientifically as measurements across the three physical dimensions of Mass, Space, and Time. Huh! Another set of three! I call the collective set of these 3 dimensions the Integrated Matrix of Massive SpaceTime. It is my scientific claim that Mass, Space, and Time represent a 3x3 matrix of the physical dimensions that make up our entire physical universe. The Tenth Dimension is represented by our individual Point Of View(POV), Point of Reference (POR) as a spiritually-connected Being.

This POV/POR is our definition of "Self" and it is totally and completely IMMERSED within the 3x3 Integrated Matrix of Massive SpaceTime that is our physical universe.

These ARE the TEN dimensions of String Theory. They are one-in-the-same. And I am simply pointing out that this is the same teaching of technology that Qabalists have studied (and Masons have applied) for a great many years.

So if we wish to advance in any kind of ability to manipulate Time, it would make sense to come to a better understanding of the totality of the Integrated Matrix of Massive SpaceTime and how it works.

i dont know but cell phone keypad layout is wrong in my point of view anyways...

In my opinion it should of been like this:

1 4 7 *
2 5 8 #
3 6 9 0

Im left handed, so the current layout is flawed...agin in my opinion.....
Ray you are correct about the Freemasons - a society once based on power still lingers… And for anybody who understands the Freemasons will know that what’s happening in the world right now with the terrorists has stemmed all the way from ancient Egypt and has migrated its way to our American currency and the one dollar bill illustrating the pyramid with the all seeing eye… a strange sort of connection that we as Americans in this civilized century do not understand the ideology of the old - nor should we try to understand it! But nevertheless its roots are there… Yes I will agree that our country was founded on Masons who applied it in good ways, but most of your general Masons like your brick layers today and such really have no clue as to what Freemasonry is truly all about other then some basic fundamental geometry and architecture knowledge to building, much like the ancient pyramid builders that built the structured pyramids and buildings of Egypt - slaves to those at the top...

The transistor was a wonderful but secret thing in its time, (created by some of the best visionaries who were inherent with source!) but if you consider how it works in relations to the world, it turns out to be not so mysterious when one ponders that insects and animals that migrate (they have a relatively small brain) yet they can find their way all the way back to Brazil, Mexico and Florida to the same pond, tree and even branch and they start the whole process over again year after year…

Now I have a brain that’s pretty good size… Now I leave my cell phone in the bedroom and I walk out of the bedroom and I cant find my cell phone… I have to call the number on another phone and listening for this funny little sound while looking under pillows - I had to call twice! And it’s totally amazing to me that animals and insects can find the same nest, branch or cocoon that they came out of… How is this possible with the tiny brains that they have? The answer to this must be because there are no accidents in a universe which has an organizing intelligence that supports it and creates it… and anything like this, any of these kinds of things can be very powerful messages… it’s the language of spirit… The language of spirits and how it speaks to us in ways that we’re not even aware of… it speaks in terms of a language when things align, when the same numbers appears, and the same ideas keep showing up… that’s why we need to pay attention to the powerful things that show up in our life… and that these things we call coincidences are much much more aligned with spirit then you may have ever thought them to be…

And the realization begins to unfold when you find yourself in a place (witnessing these coincidences) where there are no beginnings and there are no ends and there’s no north and there’s no south and there’s no up or down, (a non local place) (There’s no space, there’s no place)… that means its infinite and there’s only one place… and if your in a place that only has oneness in it, then it can be anywhere it wants to… that spirit can enter Mexico on a butterfly or a bird or even take the form of a transistor, and from the transistor all the way back to ancient Egypt as to the key pad on a phone… without even realizing it, we have phoned the future! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Another theory about the eye on top of the pyramid is that it belongs to the greek godess of discord "Eris"... The Godess of Selfishness , Chaos and Greed...and by coincidence shes associated with the apple just like eve!


External Source:
On the dollar bill we find the Great Seal which depicts a left eye over an unfinished pyramid with 13 steps. No one knows exactly what it means and many theories exist. Freemasons claim it as a Masonic symbol, others say it represents an occult symbol, others yet say it describes a Satanic mark (the Evil Eye), etc.

An Another coincidence? Eris and Iris are pronounced and spelled almost the same!

And just who would Discordia choose to be her mate?
Why Mars the god of war of course. Together they could rule over the little people.
Entrance to the US capital building:

External Source:
What is the agenda of Discordia, the goddess of chaos and discord and the god of war, Mars?
Greed and selfisness of course.
How do they maintain thier power?

By getting the little people to fight each other. They know that if the little people ever catch a clue, they will join together to overthrow them.


These are other points of view out there....
POV - The Eye

Hi again wa1ex,
These are other points of view out there....
I heartily agree... there are both "positive" and "negative" feelings about Masons, and what they might be "up to" with their secrets and all. And the very concept of Point Of View is central to not only Masonic teachings, but the principles of science. We could say lots about POV, but let's save that for now.
And just who would Discordia choose to be her mate?
Why Mars the god of war of course. Together they could rule over the little people.
Entrance to the US capital building:
Could be... but the connection seems a bit remote, especially when you consider what statue is on the opposite side of the Capitol building from Mars:

... the statue of Peace. War & Peace. In Greek Mythology Eirene was the Goddess of Peace. WOW! Another interesting coincidence: Eris & Eirene! How close they are... yet they represent two diametrically-opposed concepts...

So if one was to immediately connect the Eye at the top of the pyramid to the statue of Mars (God of War) on the Capitol, it would be equally valid to connect the Eye to Eirene, the statue of the goddess of Peace!

In my POV, I would say that the Eye at the Apex of the Pyramid represents the "POV" that rules over, and must make decisions regarding the forces of Peace and War.

The Masons purposefully use triangles in their works of creation, for good reason. To show balance of opposing forces mediated and controlled by a 3rd, intervening POV. That is the POV of Man, who seeks to Create a better world by using the "secrets of Creation" which are the laws of science.

My point in all of this is not to judge the Masons or what they do, or why they do it. Rather, my point is to simply show that the "secrets of Creation" technology is available to anyone, and applying this technology to anything you wish to Create in your life can have distinct benefits towards achieving your goals.

Columns Vs. Rows

Hi wa1ex,
In my opinion it should of been like this:

1 4 7 *
2 5 8 #
3 6 9 0
Interesting. So you think column-wise rather than row-wise? I can certainly see that is one logical way to look at it. I suppose there would be others who would agree. Given that we read left-to-right in english I can certainly see why the designers chose the pattern they did, and I would guess most find it logical.
Im left handed, so the current layout is flawed...agin in my opinion.....
That is also interesting that you say this. Do you dial your cell phone with your thumb? If you do, and given you are left-handed, I would think a more efficient pattern for that case might be something like:

3 2 1
6 5 4
9 8 7
* 0 #

But again, this pattern would assume a "row-oriented thinker" over a "column-oriented thinker". Then again, some might think it better to have the low numbers at the bottom...something like this (assumes row-oriented and left-ro-right reader):

* 0 #
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

So many different ways to do it... and yet the original designers did plenty of human factors studies that told them the "Tree Of Life" pattern was not only acceptable, but were able to show with test statistics that it generated the lowest average dialing error rate.

But still, when you design to a specific standard for human interaction, by definition you are not going to be able to please everyone! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I think you're onto an idea with commercial possibilities. Why not a keypad with the buttons arranged as you see fit? Slide them around like Rubik's cube?
As far as the keypad on a cell phone, which seems to be going off topic a bit, I believe that it would be better to eliminate the buttons all together, ( which is probably in the works, and I think has been done to some degree ) and go with voice command.
Yes I will agree that our country was founded on Masons who applied it in good ways
Indeed, and along similar lines to the "coincidence" I point out in this thread, I have also pointed out that our fundamental structure of governance in our republic is ALSO based on the 3x3 matrix. Here, have a look:


So many people would seek to "demonize" the Masons for no other reason than they don't know (or do not WISH to know) their "secrets". But one can say there are "good people" and "bad people" in any group of people that come together for a common cause. However, if you simply lay aside the need to judge the Masons (or anyone who applies their "secret" technology), you will see that IT SIMPLY WORKS...AND WORKS WELL! If some particular technology work (and works well) does it in any way diminish the TECHNOLOGY just because some people may have elected to use that technology for "evil" while others chose to use it for "good"?

In other words... don't get hung up in judgements about WHO used the technology and for WHAT PURPOSE. Rather, understand how the technology works, why it works, and adopt the technology in our own acts of Creation.
but most of your general Masons like your brick layers today and such really have no clue as to what Freemasonry is truly all about other then some basic fundamental geometry and architecture knowledge to building, much like the ancient pyramid builders that built the structured pyramids and buildings of Egypt - slaves to those at the top...
And here also we need to be careful and make some important distinctions! Are they "slaves" because they are being "kept down by the man" or are they slaves simply because they hold their eyes shut and "refuse to see" what others have seen (and figured out and applied to their benefit).

As I have shown here "Masonic Technology" is "out there", freely available to anyone who wishes to study it and better their lives with it. While a Mason would likely never admit it, this is because of his vow of secrecy... they want you to join their club to get the secrets. But if someone is going to sit in sack cloth, waiting for someone else to spoon-feed them the secrets of the universe, I got news for them: You are going to be waiting a LONG TIME! God helps those who help themselves.

And this gets to not only the heart of our problem with "terrorism" today, but of "class warfare" in general. You see, people who peddle conspiracy theories are actually peddling class warfare! They want to CONVINCE you that "the man" has all the secrets, and "the man" is keeping those secrets from you, and that by keeping these secrets this is the way "the man" can continually make people slaves. WRONG! Yet there are people out there who are not willing to do what it takes to extricate themselves from their "slave" positions! Instead of going to school, or learning a new trade, or delving into the deep mathematical/geometric secrets of our universe, they expect to sit on their butts (slaves that they are) and they further expect SOMEONE ELSE to come and "give them the keys of salvation that will set them free from their miserable lives of servitude."

That just AIN'T the way God (or our Universe) works, I am afraid.

The astounding "truth" is that the "secrets" of the Universe ARE OUT THERE. Unfortunately, they are not so neatly packaged (like a Conspiracy Theorist web page with lots of little quotes and sound bites) that you can consume them like a meal and instantly be "saved".

"Enlightenment" to the "secrets" of the Universe takes work. And if you don't feel like doing the work, then one can sit and whine and complain about how they are a "slave" until the day they die... and many actually do!

Quote from Creedo: From the first day I knew Rainman, I had knowlege that he was dangerous.Dangerous enough, to be placed in a holding cell.
Roquefort cheese, did not calm Curley, one of the Three Stooges. Nor do I think that Roquefort will do the same for Ray.
The only thing that we have left now, is to change his belief affiliations to Christ Scientist, dress him up in drag and let him hang with Tom Cruise and his gang.
Quote from Creedo: From the first day I knew Rainman, I had knowlege that he was dangerous.Dangerous enough, to be placed in a holding cell.
Roquefort cheese, did not calm Curley, one of the Three Stooges. Nor do I think that Roquefort will do the same for Ray.
The only thing that we have left now, is to change his belief affiliations to Christ Scientist, dress him up in drag and let him hang with Tom Cruise and his gang.
Welcome back, Creeds. And thanks for staying on-topic! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Yes I will agree that our country was founded on Masons who applied it in good ways

Again, some of them may have (as we say - there is a balance)...

So many people would seek to "demonize" the Masons for no other reason than they don't know (or do not WISH to know) their "secrets". But one can say there are "good people" and "bad people" in any group of people that come together for a common cause

This though, I agree with - and i think it sums up the situation. We shouldn't tarnish all with the same brush, thats for certain. I have heard about genuine good masons with values, and i have personally heard about the kind that would probably be more beneficial to society dead.

You see, people who peddle conspiracy theories are actually peddling class warfare!

Not only that, but they belittle and make theatrics out of very turthful problems within current society, that should be addressed. They make it so people feel like fools to bring it up. Time Travel included.

The astounding "truth" is that the "secrets" of the Universe ARE OUT THERE.

And i think you will probably agree Ray, once you start to look - you'll likely never stop until you reach the 'end' ....such is the gravitational pull
As we make order of the personal chaos!

"Enlightenment" to the "secrets" of the Universe takes work. And if you don't feel like doing the work, then one can sit and whine and complain about how they are a "slave" until the day they die... and many actually do!

Wise words!

While a Mason would likely never admit it, this is because of his vow of secrecy... they want you to join their club to get the secrets

Yes and this pretty much sums up the mentality of many masons. Its an old boys club, unfortunately there can be no argument about this. The more money and influence you have, the more potential you have within the association. Personally, If i wanted to go down this route - I would hold the A.'.A.'. in much higher regard. The 'masons' are an interesting distraction to clear aside the chaff. At the same time, you generate a social/political powerbase. Again, the OTO is there for those that feel the only way to recieve quality, is to pay. Unless you realise this, you'll learn, but at some point - start going around in circles. Even the Masons test their own (i think people forget this fact, and most dont even realise). The gods and intelligences beyond these, do not care much for our "money" or "degrees", they aren't bought.

If anyone tries to charge you for "truth" or "rank", then they dont have the goods. If you don't play the victim, and rise above this - you'll get what you are looking for. The masons secrets, are only filtered down from else where, free of charge.

Lets take the prime example of the Masons - Aleister Crowley. Many [albeit a tiny minority of] masons love him. Only i think they will find, he did NOT like them by the mid/latter part of his life. I'm sure theres a message there. Infact i think it may even have been around the time of his true personal enlightenment. So what does that say;

Their brightest STAR of this era...
Revealed the true WILL...
And soon after, packed his bags and most certainly did close the door on his way out!

That just AIN'T the way God (or our Universe) works, I am afraid.

I think that many extremist religious groups would be the first to turn their backs on god, if they really knew how hard the task was.

Kindest regards,
Geometry was preserved throughout history in Freemasonry circles since it was believed to be important knowledge revealing the secrets of our universe... I'm going to tell you why so that everyone who reads can now understand! Its about "Geometry" in particular - not about geometry per se, it’s about vibrations that take on geometrical patterns revealing to us in subtle ways that all of creation is the offspring of “ether” vibrations that creates the physical world…

"Ether", its an esoteric term unwritten accurately about , but I conclude that the entire universe, the material world is created from one non-material substance, the "ether" (electromagnetic energy created by standing waves which is the result of two interfering waves - an inward wave moving towards the center and the other is an outward-bound wave moving away from the center)... The ether is a kind of super conductive fluid that flows right through all physical objects - a frictionless "medium"... and it is through "vortexes", (little tornados that are constantly folding inwards to come around on the other side flowing outwards and creating "gravity") in the fluid-like ether that are the basic building blocks of matter in which the 5 platonic solids (the Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron) geometric interference patterns occur within the ether, and it is these statistical interference patterns that are “really” what shape the atom! The vortex cones are aligned with the faces of the platonic solids and their geometric shapes which are the internal structures of the atom... That’s the reason why geometry is so important in ether theory... And the real reason GEOMETRY is important - period!

These vortexes fit into each other like a cube, when lines are drawn to interconnect all centers on the 6 faces of the cube, they form the octahedron. The octahedron is fully circumscribed by the initial cube… The same process can be repeated now with the octahedron by interconnecting the centers of the faces of the octahedron. The result is a cube now circumscribed by the octahedron... This process can go on and on forever, creating smaller and smaller platonic solids perfectly into each other, it creates a fractal, a repetitive geometric pattern…

The platonic solids are not restricted to the cube and octahedron… All platonic solids can be joined into each other. It is the joining of the platonic solids (the nodal/resting points) that creates the electron shells of the atom… Similarly however at a much smaller scale the nucleus of the atom is formed…

The electrons in the electron shells correspond with the vortexes that nodal points are rested in Platonic symmetries... Physics has mistaken these vortex waveforms for electron particles... Within the atom, the electrons orbit the nucleus at a fixed distance from the nucleus... The sphere that describes the orbital plane of the electron is called the electron shell. There are different types of shells in the make up of the atom that were given the names S,P,D and F shells and they contain respectively 2, 6, 10 and 14 electrons maximum...

Each vortex pair corresponds with 2 electrons and when they are organized inside a platonic solid we get the equivalent of an electron shell... Here’s the correspondence:

1 vortex pair corresponds with the 2 electrons of the S shell...
3 vortex pairs in a cube correspond with the 6 electrons of the P shell...
5 vortex pairs in a dodecahedron correspond with the 10 electrons of the D shell...
7 vortex pairs in an icosahedron correspond with the 14 electrons of the F shell...

Mainstream physics has never been able to explain why the atom has these "random" numbers of 2, 6, 10 and 14 electrons in its electron clouds, the orbital shells around the nucleus... While the new model I am proposing of the atom now explains exactly why these numbers show up in the period table of the elements! These numbers are related to the geometrical properties of the platonic solids! So for the very first time we have an explanation as to why the electron does not crash into the nucleus and how it’s radiated energy is replenished... Electrons are not particles that encircle the nucleus instead they are "standing wave patterns" at discrete distances from the nucleus! The ether simply replenishes these standing waves eternally...

Physics has been on the wrong track all along, misled by the idea that the material world exists of separate hard particles! I’m am now suggesting that we live in a wave-based universe where matter is simply the focal point of a vibration in an energy sea called the ether…

So in essence, what we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space itself...