Yes I will agree that our country was founded on Masons who applied it in good ways
Indeed, and along similar lines to the "coincidence" I point out in this thread, I have also pointed out that our fundamental structure of governance in our republic is ALSO based on the 3x3 matrix. Here, have a look:
So many people would seek to "demonize" the Masons for no other reason than they don't know (or do not WISH to know) their "secrets". But one can say there are "good people" and "bad people" in any group of people that come together for a common cause. However, if you simply lay aside the need to judge the Masons (or anyone who applies their "secret" technology), you will see that IT SIMPLY WORKS...AND WORKS WELL! If some particular technology work (and works well) does it in any way diminish the TECHNOLOGY just because some people may have elected to use that technology for "evil" while others chose to use it for "good"?
In other words... don't get hung up in judgements about WHO used the technology and for WHAT PURPOSE. Rather, understand how the technology works, why it works, and adopt the technology in our own acts of Creation.
but most of your general Masons like your brick layers today and such really have no clue as to what Freemasonry is truly all about other then some basic fundamental geometry and architecture knowledge to building, much like the ancient pyramid builders that built the structured pyramids and buildings of Egypt - slaves to those at the top...
And here also we need to be careful and make some important distinctions! Are they "slaves" because they are being "kept down by the man" or are they slaves simply because they hold their eyes shut and "refuse to see" what others have seen (and figured out and applied to their benefit).
As I have shown here "Masonic Technology" is "out there", freely available to anyone who wishes to study it and better their lives with it. While a Mason would likely never admit it, this is because of his vow of secrecy... they want you to join their club to get the secrets. But if someone is going to sit in sack cloth, waiting for someone else to spoon-feed them the secrets of the universe, I got news for them: You are going to be waiting a LONG TIME! God helps those who help themselves.
And this gets to not only the heart of our problem with "terrorism" today, but of "class warfare" in general. You see, people who peddle conspiracy theories are actually peddling class warfare! They want to CONVINCE you that "the man" has all the secrets, and "the man" is keeping those secrets from you, and that by keeping these secrets this is the way "the man" can continually make people slaves. WRONG! Yet there are people out there who are not willing to do what it takes to extricate themselves from their "slave" positions! Instead of going to school, or learning a new trade, or delving into the deep mathematical/geometric secrets of our universe, they expect to sit on their butts (slaves that they are) and they further expect SOMEONE ELSE to come and "give them the keys of salvation that will set them free from their miserable lives of servitude."
That just AIN'T the way God (or our Universe) works, I am afraid.
The astounding "truth" is that the "secrets" of the Universe ARE OUT THERE. Unfortunately, they are not so neatly packaged (like a Conspiracy Theorist web page with lots of little quotes and sound bites) that you can consume them like a meal and instantly be "saved".
"Enlightenment" to the "secrets" of the Universe takes work. And if you don't feel like doing the work, then one can sit and whine and complain about how they are a "slave" until the day they die... and many actually do!