It is not the village idiots. The problem is much harder to be resolved. It is the religion making a crusade against the science. You can't even imagine what nonsenses are being tried to be established as an official science. There are scientists, who are propagating, that the Earth is flat, it is only several thousand years old, and it is impossible to be millions of years old, the evolution didn't happen at all, the radio carbon test for date... [snip for brevity]
There are no
scientists proposing that the world is flat. There are people, like "Doctor" David Anderson for example, who falsely claim to be scientists and make such silly statements. There are Village Idiots who don't know any better who accept that the person is a scientist. But there are no
real scientists making such asinine claims.
Religion, in general, isn't making an assault on science. Politics is making the assault. It is the US education system that is more interested in political indoctrination than education that is making the assault. Your average K-12 teacher in the US can't solve even the most basic algebra problem, can't tell their students anything at all about the basic structure of an atom and are clueless about basic chemistry. They
can quote chapter and verse the Gospel of global global cooling, errrr global warming; is it global cooling? Oh, fuck it all - global climate change.
You see the results here. We're doomed.
And you might think that I'm being funny when I said above warming, cooling, warming...but that's exactly how the mantra has run for the past 50 years. Every 11 years, when a new Solar cycle has begun and the short term weather (
NOT climate) in North America changes from one to the other the Fruitbats claim that,
NOT North America alone but the entire fucking planet has "suffered" catastrophic climate warming, eleven years later cooling, eleven years later warming and so on
ad nauseum. Why do they now say "global climate change" instead of global warming or global cooling? Because
neither has happened. Reality has failed to fulfill their preferred outcome. So they take the position that no matter what happens they are right because the Village Idiots won't know the difference.
We are doomed...and the Village Idiots are leading the charge. Watch. You already know who will jump in and defend global climate change.