Is it possible to see alternate versions of you?

yeah, the pic is from 2008. At that time I weighed 180 and was fit, would not have worn sandles as I thought that was a bit weird. 7 years later I now weigh 225, about the weight of the guy in the photo, and I now am forced to wear sandles as I picked up a severe case of Vietnamese jungle rot several weeks ago in Ho Chi Minh City. Have been to the dr twice for it, now taking both antibiotics, and topical and oral steroids to knock it out (methylPREDNISolone tabs 4mg, 300 mg Clindamycin HCl, betamethasone dipropionate cream 0.05%, and I had a shot in my ass (needle) in the doc's office to boot). My wife has now bought me 2 pair of the most professional looking Rockfort sandles for me to wear at work in SE Asia. It's like no matter what we try, destiny pushes us towards the future. I never intended to wear sandles, and God only knows what will convince me to wear olive drab capris........

yeah, the pic is from 2008. At that time I weighed 180 and was fit, would not have worn sandles as I thought that was a bit weird. 7 years later I now weigh 225, about the weight of the guy in the photo, and I now am forced to wear sandles as I picked up a severe case of Vietnamese jungle rot several weeks ago in Ho Chi Minh City. Have been to the dr twice for it, now taking both antibiotics, and topical and oral steroids to knock it out (methylPREDNISolone tabs 4mg, 300 mg Clindamycin HCl, betamethasone dipropionate cream 0.05%, and I had a shot in my ass (needle) in the doc's office to boot). My wife has now bought me 2 pair of the most professional looking Rockfort sandles for me to wear at work in SE Asia. It's like no matter what we try, destiny pushes us towards the future. I never intended to wear sandles, and God only knows what will convince me to wear olive drab capris........
Okay, I understand you now. My prior comment was obviously made, due to a misunderstanding on my part. Have you got a pic of yourself in 2008 (that ideally has something in the pic that can verify that it was taken in 2008?) so that comparisons can be made?

You would have to understand cracked light theory to understand parallel codes, what you call parallel dimensions. If you were able to get a piece of this light code from an alternate possibility, say by some one visiting you from that code, you could look at a picture of yourself and it would change to be the alternative version of yourself, growing up somewhere different for instance.

The first big choice, or possibility is seeing a picture of yourself as the opposite sex to what you are, as that is almost the fist parallel break.
