Is it possible to see alternate versions of you?


Temporal Novice
I've had an interest in time travel ever since seeing the Back to the Future and Terminator movies. The movie Hot Tub Time Machine (which is essentially Back to the Future for the Millenial Generation) sparked my interest as well as Command and Conquer Red Alert, the first game.

Could there have ever been an opportunity where you could see your alternate self? Like one that is better in life or in the dumps constantly. I haven't had the best life growing up, but make some better decisions and I think I'd be better off now. But the thing is are our alternate lives better in life supposedly?

I do think about changing the past sometimes so I'm not as miserable, but would it necessarily be better?

I was just wondering what the opinions on this board were. I'm not trying to, just wondering...

There's too many paradoxes involved in changing the past....not to mention violation of several basic laws of physics. I doubt it will ever happen......and if it ever does, it will involve technology millions ( not just a few tens or hundreds ) of years ahead of us.

Time travel to the future is a lot easier, indeed one could argue it is already happening....with astronauts on the International Space Station.

Hi esti:

I believe that you see an alternate version of your self when you do future remote viewing. Also if you are hypnotized and do a progression as opposed to a regression. The progression shows you potential future lives for you.

As for the debunkers, they expect 100% accuracy. Then again, they do not expect 100% accuracy from bowlers, baseball players, or even when playing a dart game. The farther out an event is, the harder it is to hit the bulls eye I say.


As for the debunkers, they expect 100% accuracy.
No.....the 'accuracy' is not the main thing that counts. What matters far more is the probability.

For example, in a test run of Zenner cards. Usually a run of 25 cards ( On average you'd get 5 out of 25 by chance ). If you got all 25 correct, you might think 'wow...I got the whole lot right !', and consider it highly impressive.

But in would be MORE impressive if, in a test consisting of 1,000 runs of 25, you 'only' got 6 out of 25 every time. This is because the more test runs you do, the more any deviation from the average ( a score of 5 ) accumulates the odds against chance.

It might seem counter-intuitive that in a larger run you could get MOST of the cards wrong and end up with a more impressive result. But that is that way statistics work.

And that is why probability is far more important than accuracy. Getting all 25 cards correct in one run can be dismissed as a fluke......but consistently getting just 6 right in numerous runs adds up to odds of millions to one against chance.

Translate that to 'predictions', and its the probability that matters. If I predict that the sun will rise tomorrow, well......I stand a damn good chance of being correct ! On the other hand, if I predict that at 2.23pm tomorrow, alien beings will land on the Whitehouse lawn and start conducting ambassadorial negotiations with the Whitehouse dog.......and THAT happens.....then one should be impressed.

Good luck explaining scientific and statistical reality to HDRKID! :yum:

Translate that to 'predictions', and its the probability that matters. If I predict that the sun will rise tomorrow, well......I stand a damn good chance of being correct ! On the other hand, if I predict that at 2.23pm tomorrow, alien beings will land on the Whitehouse lawn and start conducting ambassadorial negotiations with the Whitehouse dog.......and THAT happens.....then one should be impressed.
This is something HDRKID has consistently and completely ignored every time I address his "predictions"...especially as they relate to short term (within 1 year) average gas prices. He has been consistently wrong, yet he continues to trumpet anytime he gets "close" (by his estimation). And when I have been exceedingly correct, through nothing more than historical analysis with a little linear regression, he ignores it.
It's just another cult of personality drill as far as HDRKID is concerned.



I was just wondering what the opinions on this board were. I'm not trying to, just wondering...
The best answer is for you to read the threads going back as far as you desire. They start in 1999 on this permutation of TTI but, in fact, TTI goes back farther than that. Threads were lost when Raul moved from Xzone to his private servers but the general "feeling" isn't lost. You can tell from the threads what the majority of the opinions are. It would be a disservice to try to summarize 11 years of opinion into a single thread (or post). You be the judge.
I will offer that the movies are great. I enjoy them. But the real answer is to check what real physicists know. Time travel to the past is tenuous, at best. The problems involved go far beyond paradoxes. Subatomic particles, and we are all made from them, could care less about what we perceive as paradoxes. Paradoxes are real and they play a big part in the problem. But even if you construct an otherwise successful thought experiment that ignores them you still run up against physical laws that seriously hinder time travel to the past. People might opine that they "believe" that known physics is all wrong but they can't tell you exactly or even approximately why that might be even remotely true. Democracy and free speach have their place. But physical reality is not a democracy. Off the wall opinions are fine but nature could care less. It is what it is. Opinions and butt-holes have a common parameter - everyone has one. That doesn't translate into all opinions are a description of reality. Some opinions, properly put forward, have weight. Others need a good dose of Zanax.

I've had an interest in time travel ever since seeing the Back to the Future and Terminator movies. The movie Hot Tub Time Machine (which is essentially Back to the Future for the Millenial Generation) sparked my interest as well as Command and Conquer Red Alert, the first game.Could there have ever been an opportunity where you could see your alternate self? Like one that is better in life or in the dumps constantly. I haven't had the best life growing up, but make some better decisions and I think I'd be better off now. But the thing is are our alternate lives better in life supposedly?

I do think about changing the past sometimes so I'm not as miserable, but would it necessarily be better?

I was just wondering what the opinions on this board were. I'm not trying to, just wondering...
Well some of the old timers here they might understand the ways possible to see your alternate self. As for myself I dont have the time here to explain how that is possible but I do know from personal experience that it is very possible to see your alternate self. It is not at all like the movies. In fact the first time it can be rather a rather freaky experience sending goose bumps up and down your spine and making your hair stand on edge with hint of stage fright turning in your stomach. But, after a while it is possible to come to terms with it or not. It really depends on the person. As with other things like this people get ideals and beliefs as to what they think it would be like. As for myself the experience is always different than the expectations.

I don't know if this would count, but I think I've dealt with an alternate self within my own timeline or at least people who look like me.

One time I got banned from a grocery store for stealing batteries or so they say, but I have no recollection of ever going in there to go get batteries. I didn't have the need to at that particular moment in time. Yet when I walked into the store that night they immediately decided it was me who did the deed. I don't know, but this could be an alternate self or just someone who did something that looks remarkably like me. When trying to get the tapings of myself to prove it wasn't me, they wouldn't help me out in that matter and the situation just seemed totally bogus. I'm sort of glad that the store recently closed down this year even though what happened about 10 years ago.

Well this reminds me of the movie "The One" - Jet Li when there is said to be a Multiverse and not just a universe, On other universe, he has his own version so some live in a happy life, they may have other careers and i believe if multiverse is real, there maybe

I have not only seen my alternate self, but photo-bombed myself in Juarez, Mexico many years ago. I still have that picture; it is one of the first digital pictures I ever took. Strangely though, at the time of the picture, I weighed about 180 pounds and was in top physical condition, the alternate me in the picture looks exactly like the current me, 230 lbs, and a smoker, even wearing clothes I now own... I've been keeping my eyes open for olive drab capris to complete the outfit... I've shown this picture to dozens of people, including my wife, and they all immediately recognize the picture as me; the only thing is, I was the one that took the picture 7 years ago...

I have not only seen my alternate self, but photo-bombed myself in Juarez, Mexico many years ago. I still have that picture; it is one of the first digital pictures I ever took. Strangely though, at the time of the picture, I weighed about 180 pounds and was in top physical condition, the alternate me in the picture looks exactly like the current me, 230 lbs, and a smoker, even wearing clothes I now own... I've been keeping my eyes open for olive drab capris to complete the outfit... I've shown this picture to dozens of people, including my wife, and they all immediately recognize the picture as me; the only thing is, I was the one that took the picture 7 years ago...
Huh? How does one photo-bomb a selfie? Were you drinking the water under the Lincoln-Juarez Bridge?

I wouldn't want to see my alternative self. I'm living a pretty happy and comfy life and I would hate to see my alt self making a slightly better or worse choice and end up better or worse than I currently am. It would kind of be torture really. Somethings are better left unknown.

I think yes, it's possible but it would be indeed weird to see yourself and you know that it's not a mirror effect. If I would like it I don't really know... I could like it as much as I couldn't... It really depends on what situation I guess.

If we ran across a rip of some sort in our universe, perhaps it would be possible. I don’t know if I’d want to see my alternate selves, though. To see another self who’s worse off than I am would be relieving in some ways but infuriating in others; and seeing another self who’s excelling at everything would be inspiring in some ways but disheartening in others. I think I’d be better off accepting my lot.

In Animorphs book The reaction when the 6 animorphs crash into the bug fighter, they end up in a future or past, and apparently Jake is the real one the others are memories and confusing to understand as there are now two of each of the teenagers in different time zones. The only way to get back is when Jake dies in the forest world and than he comes back to the real world and it was more confusing as my mind was wandering what in the world was going on and could not believe that time travel occured it semed more like a mind one which was hard to grasp. I reckon that, seeing the other you would be surprising to both of you as he could think I am trying to be the real one and taking over and would be jealous of me or I could end up envying him and that may not be good for us as a rip could occur.

Seeing myself is something that I have not experienced yet, but my sister has seen me more than twice and there is something we can't understand yet, because usually has happened when we have to meet in a middle place,

Happens that walking by the same street all of those times, I can't see here passing through nor she can't see me either and then we walk in opposite directions. When I reach the meeting point, she is not here, obviously and I had to wait for long, long time.

On the other hand, she had arrived already to the meeting point, but being there she has watched me in the distance going elsewhere, looking much the way I look today but in an attitude like if I were the person I was ten years ago or so, in fact wearing old clothes I used to wear in the past, if not the total look I had then.

When she finally get back to the meeting place and find me waiting for her, she is totally amazed so I am, because we have crossed such specific street at the same hour without seeing each other, and obviously, she realizes I am not wearing the clothes or looking in the way she saw me.

We have returned to such street in consciousness of what is supposed to happen there, in fact is an obliged street to go to the place she lives, but when experimenting this way, nothing happens. It's a kind of spontaneous moment happening just because, not by experiment.

Could there have ever been an opportunity where you could see your alternate self? Like one that is better in life or in the dumps constantly. I haven't had the best life growing up, but make some better decisions and I think I'd be better off now. But the thing is are our alternate lives better in life supposedly?I do think about changing the past sometimes so I'm not as miserable, but would it necessarily be better?I was just wondering what the opinions on this board were. I'm not trying to, just wondering...
In my own experience I have learned two things. That the matrix of society as invested in biological mass herd, will copy you.I have experienced this once, with a fellow named Eddy W. full last name left out.
I was at a car wash and the guy in the stall next to me, came around the corner and said,"You aren't Eddy W. are you"?

I replied no, I'm such and such from the over-there location.

Then he came around again and insisted,"Eddy, is that you"?_Again I insisted that, "No' I was not", but whoever this character might be, I probably looked just like him.

I reached out to him, softening my public demeanor, but looked directly into his eyes, so he would have no doubt that I was not joking.Finally he said, "I guess that your'e not him after all".He must have known this Eddy character fairly well?

I had another experience in the passing of a friend who was a kid and someone said at the wake, that he knew a child fifty miles away what was the exact image of the lad that had passed.

Me thinks that as part of a biological matrix plan. that humans have no idea how this works, that nature herself sometimes makes copies of that person.It's either this, or aliens, I guess, ha' ha , but this does happen.

Can you explain what's going on with this pic? If I understand you correctly, you claim that you were taking a pic of this picasso building and your alternate self just popped up and photobombed your shot?
