Is it a mistake or conspiracy to WORSHIP Jesus?

Jmpet, since you admire Gandhi so much:

Honest differences are often a good sign of progress.
---Mahatma Gandhi

It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.
---Mahatma Gandhi
I think its a big whoopsie to believe in anything...except living out your life and hopefully loving it as best you can.

* Mankind is 8-3 MILLION years old. Many fears, due to so many scientific unknowns, many gods and rituals to ward off icky stuff happening...things we find barbaric today.
* Jesus was born 2 THOUSAND years ago....a prophet, one of MANY prophets at the same time as just took off better....due to circumstances?
* Bible was the earliest that makes the one God concept 3400 opposed to 8-3 MILLION years of people.
* Evolution is fairly much a proven fact....they have the bones and DNA to prove it.
* NDEs have been explained via NAG (only discovered this year)....a chemical that is released into the brain (in the last 10-15 minutes of real brain death) which is LIKE ketamine. Its the brains last ditch effort to "save" itself. Heaven or hell depends on the memories stored within you. (see
* No doubt that millions have people have survived death and come back with the stories about the NAG episodes....which then "supports" the theory of life after death....NOT.
*We know (roughly) when the sun will die and how. We know why eclipses, the aurora borialis, floods, tidal waves, earthquakes happen...and closer to knowing when. Science has answered so much.

So...its neither a mistake or a conspiracy.....just human nature to want to believe in something. Our egos are there to protect us. Our humanity needs to believe we and our offspring will survive death. If we truly knew it was all pointless, what would be the point of living or being kind to others? No love, no bonding with mates or infants,....human extinction. mould, needs to replicate to we evolve. God/Jeus has nothing to do with it. As in ancient Egypt....Aten was a one-god for a short reign of Tutankhamens got replaced with another or many eventually. The same will probably happen again...if religion isnt squashed by commonsense.
I have to agree with RMT on this one.

The only thing that irks me is when people have a bible, read it for the story; but when they need to think about what it means, they run to the priest to let them do the thinking for them.
I could be wrong, but I would imagine the priest is meant to be a spiritual 'guide' -
not a literal translator.

If cig man wants to get so deep but yet remain to hold a finger to point ...

I think he should be learning Hebrew/Greek first. That way he could rely on literal translations with a little more reliability

The only problem even then is...
the more we know, the less we know :oops: