Epochal Historian
Hello Servant X
By using a statistical formula and taking into consideration the current pase of scientific theory applied into or converted into accessible technologies it would take us approximately 107 years to achieve such concept.
This is the formula, its actually a derivation of Altman's Z-scores finance formulas. They are used widelyu to predict stock market, tsunamies, trends and even weather. We made a modification to its intricacies and ended up with this:
Z = (5.98 (X1) + 2.01 (X2) + 8.24 (X3) + 9.37 (X4))/ 11.3(X5)/.02
X1, Actual amount of technology present needed to accrue future technology.
X2, technologies present which are similar to related technology.
X3, Success of investigation/amount of technology present to further investigation.
X4, Amount of difficulty in experimentation/developers present in the actual fields of investigation/level of advancement in such investigative fields.
X5, Level of interest or demand by public society
5.98x.20 1.96
2.01x.10 .201
8.24X.30 2.472
9.37x .80 7.496
11.3x. 05 .565
12.129/.565= 21.46 / .2 =107 years
I hope you like it.
Your equation states that if we set X1, X2, X3 & X5 to 0.01 (complete lack of tech, completely unsuccessful investigation and no public interest) and set X4 to 1.0 (low degree of difficulty) we can develop a new technology in about 8 hours.
But if we increase the technology available and success of investigation to 100 (X1, X2 and X3 = 100) and also set public demand to 100 (X5 = 100) while keeping the degree of difficulty the same it will take 14,445.75 years to develop the same technology. (You didn't state that the individual scores were to be greater than zero and less than one. Was that your intention? In a real Z-Score they are but I used 100 as a max.)
You probably need to be more explicit with your brackets and define the min-max on the individual scores). BTW: Your calculation of 107 years is wrong. There's an addition or typo error. Your calculation should have been 100.5 years. But in your equation the final statement is to divide by 0.02. You divided by 0.2. The result should be 1005.75 years.
I don't understand how this is a derivitive of Altman. Z-Scores, including Altman simply output a unitless number greater than zero and less than one that is a probability. Generally it is the probability than a result lies within a standard deviation of the mean of all scores. In ALtman's case it's the probability of a company going bankrupt within two years. How does your equation derive years?