Quantum Scribe
1997-98 article
Faster Than Light
If yes, as we know that NIST has achieved superluminal light pulses, how about using it for communication?
First Light: NIST Researchers Develop New Way to Generate Superluminal Pulses
Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a novel way of producing light pulses that are "superluminal"—in some sense they travel faster than the speed of light.* The technique, called four-wave mixing, reshapes parts of light pulses and advances them ahead of where they would have been had they been left to travel unaltered through a vacuum. The new method could be used to improve the timing of communications signals and to investigate the propagation of quantum correlations.
Faster Than Light
If yes, as we know that NIST has achieved superluminal light pulses, how about using it for communication?
First Light: NIST Researchers Develop New Way to Generate Superluminal Pulses
Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a novel way of producing light pulses that are "superluminal"—in some sense they travel faster than the speed of light.* The technique, called four-wave mixing, reshapes parts of light pulses and advances them ahead of where they would have been had they been left to travel unaltered through a vacuum. The new method could be used to improve the timing of communications signals and to investigate the propagation of quantum correlations.