Lt. Reginald Barkley
I would agree with you that things like dice are not random, in-so-far-as, you could calculate the outcome exactly if you knew the values of all the mechanical variables. In a labratory setting this could more than likely be accomplished.
Now, on to what you said about quantum mechanics. First of all, the statictical interpretation of Schrodingers equation is so intimately connected to the whole of quantum mechanics, that if you abandon the statistical interpretation then you are left with nothing, and quantum mechanics become useless.
The determinism of classical mechanics works extremely well on the macroscopic scale (like dice). But, the microscopic world is not determonistic and classical mechanics completely breaks down.
I will give you a simple yet powerful example of the indeterminance inherent in quantum mechanics, that is, with particles the size of electrons, protons, atoms, neutrons, etc.
There is something called "The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle"
it says that it is impossible to know exactly both the position and momentum of a particle at the same time.
p = momentum
x = position
h = plank's constant
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle ------> (delt P)(delta x) >= h
suppose you have an electon in space with some momentum and some position. Inorder to measure the position of the electron at some time T you fire a high energy photon at the electron, much like a radar system tracking the position of an aircraft. Now after the photon is fired, it hits the electron and bounces off. The scattered photon is then detected by a sensor and the position of the electron can then be calculated. But there is a problem now. The calculated position of the electron was calculated for some time T and this time T is the instant the photon struck the electron. But the instant the electon is struck both its position and momentum change. As a result it is impossible to know exactly where the electron is after the time T. We can know to within some probability where the electron is after time T, but not exactly. We can not know exactly but we can make the position known more precisely, if instead of using a high energy photon, we use a lower energy photon to detect the electron. A lower energy photon would change the position of the electron at time T to a lesser degree than would the high energy photon. If this is the case then pehaps we could use a photon with such a low energy that for all intents and purposes the electrons position will not change as a result of the collision. Again there is a problem. An electron cannot be imaged by a photon who's wavelength is larger than the size of the object it is meant to image. This means that we have to use a high energy photon because only a high energy photon will have a small enough wavelength to image the electron.
E = energy
h = plank's constant
f = frecuency
c = speed of light
energy of a photon ------> E = hf
or equivalently
energy of a photon -------> E = hc/(wavelength)
There is no passive way to detect the position of an electron, that is, there is no way of detecting an electrons position without directly interacting with it. And it is this direct interaction which creates the uncertainty and necessitates a statistical approach.
What does all this mean. Well, it explains why the multiple universes theory is correct. If a particles space time coordinates, that is, its position at some time T, is measured as accurately as possible, with the imaging method described above, then we can make a probabilistic prediction of the position of the particle after time T. Say for example that we can predict the position of the particle after time T with a 90 percent certainty. So before we image the particle we have no way of knowing where it is. Maybe its here maybe it there. Actually it can be anywhere. We can only say with 90 percent certainty where it should be. And if we try to image the particle 90 percent of the time it will be where we predicted it will be. For the other 10 percent it could be anywhere.
So before we actually image the particle, it will have some finite probability of being anywhere at any particular instant in time. That is, the particle will exist in a state of uncertainty every place in the universe at some particular instant of time that is allowed by its statictical distribution. And it is only after we image the particle that we collapse this uncertainty and force the particle to be at a particular location.
The universe that we observe exits as it does because by the act of observing it, that is, imaging it, we collapse its state of uncertainty. That is to say, there are many universes that all exist at the same time and the universe that you happen to be in is the one for which you have collapsed the uncertainty by the act of your observing it, that is, your imaging of it.
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