INTENTION->Information->Energy->Force Creation

Re: Revelations... Creedo Revealed by GOD

Hi CigMan,
But there is good and evil in 'the matrix' of light...
One should ask oneself if they should be in the defense industry or working towards world peace...:)
Indeed. We are often told how evil speaks in terms of mutual exclusives. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif There are many different recipes for whirrled peas and... believe it or not... there actually exist people who work in the defense industry whose goal it is to create whirrled peas.

As for Creedo... Ray don't you think he knows alittle too much about you...
Hee hee! You might think so, but I'd say he doesn't know enough... if you catch my wave!

Let's say... I have shoulder length reddish brown hair and had a recent desire to go to Hawaii
Cowabunga, Dude! Pipeline can be a widowmaker, but anyone who has transcended death need not worry about that little issue. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You should really go see the DiVinci Code Ray... I'm part French
I don't know whether to congratulate you or issue my condolences. I just hope the part of you that is not French is the part that bathes daily and espouses the virtues of deodorant. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Let's just say I'm a TRUE believer and GOD has channeled my analysis of John Titor that concerns you and DARBY so much...

A little more to think about...
God calls us all to play different parts in the Unfolding of Man. So far by my readings of Massive SpaceTime, all is proceeding as planned. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Revelations... Creedo Revealed by GOD


Although this might be cryptic to other readers I apologize... It is a private matter between RMT and myself

"Cowabunga, Dude! Pipeline can be a widowmaker, but anyone who has transcended death need not worry about that little issue."

You seem to know more about me than you're letting on Ray... Are the curtains finally being pulled back... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

"As for Creedo... Ray don't you think he knows alittle too much about you... "
"Hee hee! You might think so, but I'd say he doesn't know enough... if you catch my wave "

I think you understand now... 'They' are watching you... 'They' are watching me... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

"God calls us all to play different parts in the Unfolding of Man. So far by my readings of Massive SpaceTime, all is proceeding as planned. "

I think you're on the side of 'evil' I don't think your 'handlers' have revealed 'all' to you
Debunkers are an easy lot to track down to their government... You made yourself a little too public...

Re: Revelations... Creedo Revealed by GOD

""" Woe, unto the man who asserts that this {----- } intends to relate ot only commonplace things and secular narratives; for if this were so, then in present times likewise the written words might be written with more attractive narratives...Now the narratives are its garments. He who thinks that these garments are the understandings themselves deserves to perish and have no share in the world to come.
Woe, unto the fools who look no further when they see an elegant robe! More valuable than the garment is the body which carries it, and more valuable than that, is the soul which animates the body. Fools only see the garment, the intelligent see the body, the wise see the soul, its proper being, and in time the “upper soul “ will stand revealed.""" Zohar
Re: Revelations... Creedo Revealed by GOD


I think you're on the side of 'evil' I don't think your 'handlers' have revealed 'all' to you
Debunkers are an easy lot to track down to their government... You made yourself a little too public...
While I do very much appreciate, and agree with, your words above on God, here we see the area where we again go our separate ways...

First of all, you've convinced yourself that you "know me" simply because you know what I do for a living and/or you know what I have posted here. Just the fact that you assume I have "handlers" makes me laugh, for if you only knew the truth...

Second, you clearly imply in your words above that "all debunkers work for the government." Yes, I know it sounds silly when I put it so bluntly, but if you do read the words above this is precisely what you implied with the words you wrote. However, it is quite easy to find people who debunk for various other reasons. One of the most popular reasons is when people have had a proper education in science, and they can't handle allowing people who spew pseudoscience and/or unfounded conspiracy theories to get off scott-free. There is yet another large share of debunkers who (science education or not) enjoy doing it because it gives them an intellectual high... it strokes their ego to be able to "win a debate" over someone else. If I might be so bold, two prior members of this board would seem to fall into this category. Both our old friend trollface, and our recently departed associate "jmpet" seemed more intent on just "proving Rainman wrong" (on ANY subject) than they were on really digging into the science of what is possible.

And then, yes, I would not doubt that there may very well be people "out here" who are paid misinformation agents. The fact that you think I am one of them is something I actually take as a compliment... for that means I "sound passable", even though it is just little old me, posting in between meetings at work or between classes at school... or while enjoying a frosty beer at home on the weekends.

You're a lot of fun, CigMan, but I just hope you are not seriously thinking you have a lock on "the Truth" especially as it relates to me.

Re: Revelations... God Revealed by the CigMan


"While I do very much appreciate, and agree with, your words above on God, here we see the area where we again go our separate ways..."

We <God and I> have a very close relationship... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

"You're a lot of fun, CigMan, but I just hope you are not seriously thinking you have a lock on "the Truth" especially as it relates to me. "

I hope I'm not telling tales out of school, Ray, but let me remind you of one of your private messages.

You said and I quote "My handlers love your work." and something about the paranoia my analysis of John Titor has created.

Those who are interested in creating FEAR or SUFFERING on the american public such lets say 9/11 or the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina or supposed terrorist attacks in Los Angeles are on the side of 'evil'

"Both our old friend trollface, and our recently departed associate "jmpet" seemed more intent on just "proving Rainman wrong" (on ANY subject) than they were on really digging into the science of what is possible."

Never paid much attention to them, Ray. I only find you and Creedo fascinating... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Ray your ego is out of control especially about being right. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Lets say being 'evil' makes you stupid. Example, common criminals who always get caught.

Re: Revelations... God Revealed by the CigMan

Re cig smokin man;

On RMT and creedo knowing too much about Ray.

Ray and I are really twins.Yes we're the Doublmint twins, and we like to dress up in girls clothing and cruse Hollywood parties, to see if we can get men intrested.

Once we get them coming on, then we b*tch out and leave them with their mouths hanging open.

Ray looks real nice, in nylon stockings and pumps.

He does a good job on shaving his legs.

Ray and I have odd habits, as we are both children of Hollywood.

If you have doubts about Ray, then you should go to where Ray works and see one of his mighty erections. Wuups?! that's the English England term, I think its construction projects?

Yes Ray, is great in aerospace projects, this is why all his coworkers, say that Ray makes mighty erections.

*Please give more money to the Cameron Diaz wealth fund, so she can buy her own African country.
Re: Revelations... God Revealed by the CigMan

I hope I'm not telling tales out of school, Ray, but let me remind you of one of your private messages.

You said and I quote "My handlers love your work." and something about the paranoia my analysis of John Titor has created.
Interesting. A question to you: Would you mind explaining to me what yardstick you use to determine when someone is telling you the "truth" or when they are pulling your leg? Is it possible that you believed me when I said this because it is what you suspected all along? Yet isn't it quite possible that this was another ruse... to "throw you off my tracks"? I believe (not positive) that the quote you cite above was also accompanied by a /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Those who are interested in creating FEAR or SUFFERING on the american public such lets say 9/11 or the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina or supposed terrorist attacks in Los Angeles are on the side of 'evil'
There is plenty we could explore about your own thoughts and beliefs in this regard, CigMan. I know you don't like to answer my probing questions (perhaps because you really do believe I am a government agent), but I would like to know more about how you think:

1) Would you consider me "evil" simply because I own a weapon, and am both willing and able to defend myself (rather than rely on government or law enforcement)? It would seem, like Hillary Clinton, you tend to brand the military as "evil" without distinguishing that there are individual people who comprise it.
2) I'm sure you don't like the PATRIOT act (either the original or the new slightly watered-down version that Bush is ready to sign). Yet if we were to do-away with such capabilities, what would you propose as an enhanced means to root-out those who would hide in our society and then execute plans to kill innocent Americans?
3) Do you honestly believe that Islamist extremism everywhere in the world is merely a "puppet" creation of the "secret" US government? Or will you at least admit that there is an extremist problem in the world, and that something must be done about it to prevent the resurgence of fascism a la Hitler and Mussolini? Is the regieme in Iran playing to a US government script?

Conspiracy theorists tend to always lean on the finger-pointing towards others, but seldom offer real, actionable solutions to today's problems. I'd like to hear more of your solutions, rather than more of your accusations. And then let's all chime in on how practical your solutions are in this day and age... or does your form of solution involve taking us all back to the stone age? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

To try to stay on the topic of this thread: Explain to me YOUR Intentions, how you would manifest them as Information, how it would be used to direct Energy, and how this would induce Forces that would change the world for the better. I really do want to hear your ideas... as I have heard more than enough of your accusations. You judge me as "evil", and yet you claim to be on good terms with God. Whatever happened to "judge not lest ye be judged"? While I do not agree with your beliefs or your tactics, CigMan, I do not believe I have ever laid down a judgement of you as "evil". Correct me if I am wrong.


If you understand the hierarchy of the four metrics defined in the subject line, then you can see how a Command/Response system is defined for how the non-physical selves (Mind, Soul, and Spirit) can interact with and affect our physical universe (which I call the Matrix of Massive SpaceTime).

The Command/Response propagation goes like this:

1) A Being of Free Will formulates an INTENTION to Create some effect in the physical realm.
2) That INTENTION acts upon Information which is used to separate True from False, and align several Truths that could result in the INTENTION coming to pass.
3) The alignment of several Truths of Information acts upon Energy in such a way as to direct the Energy to change form in specific ways...ways dependent upon the True Information that came from INTENTION.
4) The changing forms of Energy impact the generation of unbalanced Forces and Moments, which describe Matter in Motion.
5) The Forces and Moments act upon ("stimulate") the physical Matrix of Massive SpaceTime which constitutes the "stuff" of which our universe is constructed.

5) Science has proven to us that physical objects in our universe (Matrix of Massive SpaceTime) will RESPOND to any stimulus. Such a stimulus is described by the unbalanced Forces and Moments that describe Matter in Motion in our physical universe. So whenever the Matrix of Massive SpaceTime is STIMULATED it will yield a Natural, PHYSICAL RESPONSE that emanates from the Matrix and moves outward (upward) to affect the levels above.
4) The physical response of the Matrix of Massive SpaceTime is "sensed" by the Mind, which perceives the universe in terms of unbalanced Forces and Moments that cause Matter to Move, which thereby defines Tense, or our Mind's internalized measure of Time.
3) The Mind's reaction to the physical response gives off its own response that emanates outward (upward) to the level of the Soul. The Soul is the level which operates on the level of Energy and how it changes in form. So the Mind's emanation of Matter-in-Motion and Tense/Time affects the Energy of the Soul.
2) The Soul's reaction to the Mind's response will cause a response of its own in the form of a change in the Energy state of the Soul. This change in Energy state of the Soul emanates as a response outward (upward) to the level of the Spirit. The Spirit is the primary processor of Information, and its Information state is thereby modified by the Energy response of the Soul.
1) Finally, the change in the Information state of the Spirit causes the spirit to emanate a response of its own. That emanation of the Spirit moves outward (upward) to the level of INTENTION.

The above describes the CLOSED-LOOP process of Command & Response that is the Truth about how we operate as physical beings with non-physical Spirit/Soul/Minds.

The physical Body is our personal Matrix of Massive SpaceTime.
The aphysical Mind operates through consideration of Forces and Moments.
The aphysical Soul operates through consideration of Energy.
The aphysical Spirit operates through consideration of Information.

The only question that remains is:


I Am,

P.S. - Please falsify the above, if you can. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
A Sobering Consideration About Information

I think I've been pretty much up-beat in this thread, explaining Nature's structure of Force, Energy, Information, and Intention. But now, I think it is time to point out that ALL technologies can be used for both "good" and "evil" (as we seem to use these judgements a lot in our lives). Our own human history makes this fact evident:

1) Witness how mankind has learned to use FORCE against each other, in a manner to impose one group's WILL (INTENTION) upon another group. FORCE application is what lead to conventional weapons.
2) Witness how mankind has learned to use ENERGY against each other, in a manner to impose one group's WILL (INTENTION) upon another group. ENERGY application is what gave us many weapons of mass destruction (WMD) with the central WMD Energy weapon being atomic & thermonuclear bombs.
3) Would anyone like to discuss the means and ways that INFORMATION is already being used against each other, in a manner to impose one group's WILL (INTENTION) upon another group?
4) Would we wish to discuss the fact that there is a much more destructive, "weaponized equivalent" of the Energy-based thermonuclear weapon in the realm of INFORMATION? Can you imagine just how much more powerful this is over and above thermonuclear weapons?
5) When you think of using a weapon (ANY weapon) in terms of how it can be used for BOTH "good" and "evil" (depending on how and for what reasons you CHOOSE to use that weapon), can we understand how the enemies of freedom in the world can most effectively use Information as a weapon against the free world?

I still maintain there is a reasonable argument to my theory that The John Titor Experiment could have been a pre-9/11 terrorist Psy Op! In fact, I will go so far as to even claim that my theory has a MUCH greater ability to be scientifically substantiated than does Titor's own story about him being a TT'er needing an IBM 5100! It is easier to debunk Titor's claims than it is to debunk my claims.

Not only could I explain how Titor's story was an "information weapon", but there has been a recent post by another Time Travel hoaxer here that has extremely similar elements to Titor's "information weapon". I'd even be happy to quote from that post and point out how information is being used as a weapon, to make you believe that awful things are just about to happen to the US...and thus perhaps make people feel terrorized.

We must all come to understand the deeper significance of Information as we round out the Information Age that we are living through. WW II was ultimately a war over Energy, because it ended the Age of Energy with the advent of the ultimate Energetic weapon (atom bomb). What would have happened if the side of "evil" in WW II was the first to use that weapon? What will happen if the side of "evil" in our current worldwide conflicts becomes the first to use equivalent Information weapons?

Something to think about with respect to ANYONE'S Information and Propaganda.
Re: A Sobering Consideration About Information

4) Would we wish to discuss the fact that there is a much more destructive, "weaponized equivalent" of the Energy-based thermonuclear weapon in the realm of INFORMATION? Can you imagine just how much more powerful this is over and above thermonuclear weapons?

I think that it would be more powerful in that it can target the correct individuals without taking out half a country. And it can be untraceable.

It can target certain demographics and sections of society that are deemed the best recipients of the information. And can lead to results far more efficiently then a crude bomb can.

If you get a certain section of society conditioned to take the desired response by the controlled release of information then you could end up minipulating an entire population potentially. We all have different responses (or outward expressions) to events and informtion. Yet we all tick to the same clock underneath (if you read between the lines). You just need to know which different profiles of people need what specific information and in what context to achieve the correct unified response.

For example - to get a timetravel enthusiasts resonating to the the fear of civil war. You'd need to work on an information level that best suits ther likely personality (personally i would class the soul as more directly connected to the personality - not the spirit). Many are going to accept a story of a time traveller because they desire it. If that time traveller is spouting about Civil war, as they accept the time traveller - they start to resonate with the fear response to the information. As more people discuss it - it starts to snowball. Especially if you back it up with suedo-science

Someone, who likes to read about aliens, and such a person with a submissive personality might be led to suspect that a rogue planet is about to kill us all. Throw in a couple of high profile delusional channelers and you have a potentially another few thousand roped in. Resonating at the same level as the timetravel enthusiasts, but under a different context.

after all a nation of deluded people expecting to be wiped out at some piont, are a weak nation.

If you created montauk disinformation - you could generate whole chuncks of society that fear the 'secret' government. Making more and more people suspicious of their elected leaders. This is always a valid ingreedent in a civil war soup.

parents can be led to believe that Computer games and music are going to turn there kids into gun touting hoddies. And thus Censorship is more readily accepted by a larger demographic of the voting public (i.e. spread the information and get a desired response, If you want you intention forced on someone else - you just need to give them the information to bring them round to your point of view).

If you really knew your metaphyics and had the right amount of influence, you could engineer what ever reality you wanted people to buy into. As long as you know the steps that Ray mentions in the correct detail and application

Of course conspiriacy theorists are the easiest faction of society to achieve this with. They spread everything like a disease to all others. Some people will probably laugh that this reply though. And i would say that they are only qualified to so if they know the implicaitons of the original information this thread.

'Reality' is brought about by intention and this a response to information.
Re: A Sobering Consideration About Information

Damn Olly,

Thanks a lot for that post. You've clarified a lot and I fully agree with your explanations. It seems to me that you really understand the Information dimension and how we are learning to manipulate it.

If you get a certain section of society conditioned to take the desired response by the controlled release of information then you could end up minipulating an entire population potentially.
Yes. And would it be possible for the entire world to see how this could be going on with respect to "both sides" of our current cultural polarization? For my own part, I can see it happening on both "sides" of the current worldwide polarizations. Each of us, as individuals, is left to determine which "stories of information" we believe will lead to the best possible world, in our future.
For example - to get a timetravel enthusiasts resonating to the the fear of civil war. You'd need to work on an information level that best suits they're likely personality (personally i would class the soul as more directly connected to the personality - not the spirit). Many are going to accept a story of a time traveller because they desire it. If that time traveller is spouting about Civil war, as they accept the time traveller - they start to resonate with the fear response to the information. As more people discuss it - it start to snowball. Especially if you back it up with suedo-science
Totally. Information is certainly used to persuade and convince a body of people.
Someone, who likes to read about aliens and can have a submissive personality might be led to suspect that a rogue planet is about to kill us all. Throw in a couple of high profile delusional channelers and you have a potentially another few thousand roped in. Resonating at the same level as the timetravel enthusiasts, but under a different context.
Wait a minute... does any of us know someone who seems to fit this personality? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
parents can be led to believe that Computer games and music are going to turn there kids into gun touting hoddies. And thus Censorship is more readily accepted (i.e. spread the information and get a desired response, If you want you intention forced on someone else - you just need to give them the information to bring them round to your point of view).
Again, I think this is right on the mark. This week, South Park pushed the boundaries again. The produceers of this socially significant show WANTED to show an image of Mohammad. And their network, Comedy Central, backed out. This says a lot about our current-Time state-of-world culture, no matter which "side of the argument" you are on!
If you really knew your metaphyics and had the right amount of influence, you could engineer what ever reality you wanted people to buy into.
This is exactly a point I am trying to get across. And I am really glad that at least Olly (and several others I know on this board) totally understand this point. I do NOT claim to have "all" the answers about science, or how things work. But I think the ideas I have put forth about Force/Energy/Information scientific relationships are deserving of further investigation. There is a lot there when you model the relationships properly.
Of course conspiriacy theorists are the easiest faction of society to achieve this with. They spread everything like a disease to all others. Some people will probably laugh that this reply though. And i would say that they are only qualified to so if they know the implicaitons of the original information this thread.
I agree, Olly. And I don't laugh at this at all.
reality is bought about by intention and this is a response to information.
A basic Truth of Science and our human ability to Create our Future.

Could we all agree to CREATE a better world in our common Future? If we all agree to do this, how can it not come to pass?

Re: A Sobering Consideration About Information

Again, I think this is right on the mark. This week, South Park pushed the boundaries again. The produceers of this socially significant show WANTED to show an image of Mohammad. And their network, Comedy Central, backed out. This says a lot about our current-Time state-of-world culture, no matter which "side of the argument" you are on!

A travesty!! South park is by far the most intelligent comedy of our time (far more political then the overated show we call the Simpsons or any other sitcom)!! I would have looked forward to that episode. The thing with Matt stone and Trey Parker, Is that underneath all their episodes of SP, they have a profound and important moral that they always round up at the end.

I'd say about 90% of their audience miss it though. I bet that underneath all that seemingly offensive humour (to all the conservatives out there), i'm sure they would have had something very intelligent to say.

I certainly don't envy the network bosses that had to make the decision, though...
Re: A Sobering Consideration About Information

A travesty!! South park is by far the most intelligent comedy of our time (far more political then the overated show we call the Simpsons or any other sitcom)!! I would have looked forward to that episode.
If only you knew!!! The beauty of these latest episodes is that BOTH the Simpsons AND the Family Guy cartoons play a major part in the plot which involves the "sin" of showing an image of Mohammad. In fact the names of these new episodes are "Cartoon Wars". The mainstay of the plot is that it is the show Family Guy that wants to depict Mohammad, and the entire world of South Park is all up-in-arms about how it will rain terror down on their world. And the solution of the idiotic people of Southpark is to literally "bury our heads in the sand" to show the terrorists that we won't look at the image of Mohammad. Bart Simpson also shows up and plays a part in Cartman's ultimate scheme to get Family Guy pulled off the air. It is a hoot...I am sure you will eventually see this episode, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

The thing with Matt stone and Trey Parker, Is that underneath all their episodes of SP, they have a profound and important moral that they always round up at the end.
Amen. All you really need to do is review the dialog from all of their shows, especially at the end when either Stan or Kyle give their monologue of "here is what I learned in this episode" speech. It is so blatantly obvious in every episode... however, people who "don't get it" can only focus on the "crudeness" of the episodic material that they never see and understand the importance of that little monologue, and how much it really does teach us about the silliness of being human.

I'd say about 90% of their audience miss it though. I bet that underneath all that seemingly offensive humour (to all the conservatives out there), i'm sure they would have had something very intelligent to say.
Pretty much true, although I might argue the 90% number just a bit. I'd agree that probably 80% of the audience doesn't "get the message", but I think more than 10% of the US population is smart enough to see the message. 20% might be pushing it, but I like to have an optimistic view of my fellow citizens! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

And the social commentary of Matt, Trey, and their Southpark denizens is certainly evident, and hard to argue with once you look beyond their potty-mouth, adolescent humor. It all serves a purpose to be so outrageous because it truly AMPLIFIES the importance of the moral message that each episode carries with it.

All of us in the world (Muslims included) need to be able to make fun of ourselves, laugh at ourselves, and not take ourselves so G-d D--m seriously! Would you agree?

On Death & Taxes

Historical note: (holy smeacle! I'm starting to sound like Creedo!)

On this specific Date in Linear Time (April 15th, 2006), this specific TTI thread transitioned thru 1040 total views.

US tax return filing deadline is: April 15th
US tax return form number is: 1040

This is not a coincidence, and I offer it as undeniable proof that aliens have been planning our Timeline all along!
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Clearly, this means that aliens are behind the IRS, and all this tax money we pay has been going to their bottom line!
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif


Some might call the MESSAGE that Dr. Wayne Dyer describes as "New Age".

Yet what he describes is fully in line with the Science of INTENTION->Information->Energy->Force/Momentum->MANIFESTATION that I have outlined in this thread.

What I want to know is: Can anyone falsify Wayne's message, or my science? If so, great, let me know. If not, then is it reasonable to agree that INTENTION is the "thing" that drives Creation in our universe?

World War IV - The War of INTENTION

A colleague of mine just pointed me to the following web page and its related article. The author and his references pretty much talk about the same thing I discuss in this thread, and also describe how our advancement of knowledge and technology has always paralleled the methods and tactics we use for waging war. While the author does not use the exact same words for the progression from Force/Momentum to Energy to Information, he does often discuss that the way we will "win the war" on terrorism is by having a keen understanding of the enemy's INTENTION.

A long article, but worth a read if you want to understand how even warfare is going to have to become highly non-linear.

Re: World War IV - The War of INTENTION

Hey Rainman,

Thanks for the link on warfare. I had a big laugh over it--not because it is funny but for its irony. It is totally relevant and (ahem) timely. Not surprisingly, not only is it evident that the locals in Lebanon perceive the the warfare as having been WON by Hezbollah--it is also quite evident HERE that there was an apparent victory by Hezbollah that will be HUGE unless our perceptions can change in regards to what the enemy's intentions are. As the article mentions, it was brilliant as well as diabolical on the part of the "resistance"--and may have been the intention of the enemy all along. This was my intuitive perception--even as the war was progressing.

Unfortunately, it seems that the direction that our own country is heading is directly in the opposite direction--especially on the corporate front. In the effort to streamline and cut costs by huge mergers and micromanagement, the common "soldier" has been lost in the shuffle and are quickly becoming "Pavlovian dogs" for a more efficient "salivation" response. It amazes me that the "sheeple" are so quickly falling in line. In my case, I am "bristling" with an intensity that will most certainly result in "abandonment of my post". It is not that I am more aware of this process than others because many others are noticing this definite shift. Few have the necessary "tools" to see that this will eventually be harmful to their security. This may be the very reason why we (the US) are losing the ability to compete and to even keep up with the growing gap with the rest of the world regarding Education. It is ironic that we are becoming a third-world country in our ability to recognize that our infrastructure is literally falling down around us.

This new "warfare" is also quite applicable in the "war of love". There is a crisis in mainline religion and it is because they have "separated themselves from the world" for so long that they do not know how to communicate with that world any more. The greatest difficulty I had when "converting" from my worldly viewpoints to the spritual ones was maintaining the worldly view as I was incorporating the "spiritual language" that is inherent in the human condition. Just as a "Northerner" picks up the local dialect of a "Southerner" just by being around them--without even realizing it until he returns home after a length of time--we tend to gravitate to the groups we associate with. I was never very succesful at "getting close" to them. I simply had spent too many years on the "street" to fully become "one of them". When I worked with "juvenile deliquents", I more closely associated with them than I did with the "professionals" that were "socally adjusted". As a result, my success was phenomenal in solving problems, but sadly lacking within the "professional" structure.

Ironically, the same problem exists here. Again, it is a linear/non-linear problem. Combining the "street" with "science" and "spirit" with the "art" of modern warfare is exactly the way we need to go in order to "win" world war IV. It is "ironic" that the book of Micah speaks of "learning war no more" and turning swords into plowshares. It is not just a possibility out of other possibilities. It is as certain as tomorrow. We truly do "learn" war. That article shows that we do--even if it is not evident to us that we are doing it. Unfortunately (again), there IS a Manhattan Project going on that is being HIGHLY successful at winning the hearts and minds of people--especially youth--and it began at a little known place called Willow Creek. I believe that these incredibly brilliant (and diabolical) methods will eventually unite this country (and world) into those institutions that will bring about the one-world government, one-world religion, and one-world economic system that is almost totally in place now. It is so subtle (just as the methods of the new warfare must be) that we will not realize it completely until it is too late and it will lead to national, and therefore, world ruin. John Titor could NEVER have foreseen that. Interesting times are upon us, and that article was very relevant. The battle for the heart and mind is taking a shape that makes me very cognizant of the need to go to the SOURCE for the proper response to it. The NATURAL man wants to react to it in violent ways--if only in the heart and mind (and I believe this is its INTENT.) Just imagine it. Balancing the trained intent to KILL with maximum ability with the trained ability to psychoanalyze the innocent and win their heart and mind. Almost a contradiction in terms--but the form of the warfare of World War IV. And guess what? World War IV is not a war that is going on THERE. It has many fronts HERE too. Interesting times we live in huh? Thanks again for the article.
Re: World War IV - The War of INTENTION

Wow Zerub!

So many key thoughts in your response here... and so many of them are in your subtle choice of words that triggered precise meanings in my mind. Yet I am sure there are readers who have not learned/applied the "non-linear" principle who cannot understand what you are referring to. It can be so plain to the "initiated" and yet the "uninitiated" can read and not see (comprehend) the points you are making.

And all of these things you allude to (some of which I will attempt to address directly) are directly related to the topic of this thread, and the general topic of understanding TIME to achieve a sort of eventual "Time Travel" (but, of course, not in the romantic sense).

And I must also point out that this also applies to the host of "time travelers from our future" hoaxers we have had to deal with here on this forum. It has been explained before that by encouraging this form of FRAUD (and that is exactly what it is), this has a direct impact on people's global INTENTION that Creates our future. "That which you think about and focus on is that which you draw to you."

In light of the analysis in the subject article on the evolution of warfare, I still refuse to give up the thought that the whole John Titor Experiment could have been a pre-9/11 terrorist Info Psy Op. It is still in the realm of distinct possibilities given what we are talking about in this thread.
Again, it is a linear/non-linear problem.
Oh yeah it is!
And guess what? World War IV is not a war that is going on THERE. It has many fronts HERE too.
Oh yes it has! And when you say "HERE" I know you do mean RIGHT HERE. And this is exactly what I am referring to above.

When we review the technologies of war and how they evolved right up to today, it is not difficult to see where we are right here, right now:

1) FORCE as the "war amplifier". Ancient hand-to-hand combat. One man applies a FORCE to another man.
2) MOMENTUM as the "war amplifier". Later we add MOMENTUM to combat by realizing we can take masses of different size and when moving at different velocities into our enemies we can do great damage and carnage.
3) ENERGY as the "war amplifier". After Newton quantifies the science of Forces and Momentums is when war apparatus transcends it and transforms into a greater capability. We learn about the application of chemical and mechanical Energy (in terms of projectile velocity "v-squared" Energy increase, and the rate of chemical reactions to create explosions with chemical gunpowders). The ENERGY AGE OF WAR ended with the ultimate in Energy application to a military target: The atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
4) INFORMATION as the "war amplifier". As the article points out, it was after The Bomb that we adopted Information Technology for the warfigther which we see as the highest-tech aspect of the US military today. Network integration and net-centric operations. And also as pointed out in the article, our Information Revolution is what allowed us to win the Cold War (what some have rightfully called WW III).

And that leads us to today, doesn't it? We are at the next evolution of technology and revolution in warfare. And indeed, many swords are being beaten into plowshares, in a very real way. Computers are everywhere in military ops, and what they have permitted is a HUGE reduction in the amount of energetic weapons that have to be expended to achieve a military result. This has also been goodness because it has reduced the overall deaths due to "carpet bombing" such as in WW II. Now... the fact that the Sunni and Shia are the ones who continually wish to blow each other up is THEIR issue, not ours. Muslims killing each other because they disagree with each other about how to deal with us "infidels". I think that world religion is the one that needs the most healing right now, but that is not to say the mainstream forces of Judaism and Christianity don't also need some changing!

But clearly if those who have followed this thread generally accept my ordering and hierarchy that leads from Information to INTENTION... then there is no doubt that a major shift in how we view the entire universe is the only thing that can be ahead of us. People can ignore it and deny it, but scientific analysis can show it... as I have tried to do in this thread.
Interesting times we live in huh?
Oh yeah, brother! And I am reveling in and totally enjoying every single minute that I participate in Creation... as I know do you.

I commend you and all who are like us who have taken responsibility for our INTENTIONS of Creation! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
