Information Needed On John Titor

Re: Bush

Dear Warrior381,

We often study theology in the future. There is to be a one world government according to your Bible. One led by the "anti-Christ." Your belief system however, does not change the true future.

You said, "anyway when time travel there many different timeline." I don't know what you mean by this.

CDR Mark

I mean that there is Different Timeline when you time travel have you heard of Mr.Steven Gibbs?
by the way are you a time travler?? if so what kind of your device is?? also who do you work for?? CIA,NSA? or Top Secret Program?? also I would like to know who is this Anti-christ?? what is his name or her?? Also I would like to know is this have to a UFO coming back?? or not?? answer my question ok?

ohh what about the Rapture?? is that true?? write back. :D

Dear iridium,

It snows more in the future actually and yes people do enjoy skiing in Colorado still. It would not be safe for me to go to Colorado in my time, however. I have only seen Colorado in your time.

CDR Mark
Re: Bush

Dear John_W,

The new States are Western Canada and Mexico, I will not name all twelve. Eastern Canada eventually joins the European countries. Mexico joins in 2007, Canada in 2011. Eastern Canada joins the EU officially in 2011.

CDR Mark
Re: Bush

Dear Warrior381,

If there are different timelines, I have never been shown good evidence of it.

I am a 'time traveler.'

We use a device that is around 50cm x 25cm x 20cm. A light, from the device, produces a circle on the ground. Anything on the circle travels to the destined time. The device actually destroys itself when used. We must use two per trip.

I work for the Navy.

The anti-christ is the person in your Bible. I did not say he exists in my time.

I do not understand what UFOs would have to do with this.

The Rapturo/Rapture is still believe by some, but not all of the peoples in my society.

CDR Mark
Re: Bush

Dear Warrior381,

If there are different timelines, I have never been shown good evidence of it.

I am a 'time traveler.'

We use a device that is around 50cm x 25cm x 20cm. A light, from the device, produces a circle on the ground. Anything on the circle travels to the destined time. The device actually destroys itself when used. We must use two per trip.

I work for the Navy.

The anti-christ is the person in your Bible. I did not say he exists in my time.

I do not understand what UFOs would have to do with this.

The Rapturo/Rapture is still believe by some, but not all of the peoples in my society.

CDR Mark

well Good that you work for the Navy but I still want.....hmmm ohh if you don't know about UFO have you know about the Anti-Gravity System and by the way that UFO is from Area 51...remember they did talk about it in a magazines about Area 51 but you also forgot that Time Travel was invented by the Monkaut Project in New York Long Island...and bye the way there is Alien or call them ET because there is many people who seen ET and seen there Anti-Gravity stuff and by the the T.v show call Dark Skies was close to the truth so don't tell me you don't know there is ET and also Don't Tell me that you don't know Anti-Gravity should know all the stuff becasue you work for the Navy and there is a Top Secret Program....becasue I was almost there but I don't want to be in a Top Secret Program that have Cult in a Thule German Secret Soceity..

or Skull and Bones Secret Soceity..

Opp I should not said that but I am christian I believe in Loving your neighor..

sorry for my messing handwriting...

Write back. :D
Re: Bush

TT-1 are you from the far future?

Also is John Titor for real, or is this a very well thought out hoax, please?

I addressed a private question to you, please answer this if you know the truth?

Did they send you here, as a sort of damage control for Titor's mess?

This affair really hurt Pamela, myself and there is such strange stuff that happened involved in this Titor case, that some of it is not believable.

Do you know of the events surrounding some of the Titor happenings, please?
Good Bye

Good day,

This will be my final message. I believe, I have given as much information as I should in the attempt to recieve information on John Titor. What we have now leads us to believe that John Titor was a hoax. I am not completing my mission, however. Unless I recieve better information, I will remain silent and have no more impact on this time. I will be going back to my time on September 24, 2003 at 0000 GMT. You may send me information privately until then.

CDR Mark
Re: Good Bye

Wow, you really have something to worry about. Youve had such an "impact" on our timeline. I do like the fact you at least made up Canada and Mexico becoming states though, so thanks for that
greetings Timetraveler_1 ...

There is no mandate to destabilize American nationalism ...
And what is meant by a ``time cycle`` ?

no I am not John Titor.