Information Needed On John Titor


Temporal Novice

I know that, understandably, none of you will likely believe any of what I say. I do prefer it that way actually; I desire to keep the timeline stable.

I only communicate with you because I have a major problem. In 2024, in my “worldline” as Titor liked to call it, things are very peaceful and no war has occurred. The world has basically become one global society, the U.S.A insists on having its sovereignty, however. I was sent to this time period to destabilize American nationalism by exposing government conspiracies.

In the first phase of my mission, researching your society, I found this website. I believe my mission was too successful and I started this civil war on his “worldline.” I need to know as much about Titor as possible, so that I may determine whether Titor and I have produced a time-cycle.

If you have any information not available through the popular websites on John Titor, please let me know how to contact you. LT Kenneth and I will examine the documents and determine the best course of action.

Thank You,
CDR Mark
Dang. I admit I am a newbie here, but it's tough keeping all you time travelers straight... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Okay, so this Time Traveler, CDR Mark, says his worldline is peaceful, and there is one global society. So, the NWO took hold, eh? LOL

Why then would You (CRD Mark) want to come back and destabilize America to the point of causing a civil war? Peace isn't good enough for you, eh? Lt. Me, Sgt. Myself, and Commander I would like to know.

Oh well, at least you can spell and write complete sentences, which seems to be things the new JT's can't do.

Dang, if time travel involves all these loose cannons starting wars, I think maybe it's time to nip any research into this activity in the bud, eh?

What is a "time-cycle?"

P.S. I love the retard sign.
Any future to past augmentation of the past, almost always results in a sideline variant of the past being developed.

On the retard sign; in some ways supposed retards are better off than supposed normal people.

I think this new flock of posters is bogus and what some sects of Afro-Americans used to call white pucks on dope.
I would suggest two things, to you and all travelers from the future to this particular 'region' of time (or in general past-time possibilities), prevent proliferation of your technology. And in case you cause harm to enough other people in a parallell time-line, go back just before the point where you arrived initially, arrest or kill yourself. And then get on with your own life in your own time, build your own future and stop parasiting the past. I mean we are busy building our own futures, and rather do that without you up to the point in time you are called upon to do so.


Is there such a thing as non-proliferation of time-travel technology?
Is there a temporal directive (Our StarTrek has one)?
And if your time is dependent on one single time-line, what is your business in others? What's the use of polluting or contaminating them?
Re: I\\ So ur cops from Canada....?

Oh by the way Me-Too' if you are cops, say from Canada?

Had a break-in.

This felon is using an i.p. bounce off Europe from what we can figure, which is a felony to break-in back here, goes across borders;,,, heavy jail time?

Yeah, I'm going to mention it here, incase you're real cops?

By the way, whoever broke into my system, I have used a self intel format, for my file folders and win aps.

This system lets you break-in, however once your in, you had better check your system completely.

You might even have to dump your entire o.s. and reformat, which means all your data.

My sys takes in mail normally, and host business, however the deeper core actions gets break-ins and I assure you, you don't want to be in my system with yours unauthorized?

How did this latest bogus sign off, I think it was, (This conversation is over)?

Now who printed this kind of statement on this board, in the last few.....?
Re: I\\ So ur cops from Canada....?

Creedo, I am not a time traveler, but maybe the TTA needs to be here!

Have not seen him lately, confiding with you!
Re: I\\ So ur cops from Canada....?

These are all copy cat faker posters. What this board should do is have a competition to see who can make up the best story. The winner would be the one that answers all scientific/time traveling question to satisfaction.
Re:Lucy\' you have some splainen to do?

You're employed under the TTA banner then?

Others; the Trojan they sent was eaten.

The funny thing is, there have been frequents into this system, when a trojan could not have possibly been employed as the ip was disconnected.

This could mean a government agency?

Very, very, expierenced hackers.

Or beings from other times and possibly offworlders.

Whoever they are, if they were in deeper core access, they now have a fractal they won't be able to get rid of?

As I said, this is a special Intel system that I came by and whoever you are, your should not be in my system.

The fractal you won't be able to get out.

Even if you dump your o.s. protocols and reformat with disk.There is a part of the o.s. that this will stay in and without me, your system will eventually turn on you.

I don't hack, wouldn't dare.
Dear MeToo,

We are 6 regions in the future, plus the USA. Each region has its own sovereignty. The world is united in peace, however. There hasn’t been a war in 13 years. No passports are.

My task was not to cause a civil war; it was to damage nationalism in the USA in order to cause a peaceful union of the entire world. Actually, this mission is a mission of peace.

I do not believe in the multiple universe theory, though it is widely accepted in my time. Anyone presenting something opposed to the theory is squelched by the government. Though it is a wonderful system and science has come a long way, the government in my time is very closed-minded about science.

Time travel has been pretty well secured in the hands of good people and it can be used for good by good people. We have met people from our own future and everyone we have met has had good intensions.

CDR Mark

P.S. I like the retard sign, too.
Dear GrOoVus,

I only travel for the good of the world. I always travel back to the timeline I changed, which leads me to believe in only one timeline. I am open-minded to multiple “worldline” theory, but no strong evidence has been presented to me.

We do prevent the spread of our technology to the past and no region is permitted to have its own time travel technology. The USA is not bound by this treaty, but to our knowledge no time travel has occurred in the USA.

There are no laws regarding time travel. I have rules and orders given to me by my superiors, many of which I am violating now. The risk is worth it to me, if it prevents Titor’s timeline.

CDR Mark
Re: Informa, the interfearance clause:

For the institute:
Time Traveler says>My task was not to cause a civil war; it was to damage nationalism in the USA in order to cause a peaceful union of the entire world. Actually, this mission is a mission of peace.

Creedo answers>With respects to the right of self determination, this posted move by you, has been illegal.

I have tried and tried to tell this society, with reference to one world governments, that the denial of services in order to enforce a greater unity, by those concerned for their own ends goals, is galatically illegal.

In the future tense if this one world line that you are in, ever needed help from an benevolent offworld entity, help could be refused, due to subterfuge realized, by these actions of yours, by certain offworld entities.

Again no one world religions, nor unified governments is ever sanctified, unless this allowance is first given by the peoples concerned.

Reference materials, see Stevens UFO Contact From Planet ACART, by UFO Photo Archives Publishers, Winnona Circle Tucson AZ. all right reserved by Stevens and publishers.
Re: Informa, the interfearance clause:

Dear creedo299,

I find it difficult to take your message seriously. I do wish to note that no intelligent extra-terrestrial life has ever been detected in my time or yours. We have done well without the help of imaginary offworld entity’s help.

We have no one world religion, though almost everyone is spiritual. The mass majority of the population desires a one world government. The stubbornness of the USA is destroying the chance for near Utopia.

I will add your reference books to LT Kenneth’s research.

CDR Mark
Re: Informa, the interfearance clause:

Alright, I'll bite. Um....Does Bush win a second term? What happens in the near future? Tell us something we dont already know.
Re: I\\ So ur cops from Canada....?

<font color="blue"> So ur cops from Canada....? [/COLOR]

Wow, where would y'all have gotten that idea, darlin'?

Dear John_W,

George W. Bush does win the next election. After his cooperation with North Korea, he begins to destroy international ties worse than ever. He is the most infamous President for my people. The peoples of the USA see him as a hero, though.

His seemingly permanent colonization of Iran helped the EU and the United Arab Emirates come into agreement on many issues. It also caused the Arab countries to have a closer tie with each other. The attack on Palestine, when it was still under Jewish control, likely would not have happened without Bush’s reckless actions. Therefore, the world actually owes Bush a huge favor. I really doubt things would have progressed nearly as quickly, if it were not for Bush uniting the world against him.

The first attempt at the EU will fail, by the way. It will split in two, with about 70% with British leadership and 30% with French leadership. The economic power will be with Britain, the military power with France. Eventually they will remerge with a far better design.

The USA has 62 states in the future, something to watch.

CDR Mark
Re: Bush

Dear John_W,

George W. Bush does win the next election. After his cooperation with North Korea, he begins to destroy international ties worse than ever. He is the most infamous President for my people. The peoples of the USA see him as a hero, though.

His seemingly permanent colonization of Iran helped the EU and the United Arab Emirates come into agreement on many issues. It also caused the Arab countries to have a closer tie with each other. The attack on Palestine, when it was still under Jewish control, likely would not have happened without Bush’s reckless actions. Therefore, the world actually owes Bush a huge favor. I really doubt things would have progressed nearly as quickly, if it were not for Bush uniting the world against him.

The first attempt at the EU will fail, by the way. It will split in two, with about 70% with British leadership and 30% with French leadership. The economic power will be with Britain, the military power with France. Eventually they will remerge with a far better design.

The USA has 62 states in the future, something to watch.

CDR Mark

well I don't think so because one world goverment will fail because the bible have said there only one world goverment is that Jesus Christ Come back then there be a true one world Goverment...anyway when time travel there many different your different than John write back. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: Bush

Dear Warrior381,

We often study theology in the future. There is to be a one world government according to your Bible. One led by the "anti-Christ." Your belief system however, does not change the true future.

You said, "anyway when time travel there many different timeline." I don't know what you mean by this.

CDR Mark