Infinite Wordlines means Infinite souls for us?

Re: Infinite Wordlines means Infinite souls for us

Note and comment.
Ray' because of your mathematical nature reference to the scalier in this dimension, but not looking to the other timelines, you can not, it seems, encompass all of space-time, in the way it truly is.

I might be wrong here, however base references to what we have here is an all encompassing mode, in reality does not add weight to the proper realization.

Note, that in this timeline alone, that the pre, present and past-tense of one hour, is connected in similar fashion as a train would be with many cars, with the main event in the middle of the train.

So time as its realized here, would be train event continual.

In this respect if one would draw a perpendicular from the surface of the train upwards, then one has to start realizing that other timeline souls that share, in some way branch to this timeline for contiguality.

The dynamic controlling stance pointed from this timeline as three D time space can never whole be, due to random chance numbers, in events govererning all of the timelines.

This is a nice dream, however it might not be the true case of affairs?
Re: Infinite Wordlines means Infinite souls for us

It was titors comments, for me too, that originally led me to the conclusion that he was wrong about spirits and timelines. And infact made me think about what was liekly and unlikely.

What he said didn't make sense and would mess up (as i previously said) the evolutionary process of the spirit. I think what i said in my last 2 posts clearly explains my view on this, its a tough thing to try and workout. Titors description (how else?) was vague and easy, and i think said on a whim.

But then again Titor is a marvel of a time traveller and even on a rainy day, generally the sun shines from his backside, so for many people - what he says goes. Which is a shame, but hey, what you gonna do?

Kind regards,