Brilliant post, Mr. Gomar. Nice to have you around. Mind if I ramble out a few thoughts I had after reading your post?
I have given a whole lot of thought to the manifold world-lines model of the universe and its implications for classical, soul-based spirituality, and in my opinion the two are fundamentally irreconcilable.
I know what you mean, and I've had the same thoughts. It got me thinking that this irreconcilability is a clue that there is something "wrong" with our impressions of each of these concepts. Namely "time" and the many-worldlines theory, and what you call "classical" soul-based spirituality. Perhaps we are mistaken about some aspects of both, and they both need a "tweaking"?
This is what got me thinking how to better visualize multiple worldlines, and the timeflow theory. If Time has a 3-dimensional "structure" just like Space does, then we can visualize Timeflows just as we can visualize Mass flows through Space. What I am getting at is this: The science of fluid dynamics is well-defined and well-founded. These equations define 3-dimensional flowfields of Mass moving through Space. The result of this Mass/Space interaction defines the 3-rd dimemension of Time. Each point in Time is a snapshot of the Mass/Space flowfield.
The field of aerodynamics has perfected the design and analysis of these flowfields. And the same techniques of engineering the Mass/Space flowfield should be directly applicable to engineering the Mass/Time and/or the Space/Time flowfields. In order to truly understand the multiple worldlines "view" of our souls over Time, you would need to scientifically analyze these Mass/Time and Space/Time flowfields to understand how the soul might travel through Time, and Mass, and Space, all at once. I've done a fair deal of closed-loop, non-linear math modeling in this area, and it leads to some interesting thoughts.
The idea of Christian morality is thoroughly undermined by the manifold worlds hypothesis (not that that's a bad thing), and it forces us to totally remake the neurolinguistic filters through which we examine the world. The old Cartesian duality between body and soul is just too archaic to fit in with this more expansive model.
I totally agree. I believe that existence is a contiuum, in many dimensions. At one end of the continuum we have the Massive SpaceTime, physical existence. At the other end of the continuum, we have the totally aphysical Spiritual Oneness of existence. In between these two ends of the continuum of experience we find the soul and the conscious mind. The soul is more like the spirit, but has similarities to mind. The mind is more like the body, but has similarities to the soul. The following is a schematic of how I view it. Replace "Passive Mind" with the word "Spirit" and "Neutral Mind" with the word "Soul".
I have begun thinking of parallel world-lines not as separate branchings, but rather as gradations within a spectrum, comprising a holistic DIMENSION, like time or space, and of course unified with them. There is no space between the so-called branchings, and we travel through that dimension every time we make a choice, every time an electron jumps to a different energy level.
Brilliant. Well-said, Iqbal. This is very much how I see the integrated, gradiated fields we call Mass, Space, and Time. Each are 3-dimensional structures in and of themselves, and all three of them integrate together to completely define our physical reality. IOW, physical reality really is a Matrix. A 3x3 matrix defined by how Mass, Space, and Time integrated with each other to define physical reality. We, as intelligent beings living in this matrix, possess the abilities to warp and modify any and all of the dimesions and sub-dimensions of this matrix we call physicality.
My point is, we have to re-examine our ideas of self, mind, life, death, separateness, and oneness, as well as (of course) free will and predestination. Mull over these ideas for a while everybody, and see where they take you. They've certainly led me down some strange avenues of thought.
Amen, allleluia. Pass the bottle of red wine while we break bread, bro. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif We are some pretty amazing, multi-dimensional Beings. We are WAY more than just our physical components we call a body. In fact, as we have found that Dark Energy is WAY more substantial than "normal, baryonic matter", we are also coming to understand that our Spirit-Soul-Mind is much more substantial, and powerful than our simple little bodies.
And so when I say "nice to see you again, Iqbal Gomar", I am saying that not only to your physical being, but your mind, your soul, and your spirit. For we have interacted in the past and the future in other dimensions of this universe. Nice to meet up with you again, at this point in the Massive SpaceTime matrix.
Let's hope this one turns out better than some of the others we have met-up in! :D
Whadyaa think? Anything you agree, or vehemently disagree with?