I think
@KerrTexas has a good grasp of the old topics. We can probably incorporate tags into those, especially general. Our main concern is that general is becoming too big and more of a dumping ground. That's why I was requesting new tags. Some topics were very popular, like space. I think Kerr needs the old topic list from years past. lol.
I know that you, Brent, have done an amazing amount of work on Time Travel Institute. No denying that what-so-over. Love the progress with the format ....but....it is a bit confusing. Which I also know you are aware of and are doing what you can to smooth out the bumps.
Maybe it is because I am use to the old, original forum index. Wouldn't take me long to move all the threads from the archive section to their original homes IF the old index was in play. But, I DO understand and see the vision you have for TTI.
I mention the Philadelphia Experiment, since I know it had numerous threads. If someone was to create a new thread on that subject, where would they put it? Time Travel 101 ? Time Travel Physics? Urban Legends ? Tagged and dumped into General discussion? And is General Discussion kind of like an off-topic section too? We also had a Alternative energy section that was a solid section. Where did those threads go?
I figure that to distribute the 6,000 + threads quickly and easily, the original TTI index would be the easiest. Then, after all the threads have been restored to where they had been, THEN create the bigger forum. Cart before the horse comes to mind.
However, at this point it might be too late to return to the old index format, and participation seems to be picking up.
My main concern is that the material contained within Time Travel Institute is easy to find. That some really wonderful threads don't get lost in the shuffle. AND most important, is that the threads in the archives find permanent loving homes, where they'll be well fed and cared for now and long into the future.
Would it be easier to tag the threads in the archives first, then move em to wherever they belong?
Keep in mind that this all is merely thinking out loud kind of thing. A mere banter back and forth. Constructive criticism. Think tank type activity. Thats all. Over and out.
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