Re: EVIDENCE of the divine...
Hi Roel,
I don't understand how you, with your scientific background, can agree.
Perhaps the source of disagreement lies more in the definition of "divine" than it does anything else? If you are terribly scarred by discussions of a classical view of God, then perhaps we simply need to view "divine" as being a higher level system to our 3x3 Matrix Universe of Massive SpaceTime? Try to erase the connotations you ascribe to God from tired religious metaphors and teachings, and instead view it, scientifically, as a SYSTEM that is at the next highest level of context from the SYSTEM that we are immersed in.
As to why I agree: Something I have been trying to get across to you, Roel, is the concept of balance between extremes. ALL systems within our universe exhibit such balance, for it is the very basis of Conservation of Energy and Momentum laws. Therefore, all of this evidence points to balance in how we develop beliefs as being not only reasonable, but required for us to evolve. Blind faith in a God that is going to take care of everything is stupid. Blind faith in science, such that one always demands proof before one can accept the possibility of something being true, is just as stupid. They are both extremist views, and the universe does not operate well at such extremes. The "right answer" is a balance between the two. That is the path that I take. I accept, and utilize, principles of BOTH science and spirituality, because I see them as two complementary (balancing) means to achieve the same result. If you cling to only science, Roel, and completely reject spirituality, I am afraid that you are just as bad as people who reject science and cling to only the "wisdom" of their chosen religion. Extremism, in ALL its forms, is on its way out.
Why do people insist on calling the unknown "divine" or "god".
Again, it is the meaning behind the word that matters. Please give me your feedback on viewing "divine" as being nothing more than a higher level of context beyond the universe we live in. What if this was how we viewed "divine"? Would it not make sense, especially within the context of how we see natural laws structured in our universe (i.e. our universe is a giant "system of systems")?
There is something which you call "divine" for no apparent reason and then you say it's being scientifically validated now. That's the worst example of science I've seen since kindergarten.
The reason is not apparant to you because you have not yet accepted the fact that our universe acts in a manner to balance extremes. Ignoring "divine" and continuing my "higher level system context"... I
KNOW there is a higher-level system context to what we perceive as our universe. The reason I know is because ALL EVIDENCE from our scientific inquiries tells us that "stuff" is self-similar, fractally-organized systems embedded within larger systems. Can you point to ANY evidence that would suggest this is not true? You cannot. All things are connected, and any one thing you point to is a "subsystem" of some larger system. And so, scientifically, if I ponder our entire universe as a whole, the evidence suggests that there is a higher-level context (an "external system") which actually controls and affects the system of our universe. Call it divine? If you must.... I just like the higher level system view.
Kindergarten science? C'mon Roel! I know you better than that!
The concepts I am describing above are well-founded in systems engineering. And the raw facts are that scientific inquiry has been, and continues, to validate the DEEPER scientific meanings inherent in the material from many religious and mystic traditions. As I mentioned before with respect to Dark Energy... the dogmatic scientists of even 10 years ago would have said "there is NO evidence for any sort of mysterious force that controls the universe." And those same scientists are now beginning to change their tune. Why? EVIDENCE!
You really might want to open your horizons, Roel. I understand your aversion to the "old stories" of religions and how they tried to control people. Anyone with a scientific view of things WOULD have such an aversion. Hell, that is the same aversion that caused me to renounce my Catholic faith. But that does NOT mean that ALL of the material from any given faith is hogwash. As I have also said before: The first book of Genesis is actually a treatise on advanced physics, once you clear away the "storybook" elements.