In deepest reality, 1+1 can never equal 2

Re: Angels + Dodgers = 0 + 1


Dodger's starting line-up vs. ANgels:

SS Wills
2B Gilliam
CF W. Davis
LF T. Davis
RF Howard
1B Fairley
3B Spencer
C Roseboro
P Koufax

OK - they can't hit, but they can steal a sack, play defense and pitch just a bit.

Roel - Yes...way OT.
Re: Angels + Dodgers = 0 + 1

Well, this may be a bit OT, but no more OT than some of Creedo's posts!

Does this mean that Don Sutton gets to make a comeback and start for both teams in the World Series?

Well, the Angels' pitching has been an area of concern for me over the past few weeks, so I would love to see someone with Sutton's capabilities! And as far as the World Series.... well, they've made it to the playoffs, and I would love to see a SoCal Freeway Series, but I am not yet willing to predict that both of these teams can handle their east coast counterparts, especially the Yankees.

If you don't look at the mirror how many of "you" are there? Zero, one or two?

That's irrelevant. No matter how many of "me" there are, it all depends on what you're counting.

1 + 1 = 2

If that ever turns out to be false, you can find me dancing naked on Timesquare.

Therefore, there an infinite number of 'me' when I look in the mirror.
What's the point of this excercise again?

Re: Angels + Dodgers = 0 + 1

Well, this may be a bit OT, but no more OT than some of Creedo's posts!

I'll pretend as if I didn't see it...

I just hope AFC Ajax Amsterdam makes it through the next round of the European Champions League /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
This whole thread proves only one thing; you cannot express the truth in words alone. An old Buddhist saying goes something like,
"Who here knows what a rose smells like?"
To which everyone replied yes.
"Who then," the master said "can tell me in words what this smell is like?"
"It smells fresh and sweet!" said a student.
"Fresh like fish? Sweet like cake?" replied the master. "You cannot put into words the real truth, the real truth can only be experienced."
"That is why people argue. Not because they experience a different truth, but because they express it in different terms. And these people are prepared to go to war over these differences, both believing they are right to the death!"
The matter is exist, and that is all.

You argue whether God is exist or not, but that's just not it, the only thing that exist is existence itself.
I won't even mention the particular blatant flaws in this since one of them has already been discussed. It's sufficient to say that the entire original is a joke at best and a sad commentary on our common mathematical abilities at worst since the vast majority simply fall for it. So, I'll only add...

When we understand 1, we automatically assume that we understand 2 because "1 and 1 is 2". But we too often forget "and".