I'm the guy who met with 'ichtion'

[QUOTE='JayJay]Cercherò di rispondere a queste domande al meglio delle mie conoscenze seguendo le conversazioni che ho avuto con "ichtion". Potrebbe volerci del tempo per rispondere a tutte le 25 domande, te lo farò sapere
hope that concrete answers will arrive soon regarding these time travel experiments! now is my only hope!
'JayJay]Secondo "ichtion" tra 2 anni. Ma il virus rimarrà molto più a lungo poiché alcune persone si rifiutano ancora di vaccinare. Perché qualcuno dovrebbe saperlo? Anche se fossi un viaggiatore del tempo said:
acceptable sum[/I]" for his risk, i.e. from what I understood that was a lot of money for his troubles.


Concerning time travel paradoxes, he said that's fine as everything is happening in parallel (parallel worlds). According to him (and he said he doesn't know that much about the machine's functionality as that was company secret), there are an infinity of parallel times/worlds (and an infinity of those are identical to this one - so far), and his central AI helps to calibrate the variables in such a way as to minimize the risk of deviating from being identical as much as possible. However it is not always rthe case and that's why he is paid a lot of money to take the risk.

Il suo datore di lavoro gli ha detto cosa fare, quindi immagino che sia un "no".

La sua fronda tiene segrete tutte quelle informazioni, quindi nel 2075 nessuno, tranne coloro che sono coinvolti nella fronda, sa dell'esistenza della macchina.

2069, Karp Frond HQ, Köln, Germania.

Puoi portare solo oggetti non metallici nella macchina. D'altra parte, c'è la "scatola", come ho detto una specie di contenitore come un vano portaoggetti in una macchina, e ci metti un messaggio scritto, lo chiudi, lo riapri e vedrai la risposta all'interno già.

Hai gli stessi ricordi di prima di partire. Questo perché "tu" resta "tu". Puoi persino incontrare te stesso in passato, se lo desideri. Ma non era ancora nato nel 2020.

È una domanda complicata e penso che sia più filosofica che scientifica. Per quanto riguarda il viaggio nel tempo, ichtion mi ha detto che c'erano mondi paralleli, come ho detto ci sono un infinito identico al nostro (in questo momento), un infinito leggermente diverso, un infinito enormemente diverso ...
hi jey jey .. i read everything and thank you again for your time spent here, thanks. also for the compliments on some questions. about the pandemic I believe that what said could absolutely be true .. but I am not a scientist nor a doctor so ... who knows .. for the rest, I thought (and I hope to be honest), that the time machine would be invented in 2028, at CERN as predicted by noah novak and james taylor ... and to tell the truth everything that Noah has predicted has come true so far (on 2019 for example). of course, I still find it absurd that no one has warned us about this pandemic. however I conclude by telling you that the answer on miss italia is due to the fact that it is the first next prediction ... instead of waiting for November and the election of Trump or other ... in any case, I repeat, that any time traveler who can read these words .. can do a search on the internet and give us answers. well ... waiting for other travelers ... I wish you a good evening, thanks again and see you soon!

No problem my friend. On the subject of predictions, 'ichtion' made a few and I will list them here. Perhaps this will persuade the naysayers ?

  1. "Artificial Intelligence": a breakthrough in AI is expected to occur before 2025,
  2. "Space Tourism": at the end of the 2020s space tourism will become affordable to many,
  3. "Science/Computers": a breakthrough in data compression techniques is due in 2027 and the algorithm will use the "Thue-Morse sequence" to construct easily manageable data structures that can then be compressed in a universal fashion,
  4. "Brexit": there will be a minimal deal struck by the end of this year, covering trade in goods between the UK and the EU (contrary to what the trade experts are saying about "no-deal" being very likely),
  5. "US elections": Donald Trump will win again this year,
  6. "Fronds": due to distrust in politics, especially in the world powers such as the US and the UK, companies will become more and more aligned with politics, and eventually the two concepts will merge. This will happen in the 2040s,
  7. "Social life in 2075": life expectancy: around 78 years, population: 9.5 billion.

Just the tip of the iceberg of what we discussed with ichtion before he left.
