Re: I\'m back\\To said time travler>
*Note, any more harassment in these threads Rainman, I will go to the MOP?
Rules rules contact under robotic moderators duality clause>
To John Titor; I would like to know, there is a similarity of the case that was used for the C204 and a U.S. Navy Divers transducer.
Another board moderator, said that this unit was possibly a radar or microwave test load calibrator?
I would like this statement verified by you, please, (The main Tripler cylinders, are highly complex and machined apparatuses, which run on a cryo-field, which generate a Kerr-like at-length pulsed field, which materize4s some eight feet from then said time travel unit.
Question 2...I would like if you could also verify this additional statement?
The internal working of the said time displacement unit, either has, or does not have miniature computerized electronics boards, placed within it, to balance all functions, of needed projection of the Kerr field.
Statement;In this base receiving you information, what is thought about the said C204 and the time traveler using it, is that the need for the IBM large frame computer to take back to the future to program what has been said lost and the inner working of the C204 time machine, don't not concur in principle with each other.
In otherwords, if said John Titor can come from the future and needs a large IBM computer to program others, but the set-up of the C204, requires a mini-computerized board internally, then why was there a need to come to this time period to begin with; this is there are still computers within the future?
I understand that not all boards can carry code and that the IBM was code interchangeable.
Thank you Time Traveler, under Gray's robot moderators.