If Civil War breaks out in USA -What would you do?

Re: If Civ War breaks out where to go, what to do?

Corrected post:

Wouldn't that be something if I were genetically set apart from you and did not understand what war was, albeit besides normal survival skills, say in the figurative?

OK, so let's say your genes prevent you from understanding what war is. I can go with that hypothetical. Do your genes also inihibit you from understanding the generalized concept of "harm to self?" One need not understand war to understand that they could potentially be harmed by the general forces of nature, if not other people. One such way is a natural disaster, for sake of argument.

So I am wondering what the point of your statement was here.

Kind Regards,
Re: If Civ War breaks out where to go, what to do?

I only said hypothetically speaking.

I might be the most blood thirsty killer that you could ever imagine?
Re: If Civ War breaks out where to go, what to do?

I only said hypothetically speaking.

I might be the most blood thirsty killer that you could ever imagine?

Okay.... and I might be the first reincarnation of Mickey Mouse...the real one, the first talkie version of Mickey. I'm sure you know the one I refer to.

So if I were this, and you were the most blood thirsty killer I could imagine... what would it mean as some hypothetical? Your point is.......?

Kind Regards,
Re: If Civ War breaks out where to go, what to do?

There is nothing kind about what your'e setting up.

This is conflict plain and simple.
Re: If Civ War breaks out where to go, what to do?

There is nothing kind about what your'e setting up.

This is conflict plain and simple.

Well, that may be your reading of it, but it certainly is not my intent. However, taking this view is a convenient way for you to avoid having to explain what you are talking about (i.e. create the impression of a conflict to divert the conversation in a different direction).

In case you haven't noticed, I am one who is big on clarity of communication. And so when I read some of your vague statements, I often wonder what they might mean. And when such vague statements are directed to me, or in reply to something I wrote, it increases my interest in understanding just what your message is.

Kind Regards,
Re: If Civ War breaks out where to go, what to do?

No it doesn't, you would like to get at me, wouldn't you?

Doesn't increase your interests at all.

What you're not getting here, is that all of a sudden this board is filled with aerospace engineers.

What people on the board can't understand, is what it is like to strap into a modern flying machine, level at altitude then acquisition the target in your heads-up, then do the run.

When your going vertical with a set of snakes under your wings and then all of a sudden that airframe becomes lighter and you know you've loosed your five hundred pounders down to some small little house, the end equation is, you've killed someone.

Don't try to hide behind words like interests.You've become a killer like everyone else.

In this thread however you on the street corner like the neighborhood easy, selling it to everyone else.
Re: If Civ War breaks out where to go, what to do?

Doesn't increase your interests at all.


Don't try to hide behind words like interests.You've become a killer like everyone else.

Well now, it looks to me like you are the one trying to incite a conflict, now doesn't it? Passing judgment on what you believe my interests are, and blatantly referring to me as a killer... where on earth did you get these opinions? (and I stress they are nothing more than your opinions, and uninformed at that!)

In this thread however you on the street corner like the neighborhood easy, selling it to everyone else.

Allow me to correct you: If I were "selling" I would be collecting a fee. Instead, I offer views, opinions, and thoughts freely. Others may accept them, challenge them, or ignore them if they wish. Freedom of speech is sorta funny that way. It is free to give and free to take.

Kind Regards,
Re: If Civ War breaks out where to go, what to do?

War is, i think, the BIGGEST part of being human, I don't know of any technoligy thathasn't been invented because of it's military application, either soly or partly.

Even If you didn't know what war was, as soon as someone struck to, I'd bet you'd get angry and try to hit them back.

Children in a playground don't know what war is but they get into small fights anyway.