I was In contact with real aliens and time travelers!

forget about it. This forum is filled of ignorant want to be people and fake claims. The only tt forums which had real people and information/schematics on them all got SHUT DOWN over the years along with every legit tt on search engines. Everything is monitored and controlled via keyword. Back in 2000-2003 things were very different.

I gave a specific set of instructions to anyone which is serious. I did not ask for money without live face to face proof, But I am NOT foolish enough to post that proof over here.

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However, you’re foolish to show time travel proof for money? The pitch is badly presented thats all I am saying. Post the proof, because in the end, you already posted your claim to have proof, so if its such a risk, you already have labeled via internet, yourself with this risky knowledge, so I see no reasons why not just post the proof, simple logic. Not trying to be rude

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As the Topic Says I was in contact with people who have the technology.

There are outside demonic and spiritual forces controlling this dimension which are beyond your comprehension! There is a conspiracy so powerful you could never understand! Why do you think the 1,000s of inventors whom have invented everything from the 200mpg carborator, to free energy, to cures for all diseases have been silenced or killed off when they patented it? Unless you have personally been caught in between such a conspiracy you are clueless to what kind of evil is out there. 100s of people I was in contact with were detained attacked or killed off!! The few remaining contacts I have CAN show an actual demonstration before I give them 1 cent, But not unless you can verify you have 3 million dollars!

My childhood was ruined and my life and health is a living hell because of such a evil alien/government conspiracy.

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Yeah "regular" people can do that sort of thing in their sleep, on their own for free. They can travel back in time to help others in their sleep. Saints can have abilities and help others for free on the astral plane or something. I don't believe an exchange of money is ever needed to surpass the mundane.

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Usually, age regression entails temporal retrogression – losing one's memory back to the termination point of temporal translocation into the past. This is similar to rewinding the entire universe to a previous era. I suppose a very advanced form of technology might be a way to manifest biological regression without the chronological retrogression. Therefore you could retain all your memories with a biologically younger body and brain, while remaining here and now in the present time.

A temporal form of Mach's principle or wormhole science, actually allows for the rewinding of the universe idea, which is related to the

Gödel rotating universe...

Some people have speculated that grey aliens are time travelers from the future. That could be true but these visitors from the far future are not really interested in helping us. I suspect that we are basically the equivalent of experimental lab rats to them. For example, If WE traveled back in time several million years to observe our distant primate ancestors, I suspect that we might try to conduct experiments on them to alter their genetics. These grey aliens are probably doing the same thing to us.

I for one do not wish for my descendants to evolve into small grey creatures with no hint of humanity left in them.

The future with grey aliens is an alternate reality or alternate universe. We need to get busy and master the technology of time travel so we can travel into their reality and kick some grey alien butt...

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