I told you, Creedo!


Super Moderator
Yes, indeed, I did tell you long ago to keep an eye on Burt Rutan. As we see today, in his winning the Ansari X-prize, he is going to be the primary force in getting the "average Joe" into space. You should write to him if you want a job in space!

Congratulations to Burt & his team!
Obi to storm trooper;You don't need to see our identification, you can go on through.

Stormtrooper,..Evereythting looks normal here, you can go on through!
It's gonna be like $200K a trip!

And??? Of course I am sure you know that all new things are expensive at first. Look how expensive VCRs were at first, or HDTVs. It's all about competition, advancing technology, and driving costs down. Even at $200K it is cheaper than NASA!

The following message is bought to you by, KILLING HISTORY.

The killing machine that murders people who might be?

Commercial;Housewife, Oh honey!The Hour Of Prime will be on in a few minutes!
Husband;Sounds great, I love to,....

Door is bashed down and werewolf looking creatures dressed in Nazi Uniforms, rush in machinegunning everyone inside of the living room.

End Commercial:

Creedo looking on the web at about.com.

Creedo speaks to himself,...Well that's odd,.I mean the Fireship pushed by this Millennium fella, says that everyone can give open input.
But when I go to give input, I'm blocked off?

About's admin from host of the group.No I want this guy shut out!?.....He is to give nothing substantive to this group, as we really don't want this project to succeed?

Creedo looks at his sketches.

Well the Fireships should be able to do above light speed.

But they won't do that, unless one can force a singularity around the entire ship?

Creedo looking at other drawings;..Well any idiot would know that.

The internal cavity must be coated with a rocklike, stove proof material, like a silicate.

The Tessla apparatus must be able to emit its current inside of the cavity, in order for there to be uniformed combustion..........So the need for air, in order to achieve combustion of fuel, might not be needed at all?

Later Creedo still trying to give a homemade input,....."These guys are crazy.They're all full of sh*t and I'm out of here.
They don't want this project ever to be made available to the general public.

If you had that, you'd have people journeying to other star systems.

Earlier at Flowing,...No dear, what they should be doing, is constructing a civilian spaceliner at Flowing.

The shuttle is technical a piece of junk.Nothing more than a glorified D.C.9, with a thermal protective coating on the outside.

I would use large thermal tiles though, on the exterior and then make those rapidly detachable, even in zero G environments?

If you do this and then have something happen, like this spaceliner hits a sea gull, or space junk, then you can do your repairs in weightlessness.

Missed and not sent p.m.s Ray'. I think that this is bullsh*t, what Rutan wants to do.

You don't have squat with this stile of vehicle?
Rutan is closed shop, I've already written him.He's a fussy guy.

Like payload' on this type of craft, how much can you take up?

I'm thinking at least five hundred pounds to break even and this would have to be in a chamber outside of the space craft, so it can be ferried to higher orbit?

You also need a space tug, which is dedicated and constantly works in orbit.

So each payload will have to be tugged up to a high orbital or placement status.

There is no thermal protection layer on this spacecraft.

So if at any time they have to come in heavier or heat-up, what happens to all of those windows?

Does its dumpiness slow it down, so that it can make re-entry without burning up?
Missed and not sent p.m.s Ray'. I think that this is bullsh*t, what Rutan wants to do.

You don't have squat with this stile of vehicle?
Rutan is closed shop, I've already written him.He's a fussy guy.
He is a fussy guy for a reason, Dan. That is because he is the best. You can call it BS all you want, but who do you think the world is going to believe? Burt Rutan actually ACCOMPLISHING major milestones in flight advancement, or some guy with an alias of Creedo poo-pooing the obvious achievements of Mr. Rutan? For Chrissakes man, he just won the Ansari X-Prize!!

Results speak for themselves, Dan. Right now, Rutan is Da Man. Most in my business don't hold a candle to his talent in aerospace, and surely that makes you a bit further back of his pack. You might think you have some things wired, but until you can produce working vehicles, like Rutan can, it's nothing but talk.

There is no re-entry weight, with this vehicle, that I'm understanding.

So where they have the ability to launch, they can't bring anything back in.
There is no re-entry weight, with this vehicle, that I'm understanding.

I'm not understanding what you're understanding. SpaceShipOne was designed to meet a very specific requirement, and nothing more. Don't read into it until it is SCALED up... you know, as in Rutan's company name: Scaled Composites!

So where they have the ability to launch, they can't bring anything back in.

This is what you do not understand about systems engineering. That vehicle was designed to minimally meet the Ansari X-prize requirements to win the prize. No more. He was not designing it to meet some exo-atmospheric requirement that you might have in mind. He designed it only as complex as it needed to be to win the competition.

Now let's do the systems engineering to scale that solution upwards. That is what the new Ansari X-cup competition will be about... extending the boundaries of public space access by many people innovating and CREATING.

Re: This post is comtary to what subject belives

For the record on near earth space-flight systems.

I was intended for a large aerospace company in the Northwest.

Rutan is an aircraft specialist, who had dealt with airframe mechanics.

The reentry of the type of vehicle that Rutan shows, is not a gentile reentry pattern.

So say if a concern wants to bring back a satellite without disturbing the insides, or some other project that the return payload must not be jostled, then what Rutans company has built, might not be what some aerospace concerns are looking for.

All headings under the area of X-prize do-it-yourself rockets, stipulate that, that particular concern must do-it themselves?

I never said that Rutan and company could not have done this project themselves, for the X-prize only.

I wish this topic moved out of the time travel thread and into general technology or alternate energy only, as the topic of discussion does not deal with time travel.

A copy of this post is being sent to the MOP.

Thank you.
Re: This post is comtary to what subject belives

So say if a concern wants to bring back a satellite without disturbing the insides, or some other project that the return payload must not be jostled, then what Rutans company has built, might not be what some aerospace concerns are looking for.

And no one is under the fallacy that it would, nor has Rutan claimed it would meet this need.

What you don't seem to grasp, Creedo, is that aerospace vehicles are designed to meet requirements. There is no "one size fits all" design activity going on. Each vehicle is designed specifically for the purposes it was envisioned for...and no more. You always seem to want to rain on someone's parade because their solution does not meet your requirements.

Had you actually pursued your aerospace interests, you would then understand how important requirements are to setting the capabilities of any said aerospace technology.

I wish this topic moved out of the time travel thread and into general technology or alternate energy only, as the topic of discussion does not deal with time travel.

So does this mean I should start pointing out where your little flights of fancy don't adhere to this board's topic? I can, if that is what you want! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: This post is comtary to what subject belives

No I don't want to rain on someone's parade, as you said.

The reentry pattern is spiral, it seems? If I were an independent contactor, who had a returned sat, that for some reason, could not be jostled via reentry, then I would be very concerned about this style of reentry pattern.

It would be either my rite, or anyone's rite for that matter, not to elect to go with a rotational stile of reentry vehicle.This would be due to centrifugal forces applied to the payload.

All I'm saying, is that I don't cared for or cotton to this stile of vehicle, as my rite of choice.

As for you, as of late you're both morose, as well as being nasty.

I don't give a damn what they do in aerospace any more.

If this works for them however the prime manufactures and companies that want sats returned and don't mind having them spin dried; then that's fine with me?
Re: This post is comtary to what subject belives

Note to all reading this thread.

I have asked Rainmantime to move this thread to alternative energies, or some other heading other than time travel.

I wrote Roel and Rainman asking them both to do this.

So if Rainman would not comply, then dare we say that Ray appears to be acting as a troll?
Re: This post is comtary to what subject belives

Note to all reading this thread, in this said date or later in time:

I could care less if this thread gets moved. It appears Creedo is fixating on something. I wonder what it might be?

Re: This post is comtary to what subject belives

He's is fixated on himself and the fact that the aliens forcibly took his sperm. He also just called me a troll in another thread for daring to defend myself against his previous personal attack and then requested that no one respond or deal with me...perhaps that should be his fate. Let the moderators decide that, there are more intersting things to discuss here and people to discuss them with than him. I've never been to Washington state (where he is) but I don't think he lives near a library or has the benefit of a dictionary or grammar book (or etiquette book for that matter).

Keep on keepin' on Rainman!
Re: This post is comtary to what subject belives

Entropy sux said>He's is fixated on himself and the fact that the aliens forcibly took his sperm.

Creedo responds>Hey wait a minute here!I never said that they took my sperm persay.

You did not even read what I had posted.

What and why did you intimate they took my sperm, only?

Boy' your really boxing yourself in here and I'm not even trying.
Re: This post is comtary to what subject belives

So among other things you also lack the ability to recognize or understand sarcasm.

\Sar"casm\, n. [F. sarcasme, L. sarcasmus, Gr.
sarkasmo`s, from sarka`zein to tear flesh like dogs, to bite
the lips in rage, to speak bitterly, to sneer, fr. sa`rx,
sa`rkos, flesh.]
A keen, reproachful expression; a satirical remark uttered
with some degree of scorn or contempt; a taunt; a gibe; a
cutting jest.