I think I am from the future, but I can't remember

Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t remember

You can't add back in what's been removed by using only the resulting state of "what's been removed". To make blue light white you have to open the otherwise closed system to the "outside world" - you have to add something that is no longer present in the system.

This is exactly my problem!
How do I add back what is no longer present?
I would have to travel to the past when it was present, and then take it with me to the future in order to use it to get back to the past.
So which past am I in the past before or the past to come?
Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t remember

Wolf, can you tell me more about this
In reply to:

optical cavity with vibrating mirrors



It was a joke. Darby said there was no way to get white light back so i came up with a way to approximate it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif It wouldn't be exactly like the original light though.
Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t remember

All joking aside, I have a bona fide question to pose.

If time travel to the future is possible by traveling "near" the speed of light, would traveling to the past involve the absence of all light? What is the speed of dark , and can we travel at it? I anxiously await your replies...
Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t remember

All joking aside, I have a bona fide question to pose.

If time travel to the future is possible by traveling "near" the speed of light, would traveling to the past involve the absence of all light? What is the speed of dark , and can we travel at it? I anxiously await your replies...

Well I guess my answer would be what happens when there is no time at all? And the question to that answer would be the famous "that depends on your point of observation. I once posted an article here to answer a question from Darby about what happens to information when it falls into a black hole. The answer was if your in the black hole your point of view is different than if your the observer watching the black hole. I believe that is the most science based answer your going to get. And that is where you need to search for information. Also, when all time stops and there is no time it is my opinion that the past catches up to you and the future gets farther and farther away from you because when your close to the speed of light the faster you go slows time down. At some point the past starts catching up with you and the future leaves you. To give you an example drive down a highway that is by the rail road tracks. When A train comes by drive beside it. The train is normal time you are time that is going faster or slower because of your relation to the train. Because of your speed compared to normal time. If you stop the train passes you. The back of the train is the past. The front of the train is the future. So if you stop your car the past catches up to you. If you speed up your car you catch up to the front of the train. You catch up to the future. Now it gets more interesting. Say your not moving at all. Then your in the train. And your the person watching the guy in the car race the train. The guy in the car is watching you look at him in the window and he sees you on the train. This is my input. Our universe is a really interesting place. Too bad most people can,t stop and take the time to look at it and think about it.
Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t remember

Thanks for the input Reactor, I like the train analogy, you are helping me to remember!
Our universe is a really interesting place. Too bad most people can,t stop and take the time to look at it and think about it.
I couldn't agree more!
I may be a simple time traveler now, but with you guy's help I will be so much more [confused] [intelligent] in the future when I figure out how to get back here and then consequently forget everything again.
Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t remember

If I do, will I instantly be transferred back to my time in the future?

you will got an altervue, back and forth between diffrents timelines...

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t reme

you will got an altervue, back and forth between diffrents timelines...

Are these time-lines parallel or will they intersect? Are you saying that once you leave a time, there is no going back to that time? What if the choice was to push the button or not, and you go back to the moment before you pushed it, and this time decide not to. Would this be an alternate time-line? If it is it would be very similar to the original wouldn't it?
Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t reme

Are these time-lines parallel or will they intersect? Are you saying that once you leave a time, there is no going back to that time? What if the choice was to push the button or not, and you go back to the moment before you pushed it, and this time decide not to. Would this be an alternate time-line? If it is it would be very similar to the original wouldn't it?

Can someone please answer me this question?
Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t reme

These are parallels Timelines, maybe you act and react from these, but your brain will get memories from differents events, ie: family, friends, fiends and foes...when you come back... you get an unusual feeling about the people surround you...are they diffrent??? this realy happend?

To understand more this "REAL" effect see The Triangle Miniseries...

Pam told the Directors about this phenomena before they film it, and it was included in these mini series...

And the recreation of this effect is great...

Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t reme

I got The Triangle, will watch it and let you know if it helps. Thanks for the advice.
Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t reme

A certain individual person travel back in, just before the United States enter World War 2. While he's there. He destroy the Japanese fleet that is going Pearl Harbor. After doing that. He return back to his own time. It is not his original time line, it is the new time line that he had created. He pick up a history book and read about the event of what had happen to the Japanese fleet. Which read, entire Japanese Fleet Mysteriously disappear days before Japan declare war on the United States.

World War 2 still start on the same date as it did in the original time line. Except one different, Pearl Harbor doesn't get attack by a Japanese fleet.
Re: I think I am from the future, but I can\'t remember

I can't believe I registered at this site for educational info and real time travel discussion. You people are a joke.