Super Moderator
Dear Blu (my fave color, BTW):
Persistent prayer (AKA meditation) in your personal timeline does, indeed, energetically affect other timelines. The more energy you direct towards undoing this woman's death in your own timeline, the more you will affect other timelines of energy that are virtually parallel to our own.
If you PM me with this woman's name and specifics, I will also commit a meditation in her memory that will have an energetic effect. The more people in our common timeline who do this, the greater the possibility that she will live on to achieve her impact in another timeline.
This may sound silly, but I would like to encourage and explain to you how you already possess the ability to Create the very Timeline situation that you describe here. The only part that may be sad to you is that, while you possess the power to Create what you have described (avoiding this woman's death), you may not (and likely will not) perceive this in your current timeline.I need to get either a message, or some other form of intervention to 1-10-2005. here's why: on the morning of 1-11 about 10am a young woman died, senselessly, and needlessly. As a result of this death, on 1-13 there was another death also needless and also senseless. Why are these deaths important enough for me to ask anyone to risk screwing with the timelines for? It's is more than just simple grief, or guilt. though yes those do play a part. No the main reason is that i believe that this young woman would have in some way been important, not just to those of us who loved her but to the world at large. I wish I could explain to you how i know this, but even i am not sure, i just have an instinctive knowledge of it, can't explain it even to myself, but its never been wrong before.
Persistent prayer (AKA meditation) in your personal timeline does, indeed, energetically affect other timelines. The more energy you direct towards undoing this woman's death in your own timeline, the more you will affect other timelines of energy that are virtually parallel to our own.
If you PM me with this woman's name and specifics, I will also commit a meditation in her memory that will have an energetic effect. The more people in our common timeline who do this, the greater the possibility that she will live on to achieve her impact in another timeline.