I know things

If even one of the things that i mentioned is wrong......i'll do anything.....but unfortunately every single thing is true :p
KISAMA. HOW DO YOU DARE, ROBBAH!That name, did you steal it from me, didn't you?

If you could explain this further, that would be great.
Yeah, Matey a bit of explanation is required here.The first explanation should be a concise definition of "center of a black hole." No rambling. Concise definition.

I'll give a hint: Because we are talking about black holes we are therefore speaking about a specific class of spacetime geometry. Given this specific class of spacetime geometry defining the "center" is going to be a bit problematic.

The second definition might be the class of black hole we're talking about and the parameters of the specific hole.

Time does exist because we can observer how things behave as time passes right? The only thing we as humans made up is how we measure time like hours and such. But time it's self can be observed therefor it exists.

Time is a measurement only, it is the measure of our yearly course around the Sun, the time on Neptune would have a different rate from the Earth , the it is only a measure of rotational body within a gravity well

Yes but you see you're only taking about how time is measured because that's the only way we can talk about time. But that doesn't mean time does not exist.

But we can change and manipulate time with gravity and such. It is something that can be observed. I totally understand what you're saying and it's not wrong. But what I'm saying is that doesn't mean time does not exist. I'm saying that proves the existence of time.

For what is worth. I was thinking exactly the opposite of the original poster. That time in quantum realm is so fast things appear and dissapear in a flash so universe would be like quasy real. But this makes more sense as what other explanation could there be for an object to be at two places at the same time? That it is in a no time zone. As simple as that. I dont expect anyone to understand what that means but its a good way towards some kind of solution to these phenomena. Another thought on ufo-alien phenomena that the original poster mentions. Why are they so elusive? Because they are quantum proejctions as original poster says. That means they are not really here actually but can project themselves somehow. I remember a guy saying when he saw a ufo: the way this thing was moving was just impossible. Of course it was since it was quasy real and was not subject to terrestrial physics. Just my opinion.

I also agree with original poster that black holes as such dont exist considering mathematically they represent infinite density and infinity of anything quantifiable is highly questionable. I remember seeing hurricanes and galaxies and the person who compared them and also saw basically the same structure. Because of that i started looking at universe as an atmosphere akin to weather and it makes much more sense. I beleive that hurricane and galaxy are basically the same thing except galaxy is million times larger and lasts most probably x-times longer as there is so little resistance to its momentum or because its in a x-times less dense environment.
