In order to avoid a copyright strike Team Book at the John Titor Foundation wrote the book as a sort of stream of consciousness from the POV of Momma Kay Titor. That way they didn't simply copy & paste our posts into it. Momma Kay's stream of consciousness just happened to be almost direct quotes of our posts. As I said in an earlier post, Raul (MOP) did assert his propriety ownership of the forum and its contents (specifically referring to the Titor posts) so he wasn't kidding around about who owned the posts. Boomer may have invented Titor and may have written his posts but he didn't own them. I'm assuming that you now own them unless Raul retained ownership of the database when you took possession of TTI.
I received a free copy of The Book from the John Titor Foundation. Anyone who would pay more than $9.95 would be getting ripped off. THere's no story that can't be gleaned from reading the posts, for free, right here on TTI because we've posted all the threads from TTI, Post-2-Post and It is cheaply bound using very low quality paper guaranteed to decay to dust in a decade or so. At one time Rick Donaldson and I did some tracking on the sales of the book on eBay when the ask was $1,200 and the supposed bid was over $300. It very suspiciously appeared that the people who "paid" the $300 were the sellers' sock puppet accounts. They were paying the $300 to themselves less eBay's cut in an attempt to pump the price.
Yeah, that's what I gleaned from the little tidbits I've seen about it. 1200 bucks for a copy of already freely available content is just dumb. But then, it's the internet, and it takes all kinds. Here I am, having spent real money on a time travel forum (not a one-time expense, I can assure you), so I can't throw many rocks from my glass house. Raul sold me everything, though, domains and content and whatnot. One of the domains was, which I let lapse years ago (it was a redirect domain that just pointed back to the main site). I held on to all the others, though.
I've had it in my mind for a while to gather the posts into a neatly organized PDF, add some notes throughout to clarify different things, then distribute it as a free eBook, or a cheap one to cover the cost of getting it onto Amazon or something. I never bought TTI to make any real money. I bought it because I love the idea of the legend and the little slice of internet history I got to hang on to (for better or worse, depending on who you ask). I want to be able to do something with the story at some point beyond just distributing the posts, though. Life tends to take priority; moving to Arkansas, for instance. But I'll get to it sooner or later. Many ideas and too much going on all the time to truly focus my efforts. That'll hopefully change quickly, though.
I don't mind if other people republish the Titor posts on other sites... It's unavoidable anyhow (it was happening long before I came around), and making a fuss about it is an asshole thing to spend my time pursuing. All I ask is that TTI is given a link or a shoutout and that one doesn't use the content as a money-making endeavor. The posts are here for free.
An idea I've had is to integrate the events of the Titor saga into a top-down Zelda-esque RPG of some kind where you happen to fulfill the role that Titor played as part of the overarching story. Titor isn't the focus, but the events you play through mirror the bits we know seen from a different perspective. I bought a couple of domains for that, and, and have enough of the "TTI Expanded Universe" figured out to start working on it. There's a semi-defunct trademark on the John Titor name from someone in Arizona (I think; I haven't bothered to look in a while). I'm not worried about that, TTI is the defacto originator, and it'll never make me any money. It's for fun, sharing weird ideas and keeping my programming knowledge from clouding over.
Things are too chaotic trying to balance all the spinning plates one needs to spin in 2022, living a few miles from a big city on the west coast with three kids and both parents working (even though I "retired" last August to be a stay at home dad). It makes me lose track and jump around too much. Moving to the country will slow things down to where I can get this stuff out of my brain and into the world for people to rag on or enjoy as they see fit.
I also own, but that's another story for another time.