I have encountered John Titor


Temporal Novice
Back In 2001 I was waiting in line at burger king, I was talking to a friend of mine about John Titor I said he was fake, I Said I didn't believe him I went on and on about how anyone could believe him. When a man behind me in line said "You are incorrect" I replied back, "You know about John Titor?" he said "yes .." I asked him "why am I wrong do you actually believe that story" he then reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked to be a business card, on it was a photo ID of the man next to it, said Johnathon Titor. It was dated 2036 and had some kind of logo in the back round of a clock and NASA's Logo. After that he said "believe me now?" I didn't know what to say. I asked him if it was photoshoped but he flipped it over and there was a bar code.

He invited me to eat lunch with him, he told me about the civil war he went into more detail then I have read about. He said that it would start on March 20 2005, It would start out with a collage campus in new york, some of the students opposed a war against north Korea. So they Barricaded a few dorm rooms and claimed to have weapons, the stand off a few weeks before it was resolved. Soon copycat incidents started happening all over the nation similar to the one in new york. He said this is what ended up dividing the nation and eventually led to massive riots. He said that the nation would finely pull back together in early 2007, and never have the 2nd Korean war.

He also told me about other current events that would happen, such as the an earth quake in the Indian ocean which would cause a huge tsunami and kill 100,000 of thousands. He told me that Bush would be impeached after the civil war. and there would be a new election, were Howard Dean would win by a land slide. He then said that in 2012 there would be another cold war, he said during this time he went deep into Florida's woodland with some friends and survived eating plants and fish and other wild life. He then said a rescue team came for him and he was taken to a military base in Ohio were he would be under evaluation for 2 months then returned to Florida he said Jacksonville was left in ruins. He then joined the military and has been in it ever since.

He went on to say that the card he had was a photo ID from were he worked, he said it was a branch of NASA which explored Time Travel, and he was on a mission to retrieve old IBM computers to fix a problem with Unix.

Think he was for real or just some guy bsing me?
Well the ID card might be quite some proof...Although what seems weird was that he was at Burger King and he said he would never eat that...maybe he had no choice? But I have heard they are planning something on North Korea, which seemed weird because just said he mentioned it too...so I dont know.
I do not believe this story, according to John (Titor)'s own words Titor was a pseudonym of some sort and not his real last name. Yet you're going to tell me he's got a card dated 2036 with a bogus psuedonym and he's showing it off to people in line at BK.

Suuuurrreee.. Now I am not saying this event didn't happen, however I sincerely doubt it was the guy who made the posts but someone yanking your chain bud.
LOL I guess I didn't read your whole post before.

Howard Dean becomes president? this is Truly laughable. The Day that guy becomes President I'll eat my boxer shorts with a side of pickles.
Ironically the way you write your post, Probably does more for the Titor story then what titor did.

If you're faking, you're quite a good one. I'm still not sure about the point or purpose in the Titor saga though. Regardless of the validity of it. It doesn't seem to be geared to doing anything productive.

you could say a contamination of the timeline. But just Titor being here saying that was a major one. He said telling a forum was not on mass. Now theres a book out. It that still only a minor contamination? No its quite big actually.

It wasn't his worldline anyway. Any shift he creates would be a new branch anyway - rather then contamination. It would simply split. If it was true (which it may not be) he potentially could have caused a split. He's potentially done enough for it.

kind regards,
Well if anyone cares I can give you the best description of what I can remember. He looked like he was in his 40's. He had a very distinct face kind of like the "school principal" look. He was a little over 6 foot and medium built he did not have any facial hair. He just looked like he was an authority figure of some kind. His voice was very stern. His eyes were hazel blue. Also after he finished his food (a chicken sandwich) he took what he claimed to be iodine pills, that protect him from radiation. He also showed me pictures of his family from our time line and a 5$ bill from 2036 which looked similar to the current one except this had a blueish tint to it and there were 5 water marks in the right hand corner. He said that John Titor was his alias for this "world line" and if i would try searching for him I would find nothing.
For some reason, Burger Kings are places where weird meetings and encounters go on.

I don’t know the why of this, however.
He said that John Titor was his alias for this "world line" and if i would try searching for him I would find nothing.

If it is his alias for this world line then why was it the name on the photo ID from the future. Your story would have been more believable if you would have left out the photo ID part dude.
You know what we should do?

Lets get a Sketch artist to draw a couple pictures of the man you claim is John Titor. Then we Age Regress the picture so we know what he looks like around 5-7 years old. Then we talk to Pamela and get the IP for the initial contacts from John. Then we goto Florida and start searching for that little punk kid and we don't give up until we find him. =)

Sounds like a plan to me.
Again I agree Rhudey, I just think the whole story is Made up. Not neccesarily by the googleguy. However if John Titor were here from the future he would NOT have a badge that said John Titor 2036 on it. Titor was an Alias, but he's got an official 2036 id with that name?

If you had said it was a current Florida state ID for the year this happened, what was it 2001? And that he had some photo id from 2036 that said his name was Johnathan Smith, or anything but Titor, I would have believed it.

Unless, his name has been Titor all along and I find that hard to believe from the research I've done.
The ID card was exactly how I described it, I don't know why his alias was on it. I just figured he was assigned that name from were ever he came from. The weird part about the ID is it only had the photo, the alias and the date. You would think it would have more than that, you know a social security number, real name, age, location. I guess all thats on the bar code. But like I said believe what you want I am only telling you what I experienced, I don't even know if this guy was real. Thats like some one coming up to you and saying "Hi I am Jesus Christ here is my business card" Its a very strange situation, you had to be there.
What do you believe? Do you think this guy was telling you the truth or not? If you had to put a percentage on how believable he was, what would it be?
Well after it happened I questioned it now I believe it after the earthquake happened. The Man I spoke to spoke with a very stern voice, he seemed more serious than I can remember now that I am reminiscing the experience.
Sound pretty believable considering I just read a news report on ATS about North Korea prepairing for war with the US:

original news source:

North Korea has ordered its people to prepare for a protracted war against the US, issuing guidelines on evacuating to underground bunkers with weapons, food and portraits of their leader, Kim Jong-il.

The 33-page Detailed Wartime Guidelines, published in South Korea's Kyunghyang newspaper on Wednesday and verified by Seoul, was issued on April 7 last year, when the communist regime was claiming it was Washington's next target of invasion following the Iraq war.

The manual - the first such document made public to the outside world - was signed by Mr Kim in his capacity as chairman of the Central Military Committee of the ruling Workers' Party.


Ok now that I have gained some analysis on this thread, I will admit The story was made up. Yes it may seem childish and immature, I did it for a reason. I wanted to see how gullible some of the people on this forum were, This is all in the name of research by the way, I am using this in my analysis of "John titor" now that the secretes out I would like to apologies for the wasting your time (If you think that). If your interested in what I observed all I have to say is you guys know your facts quite well about Jhon Titor, also you are a tough crowed to convince take that as a complement, because it only gives more credibility to John Titors saga.

I would Like to Dismiss a few things first.

The same story was posted at this link

that was not me, its funny how fast BS gets spread I found it interesting that my tale showed up on Above top secretes message board. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread109611/pg1

Well now that you know that I flat out BS'd you and admitted to it I would like to thank you for your participation and shaded some light on the Titor Saga as far as I go. If you are interested in learning about how I formulated my story, simply ask I'll tell you how I set it up. Oh and I knew titor wasn't his real name I just needed a hook to rail you in with and that card the "proof" was that hook.

I ask you for a favor, please do not ban me. I would be willing to be an active member of this fascinating community you have built here. I will not lie or BS as I did in this thread. Hopefully my honesty earned your trust.
I for one would like to say its about damn time I've been coming back for days waiting for you to give up the foolishness. You can't fool all of the people all of the time. Whatever truth or credibility you may have had was washed away with my first round of questioning and I suggest if you ever attempt to pull such a foolish endevour because you have no Life. That you research it better first otherwise its not a valid scientific experiment.

If this were not a valid scientific experiment then it was a Hoax for your own self esteem. I suggest that your IP be banned. But more than that I recommend getting a life while you still have a chance.