Temporal Novice
Back In 2001 I was waiting in line at burger king, I was talking to a friend of mine about John Titor I said he was fake, I Said I didn't believe him I went on and on about how anyone could believe him. When a man behind me in line said "You are incorrect" I replied back, "You know about John Titor?" he said "yes .." I asked him "why am I wrong do you actually believe that story" he then reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked to be a business card, on it was a photo ID of the man next to it, said Johnathon Titor. It was dated 2036 and had some kind of logo in the back round of a clock and NASA's Logo. After that he said "believe me now?" I didn't know what to say. I asked him if it was photoshoped but he flipped it over and there was a bar code.
He invited me to eat lunch with him, he told me about the civil war he went into more detail then I have read about. He said that it would start on March 20 2005, It would start out with a collage campus in new york, some of the students opposed a war against north Korea. So they Barricaded a few dorm rooms and claimed to have weapons, the stand off a few weeks before it was resolved. Soon copycat incidents started happening all over the nation similar to the one in new york. He said this is what ended up dividing the nation and eventually led to massive riots. He said that the nation would finely pull back together in early 2007, and never have the 2nd Korean war.
He also told me about other current events that would happen, such as the an earth quake in the Indian ocean which would cause a huge tsunami and kill 100,000 of thousands. He told me that Bush would be impeached after the civil war. and there would be a new election, were Howard Dean would win by a land slide. He then said that in 2012 there would be another cold war, he said during this time he went deep into Florida's woodland with some friends and survived eating plants and fish and other wild life. He then said a rescue team came for him and he was taken to a military base in Ohio were he would be under evaluation for 2 months then returned to Florida he said Jacksonville was left in ruins. He then joined the military and has been in it ever since.
He went on to say that the card he had was a photo ID from were he worked, he said it was a branch of NASA which explored Time Travel, and he was on a mission to retrieve old IBM computers to fix a problem with Unix.
Think he was for real or just some guy bsing me?
He invited me to eat lunch with him, he told me about the civil war he went into more detail then I have read about. He said that it would start on March 20 2005, It would start out with a collage campus in new york, some of the students opposed a war against north Korea. So they Barricaded a few dorm rooms and claimed to have weapons, the stand off a few weeks before it was resolved. Soon copycat incidents started happening all over the nation similar to the one in new york. He said this is what ended up dividing the nation and eventually led to massive riots. He said that the nation would finely pull back together in early 2007, and never have the 2nd Korean war.
He also told me about other current events that would happen, such as the an earth quake in the Indian ocean which would cause a huge tsunami and kill 100,000 of thousands. He told me that Bush would be impeached after the civil war. and there would be a new election, were Howard Dean would win by a land slide. He then said that in 2012 there would be another cold war, he said during this time he went deep into Florida's woodland with some friends and survived eating plants and fish and other wild life. He then said a rescue team came for him and he was taken to a military base in Ohio were he would be under evaluation for 2 months then returned to Florida he said Jacksonville was left in ruins. He then joined the military and has been in it ever since.
He went on to say that the card he had was a photo ID from were he worked, he said it was a branch of NASA which explored Time Travel, and he was on a mission to retrieve old IBM computers to fix a problem with Unix.
Think he was for real or just some guy bsing me?