Wiggy, in the info on time travel that I have been privied to, indeed as Chronohistorian has said, there is a forty second lock-on time, that time-cops need in order to find your violation.
The thing is and why apparently Chronohistorian is so obstinate, is that the Pleiadeans had published time travel protocols already.
These are, you may visit other times, however you are on order to blend-in and try not to disrupt that timeline under all cost.
At this time, the Pleiadeans have way better technolgies that we Earthlings do, so they can appear in time travel and not be detected.
However the example in one time traveler that I had found, is that he appeared in another timeline which was much like modern Tokyo and onto an overpass sort of highway.
No sooner that he was there for forty seconds, their own town police came after him and he barely got out by the skin of his teeth.
Apparently time travel is allowed, however not timeline disruption.
In, there have been reports already, during the Titor era, of signs on roads, changing all by themselves, and buildings changing, which is a definite indication of timeline contamination.
I held somewhat of an instructors visa, on another board that I was on, so understand the concept of time travel and consequences quite well.
With this Chronohistrian, it seems that even the most experienced of us, have to endure both his rudeness and insults, which makes me wonder if he is a real time traveler at all?