I am from the year 2522

so you are for freedom of speech until you hear something you don't like?that doesn't sound like you are for freedom of speech to me.
1) I said I was considering to make an exception.
2) It has nothing to do with timetravel.

3) You obviously don't have your facts straight.

I've been more than fair to you ever since you started visiting this forum. You should be the last person here to complain!

look how all the rest of europe came out of it. the cities of britain were bombed. soldiers and civilans were dead. looks like even the victors came out of it badly to me.
Yes, all thanks to Hitler! Geesh. I'd really appreciate it if you didn't mention Hitler anymore.

"1) I said I was considering to make an exception"

that does not matter. you were considering not allowing freedom of speech which shows that you aren't a lover of freedom of speech. you just say you are until something comes up that you don't like

"2) It has nothing to do with timetravel"

technically it has because if headquarters let me I could go to see hitler but it would never happen.

"3) You obviously don't have your facts straight"

yes I do

even if I didn't does people having wrong arguments are a cause to cut off freedom of speech?

"Yes, all thanks to Hitler! Geesh. I'd really appreciate it if you didn't mention Hitler anymore"

technically it was the treaty of versaille which is at fault because hitler would never have got into power if it wasn't for that.

It has been explained to you VERY CLEARLY before Chrono, this is a privately operated forum, there is no "freedom of speach" here, are you that dense that you didn't understand it the first time? You watch too much tv.

Roel, I don't believe that an individual can really be this thick headed, he is just trying to keep the thread going, you are feeding the troll. He is either one of the slowest people to ever log on to the internet, or one of the best trolls I have seen.

I am not trolling. I just don't see why a moderator should be allowed to ban me just for having different opinions than him
Read this again very slowly so that maybe it will sink in. A FORUM IS PRIVATELY OWNED AND OPERATED, THEREFORE THEY CAN DO ANYTHING THEY PLEASE INCLUDING BANNING ANYONE THEY WANT FOR WHATEVER REASON THEY WANT. Do you understand? It's been explained to you at least three times now, so I would think that your superior futuristic intelligence would kick in by now.

I think it is important to Talk about Hitler. All of Humanity has learnt a very valuble leason from this man. If we are to quick to forget him or any history we may end up making the same mistakes.

People are aloud to speak freely and hold opinions. However assertions must be backed up with facts and expamples. This is the work of a Historian. I am a Historian. Chrono you are not a Historian so you should now change your story.

You have asked me a specific question and as a Historian I will back up my assertions and retoric with facts.

---His intention had been to study economics in the Bavarian capital, but his wartime comrade and friend Max Hofweber soon intoduced him to the extreme right wing scene. Through Hofweber, Hess joined the volkisch, antisemitic Thule Association. He participated in acts of sabotage against the Councils Republic and, ultimately, in its defeat. The personal contacts he formed during thoes months were crucial to the future course of his life. He got to know Dietrich Eckart, Earnst Tohm and Karl Mayer, but also Karl Haushofer, the university teacher and geopolitican. From May to October 1919 he served under Epp, the Freikorps commander, and it was then that he may first have met Hitler.---------

---------Margarete Plewnia has shown, for example, that Hitler's antisemitism became radicalized under Eckarts influence; more precisely, it was not until early 1920 that he based his attempt to represent the Jews as "the blane of Germany"-----------

Now my friend these exerts are taken form The Hidden Hitler by Lothar Machtan. I have read this book because I am a historian. I suggest you read it and or other books before making emotive statements with no factual base.

Also you did read my post as does everybody because my information is precise and I cut like a knife. My mind is sharp and so are my words. I do not beat around the bush this is why people like you read all of my posts. You did read my post, you pretended to only read part of it because I as a genuine Historian and Theologian am exposing majior inacuracies and holes in your story.

This is not the golden Age and it will never be known as the golden age. It is the age of Picies and the next age will be known as the Age of Aquarias. In historical terms ages are denoted by specific shifts in culture. The cause of a shift in culture denotes the Historical Age ergo we are in the Focil Fuel Historical Age.

You claimed the greatest advancements where made in this age when infact mans greatest acompishment was made in the broze age. The great pyramids in Giza have never been matched in terms of enginearing and other sciences to this day. We are not sure that they were built during or before the bronze age. The people who created these monuments left real evidence behind of thier advancement. So you are wrong.

You caim to be a historian yet you will not back up your retoric or asertions with facts. I have given my facts and sources. Now as a historian you must come up with some facts or retract your claim of being a historian. You also claim to be a theolgian, any theologian would tell you that hitler himself claimed that nazism was not a party but a religion. A theologian would also know the theoligy for this religion came from the thule society and the Tutonic Kinghts. You are not a theologian I am.

Dear moderators, you may feel this site should not discuss Adolf Hitler. I do not agree. This young man needs help. If a Nazi is booted of the site for talking about Adolf he will only feel it was a Jewish conspiricy. It only takes one fanatic to do something stupid or spread rubish. Ergo every opertuinity should be provided to educate ingnorant people with facts.

This may not be concurunt with the aims of this entaprise. However as a public service provider thier is a moral obligation to facilitate constuctive dialogue on important issues.

aeroplane companies are privately owned so does that mean that they can throw you out of the plane midflight with no parachute?
Do you even think before you post? When you are banned from a website you are not killed,there is a difference. Can an airline remove you from the plane before it takes off? definitely. If I own a store and I think you are loitering can I kick you out? damn right. If you are disturbing the customers in my restaurant can I kick you out? absolutely.
Here's an example for you Chrono, go into a privately owned building and begin annoying everyone inside, refuse to leave when security asks you to, and then see how far your freedom of speach argument gets you when you are arrested.

Do you need any more examples or is it clear enough for you yet?

Dear moderators, you may feel this site should not discuss Adolf Hitler. I do not agree
This is a time travel site, not a history site. If he wishes to discuss Hitler then he should do so in the appropriate website.

However as a public service provider thier is a moral obligation to facilitate constuctive dialogue on important issues.
No it isn't, this is a site where people who are interested in talking about the science of time travel come to discuss their ideas. It has no obligation to try to change the ideas of extreme fundamentalists.

"People are aloud to speak freely and hold opinions. However assertions must be backed up with facts and expamples"

I did give facts

"Chrono you are not a Historian so you should now change your story"

have you any proof?

anyway I am a chronohistorian.

sorry. your post was too long and boring again so I never read it. I got up to the The Hidden Hitler by Lothar Machtan.

Rhudey-banning people from a forum could technically be called killing someone because you could be killing their spirit.

there is no "freedom of speach" here
Hi Rhudey,
I totally agree with you. Perhaps I'm being too nice. I don't want to give up my ideals, but I'm loosing my patience with chronohistorian. Besides being ignorant, he's being unthankful as well. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but I have to draw a line. Hitler was an evil person. I think people like that shouldn't be adulated in any way. I also think that's the general opinion.

Roel, I don't believe that an individual can really be this thick headed, he is just trying to keep the thread going, you are feeding the troll. He is either one of the slowest people to ever log on to the internet, or one of the best trolls I have seen.
Me neither. Again, I totally agree with you. Perhaps it's better that I tighten the rope a bit. I don't want to loose another valued boardmember (like RainmanTime).


Chrono has stated that he hasn't done anything wrong and has followed all TOS Rules.

That's simply not true. The TOS Rules at TTI are wide enough to easily fit him into them.

Participants shall not post any material likely to cause offence,
It's rather obvious that he has offended quite a few people with his insistence on continuing the Hitler Fan Club off-topic discussion. Community members have voiced their concern with the topic and have given him due notice that they find the topic to be offensive. You've reiterated that same concern.
Freedom of speech does not include the freedom to offend or annoy. Dump his rear end. He can always go back to the future and post in a world where he might be better received. :)

"I'm a big proponent of freedom of speech. I'm against censorship, but I'm considering to make an exception in this case"


so you are for freedom of speech until you hear something you don't like?

that doesn't sound like you are for freedom of speech to me.



"Look how Germany came out of the war"


look how all the rest of europe came out of it. the cities of britain were bombed. soldiers and civilans were dead. looks like even the victors came out of it badly to me.

Hey Chronic, watch out - the phoney mis-spelling style you have been using is entirely absent from this post. The lovely guy who runs the BBS has obviously hit a sore spot with you. Worried you'll get banned? It's a tribute to everyone's patience you haven't been yet IMO.

Remember to keep in character in the future (where you claim to come from).

You idiot.

roel-"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but I have to draw a line. Hitler was an evil person"

so when opinion get too "fanatical" you think they shouldn't be entitled to opinions?

Darby-is it my fault that everyone is "uptight"? if you don't want me to talk about hitler then don't mention him and I won't reply talking about hitler.


I have a few questions for you chronohistorian.

1. What was the last war humans were in?

2. Do Aliens and humans ever cross breed?

3. What sports do people play?

1. do you mean between countries of earth or alien races?

2. they can but I don't think it has ever happened. I could be wrong though.

3. they play the same as down but we also play space races which is a space ship race and you are allowed to kill each other. aliens take part in it too


Darby-is it my fault that everyone is "uptight"?
Like it or not, yes - according to the TOS Rules at TTI it is your fault. You've posted materials that people find offensive and that is precisely what the TOS Rule says that you cannot do.

It would seem that you have three choices:

1. You could change - we both know that you're doing what you do for no other reason than to annoy people. You're not adding any intelligent conversation.

2. You could ask Roel to see if Raul will change the TOS Rule so that you or anyone else can annoy and offend at will.

3. You could find a BBS where the rules fit the personality.

You should also probably keep in mind that you do not enjoy a freedom of speech here. Your 1st Amendment right to free speech defines the relationship between you and your governmemt. It does not extend to the relationship between you and and a private club or private community.

(Once you get through your Senior HS year - next year - you'll have that part of your academic background complete. Most Juniors make that mistake - that is - the mistake that freedom of speech extends to all areas of one's life. So to that extent we can understand the misapprehension.)

You may or may not know but I've been a moderator on other boards for many years. Based on your actions here I would have run you off quite some time ago. This is a Community and moderators generally do respect the Community will if it is in step with the general rules and TOS rules of the board. I would have done it, not batted an eye and not looked back.

You can ask around - I have a couple of friends here (and I mean that sincerely) that I have bounced off of boards more than once. I can maintain an amicable attitude even though I'm saying "Adios."


1.I am not trying to annoy everyone. hitler is a part of history. I didn't think you would be offended by your own history.

2. I will not ask people to change the rules just for me.

3. no I like it here
