I am from the year 2522

"Rhudey-that is a theory and not a fact."

Sorry buddy, I'll take Einsteins word over yours. Nice formula by the way, do you mind telling me what the variables x and y are? Actually, since relativity is wrong, please let me know what the real model of the universe is? I would really like you to explaing the fundamentals of time travel and how it works. As rainmantime mentioned in another thread, it's a shame that someone with your firsthand knowledge does not contribute to the in depth scientific threads discussing the topic.

Or maybe you don't know, it's like the planet of the apes remake, your the chimp they sent back in order to test things out for the intelligent humans!

Okay, I've been away for a few days, but I've not given up on this.

Okay, let's look at the answers to these questions I asked (Rainman, I'm sorry, but you got 2 out of 3 wrong).

I can't really remember why the telephone exchange was invented but I think it was so that the troops could get information easily to base.
Nope. I chose this question because it is probably the most famous invention story of the 20th Century, but not many people will know it unless they have a personal interest in telecommunications, inventions or the history of the 20th century. There was a small American town where there were two undertakers. One of the undertaker's wives worked at the switchboard. As a result, when people rang the operator(s) and asked to be connected to the undertaker, they were connected to the one whose wife worked there, and the other undertaker got little business. To prevent this he invented the telephone exchange to automate the system and get rid of his rival's advantage.
It's an unusual and unlikely sotry, but it's true and pretty memorable. I fail to see how any historian who is an expert in the 20th century would fail to know that.

The bloodiest war is probably vietnam.
"Probably"? You're the expert on the timeperiod, aren't you?
Actually, it's neither the Vietnam war nor the Korean war. It is interesting, though, how Western-centric a pair of answers they are, though. The kinds of answers I'd expect from people from England or America in the 20th century who have had a lifetime of being bambarded with Vietnam movies and repeats of M*A*S*H on TV. A historian, however, would know that civil war in the Congo (also involving Rwanda and Uganda) was the bloodiest war after WWII in the 20th century.

The public safety announcement was about performers injuring their heads but not really sure.
Rainman was absolutely right about this. The warning was to warn people about "bad" brown acid. You want proof? You can download the announcement here: http://www.audiosparx.com/sa/play/play.cfm/sound_iid.37146
The reason for this question was that it's a pretty famous moment in history. It's iconic in the same kind of way the "I have a dream...", "We will fight them on the beaches..." and "They think it's all over..." is to a certain sub-set of people. However, it's not only a chiefly American moment, but also one very much of it's time. And, as such, I thought that what I assume is a fairly young man from England would not know it. However, for a historian of the 20th century not to know it is about as likely as a man with a PhD in electronics not knowing how to wire up a plug.

I'd say that your bluff has well and truely been called.

Ah, but I'm having a laugh, so I'll carry on. But if you could explain how come you don't know these things, and maybe give an outline of some event that you do know about. You're an academic and a historian, so I assume you'll be able to make it consise, interesting and not at all vague. Hey, as you've heard of it and find it interesting, maybe a quick couple of paragraphs on the origins of rap and hip hop in New York, and the influence from Jamacia and the tradition of toasting?

If you read back I said I could not speak arabic.
You're enough of a respected academic to be trusted to come back in time and to communicate with people, telling them who you are and what you're doing, but you don't speak the language that's most common and most widely spoken on the planet? How, exactly, does the academic world operate in your time?

We stopped world hunger with a little bit of communism, as there is enough food for everyone on earth we rationed it out.
Okay, so how did you overcome the inherant flaws of Communism? How did you conquer the human equasion? Also, which form of Communism are we talking about? Marxism? Or do you just mean Socialism?

We can travel light speed. it takes us about 1 hour to reach andromeda in an exploration/war ship
Really? And yet Andromeda is 2.9 million light years away. So, if you were travelling at lightspeed it would take 2.9 million years to get there. Care to explain?

If you read back you should know that it is an element found deep within the moon. I don't know where it is found but I think the atomic weight of it is 288.
An atomic weight of 288? Man, I tell you what, if you are a time-traveller, it's from the 1950s. "Lunarium from the moon!" You do know that after about 83 protons per nucleus that atoms become unstable and split into two or more seperate atoms with smaller atomic weights, right? You do know that because of this there are only 88 naturally occurring elements in the universe, right? And we know what they all are. You do know that, after 88, all elements with higher numbers are synthetic, don't you? And there've basically got no uses and useful properties at all, right? You do know that "finding" a naturally occurring "element" on the moon with an atomic weight of 288 is impossible, right? It would have flown back inthe era of It Came From Outer Space, but not in the days when every schoolchild should know about atomic weights.
Oh, and these elements with the higher atomic weights usually have a half-life of anywhere inbetween a millisecond and a second, so it certainly wouldn't be found in nature. Oh, and there's no way anything with an atomic weight of 288 would be a metal.

We dealt with greenhouse gases with a little bit of terraforming.

It depends really, if we have been gone two hours then earth will have aged two hours.
Nope, you really don't understand relitivity. I know you had the bare-faced cheek to say that Einstein was wrong with that theory, but are you aware that it's been proven in experements many times? You can say that it's wrong until you're blue in the face but the simple fact is that it's something that is easily testable (assuming you can get your hands on very accurate clocks and very fast vehicles) and has been tested and is right. Personally, I'd have invented some technobabble about being sheilded from relativity by a bubble of something or other. I suspect that your grasp of physics simply isn't good enough to pull this kind of scam off.

damn, I feel like a fool now. according to the doctor star ships do travel forward in time when going faster than light but it is only 33 seconds.
No comment, really. I just found this particularly funny. Oh, alright, one question, 33 seconds according to which time?
My advice is to do a little research before trying this again. You plainly do not have the first clue about any of the physics or maths, which you'd have to know the basics of, at least. A racing driver may not know the Periodic Table, but I'll bet you anything you like he could tell you the torque of his engine. However, even if I could forgive the huge gaps of knowledge you have here, you have no credibility as an academic as you don't seem to actually know anything about what you're supposed to be an expert in. As well as that, were you a historian come here to study us that'd basically make you a temporal anthropologist. And what's the most important thing in anthropology? Understanding the language. That you make no effort with spelling, grammar or capitalisation, despite the fact that that's hampering your ability to communicate effectively, definately marks you out as not an academic of any sort, let alone one of the best to be given this oppourtunity to come back here.

Sorry, but at the very least, if you're going to try this again, learn to use a search engine effectively, and learn new ways to aquire knowlegde. I tried to make my 3 questions both things that would be fairly well known, but also things that were somewhat obscure. Both the undertaker and the acid would be readily available with the minimum research, and the Congo question may take a bit of poking around, but I'm sure a quick search of Amnesty International's site would have yielded results. Instead, I'm gussing that you took a wild guess and hoped. Which has proven an ineffective tactic because you don't have enough base knowledge to make your answers convincing.

Thanks alot Trollface, I was laughing so hard at your post everyone around my office ran in to see what was so funny! I can't wait to see his reply to that post.

Chrono, use some of the examples I gave you on general ships technologies.

Again and I don't ramble, am giving examples, what style do you ships come under, in the examples given?

Surely you can describe them from what information that I have given here?

If not, then you're avoiding the question?

Re: uysr

Nice try. Im going to assume that the future has a new way of using mathmatics that are beyond me so please, Before I say out right that you are wrong, explain what the formula does and what it means.

Also, Please explain why and advanced civilization whould send someone on a TT mission and not fully explain the dynamics of TT. If you are a true time traveler, you would be commiting suicide by not understanding and knowing, without the help of computers, what it is that you are doing.

Last chance. Tell me what the very first calculation you would make before traveling through time.

Re: uysr

cerial-why am I funny? do all your theories have to be correct?

Rhudey-I will not tell you what x and y are because you could create a time machine with it.

trollface-for the bloodiest war thing I am sure that you said "the bloodiest war that concerned americans".

Is the war in rwanda the one when 900,000 people were massacred in a short time and the UN pulled out?

As for arabic, whats wrong with me not speaking arabic? just because it is the most spoken language does that mean I have to know it?

I thought half of canada spoke english and the other spoke french?

It isn't proper communism, we just share the food out and we can still have money and own our own business.

We don't exactly travel at light speed but we just named it that because people couldn't think of anything else to name it.

Nothing is impossible and we did find an element on the moon. if you do not come from my time then you will think everything is impossible but if you have seen what I have seen then you will know that many things are possible.

We can eaily increase the lifespan of elements in my time.

We terraformed the planet to get rid of greenhouse gases. that is how.

Whatever you say. we have better clocks for measuring time in my time.

33 seconds as in our time.

Describing ships would take too long however we go at light speed by a complicated mixing of hydrogen, francium, lunarium and water.

billagain-why would they need to explain the dynamics to me if I will never need to know? most of the information on time travel is on a need to know basis and I don't need to know.

I would only want to know if I was going to sell the secrets to people here which would get me in serious trouble.

Re: uysr

My conclussion is that, because your lack of ability to answer any questions and side steping the offer for someone to validate you, you are a crack and just seeking attention. Now I can move on to the rest of my assignment. Thank you for making it clear to me and my superiors that you are of no threat.

To all others on this sight that are endulging these morons, let it rest. They offer no proff and why would they, they have none. They didnt think to far into there hoax, now they are spending all theirs and your time, avoiding any questions.

Ch, if you really want to know why I know that you are a crack, or if you still want to be validated, My superiors want me to give you one more chance to answer the question. JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION AND NO CRAP. I promise, its an easy one and if you are a TTer, You will know it. It is something that you would need to know. remember, NO CRAP

Re: uysr

I just got a call from the time guards and they've approved my next mission. I'm going to travel back, choke the chrono one in his crib and prevent this stupid thread from ever existing :yum:

Re: uysr

trollface-for the bloodiest war thing I am sure that you said "the bloodiest war that concerned americans".
You can't even read what he wrote back on another page, can you? Your suriety is wrong. Here is the quote from his original question:"In the latter half of the 20th century, what was the bloodiest war since the end of WWII?"
As to the two that I got wrong, I have a cop-out for the telephone exchange now that you gave us the answer: You meant the automatic switching exchange, which you did not specify in your question. I did state the caveat that I assumed you meant the (first) manual exchange. But I would have not known the story behind the automatic exchange.

As to Chrono telling me he was sure it was Vietnam and not Korean War, I did not consider Rwanda. Yet if you do not consider Rwanda, the Korean War still had more fatalities than Vietnam, so again Chrono, you are wrong! I gave the numbers from both of those wars. Want to dispute them?

Thanks for the entertainment, trollface! :)


Re: uysr


thank you for that reply, I personaly think that that was the most intelegent thing concerning time travel that I have heard in this tread. Since Cronohistorian has no real knowlege of TT or 20th century history, and he wont answer any questions with any sort of knowlege, This tread is growing incresingly abserd and boring. Ive even knticed that all the other time traveler have taken their leave and gone back to regroup their thoughts. Ha- what a riot.

Re: uysr

Rhudey-I will not tell you what x and y are because you could create a time machine with it.
Well thought out response ;) damn! now you know my true intentions.
I'm going to have to hand it to you Chrono, you keep sticking it out nomatter how stupid you keep making yourself look! unfortunately your responses to some of trollface's post were lame at best. You didn't answer any of the points he made that blew you out of the water (i.e. relativity being a fact, travelling several million light years in an hour, etc.) I have a suggestion for you, read "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking, them come back under a new name in a few months and try again (after learning some basic chemistry also).

I keep telling myself that I'm not going to post in this silly thread anymore, but I love reading your "intellectual" responses.

Re: uysr

I just got a call from the time guards and they've approved my next mission. I'm going to travel back, choke the chrono one in his crib and prevent this stupid thread from ever existing
Whoa there, cowboy!
I suggest you drop your plans this very instant. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. It would mean you're taking away a lot of our laughs between the period of 4 / 7 / 2004 and 4 / 30 / 2004. Since one laugh a day, keeps the doctor away I must urge you not to proceed with your plans.

Thanks ;)


Re: uysr

LOL roel, how about you start abusing your new power?
Yes! I just noticed I have the power to end a thread, but I'm hoping this one will die on its own. I'm new on the job, so I don't want to take such a drastic measure right away.

Re: uysr

billagain-I have avoided no questions. give me the question that I must answer then.

RainmanTime-yes give me them plus the animals that were killed and the civilians that were killed.

A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking does not contain all facts but mostly theories.

Re: uysr

The Pleiadean consortium and Transient 001 have said that the universe is sphere shaped.

And it's huge, so vast, that it must be divided into certain densities.

How do you feel about this?

Re: uysr

our theory is that it is sphere shape however you could have got it off the news in this time because this is about the time when they publish the theory so it could have already been published.

Re: uysr

OK, one more time........

When prpairing to travel through time, What is the first calculation that you would make? Please, its not that hard and just answer it.

Re: uysr

Do you guys even see the error in your ramblings. You dont sound smart or knolegeable at all. The "universe" is one existance of all that exists. "uni" meens one. without boundries. Chronohistorian accually stated in error at one point that the galaxy was limmitless, I assumed and he later backtracted (go figure) that he ment the universe. If the universe is limitless, How could it be sphere shaped. How does something with no end or boundries have a shape? You guy are nuts.
