I am from the year 2522

Something is really funny about this thread.

This supposed guy comes from the future, has a speech and spelling impediment, this gets better and now there is the possibility of him being two different guys?

Also there have been an estimated twenty million people abducted by said aliens in the continental U.S. alone.

I was one of them and now this very weird comment, by Chronohistorian about a baby never being made, however his knowledge of the lizarians is very good?

Something does not ring right about this all of a sudden????????????


Why is it sometimes you make sense, but other times you don't, is it because I only understand you when I am drunk?

"I am not so much of a computer whiz, although somehow I always think I should have been, well nevermind. But has anyone checked CPGUY's IP signature and that of CHRONOHISTORIAN. I believe they could be one and the same."

i did .. and no they're not the same person


Hello there my friendsI am not so much of a computer whiz, although somehow I always think I should have been, well nevermind. But has anyone checked CPGUY's IP signature and that of CHRONOHISTORIAN. I believe they could be one and the same.

Until later becomes now
Dear Transient001 (and all who it may concern),
Yo dude, look at my style of writing and Chronohistorian's... do they even look they same? I do not claim to be from the future nor do I claim to be from england. Never been to england in my life. In fact, I have never left the west coast of the United States. If you want to ask me anything and still believe that I may be Chronohistorian then please start a newe thread because this one is ending.

If anyone wishes to talk to me they can my yahoo instant messenger name is mrtracyall. Tracy is my real name and the name Guy is what my friends call me. If you wish to know more about me or whatever.

Well, I hope that the confusion can clear up.

I am not Chronohistorian.

Believe what you will I will still like you for who you are.


Tracy a.k.a. Guy

Drak, I don't know what your problem is, however if I make more sense when your drunk, then maybe you should drink more often?

No, not really'; however look how broken the English patterns of Chronohistorian are when he first started this thread?

His English is terrible and you are lead to believe that he may have been tortured too, by the way he handles his English?

The guy looks like he has a busted synapse.

Now, he rattles English off, like it was always his first language.

I don't get it, did he take a software accelerator, with autocorrect, such as propel.

And what about about that comment about the statment Chronohistorian made in reference to procreation?

Why all of a sudden is he adding deniability to this factor, when no'one has even mentioned procreation?

I say again this thread stinks and something is very fishy?

Again look in the beginning of this thread the statement I am very cleaver at history.

What's that supposed to mean...............?


what the [censored] are you getting on with? i need some education?

its faith fool

it has nothing to do with education

no one can ever disproove god ever. i dont care what brilliant point you come up with. i believe in god..thats my faith

dont tell me i need to educate myself

At least we know Chrono's an atheist. I don't think I would be able to stand a religious historian from the 26th century.

Bur seriously, chrono, tell me some new arguments against the existence of a God. Surely, you have a reason not to believe, right?

were you referring to me, Creedo? What do you mean?

Not only is Chrono's spelling appalling but so is his grammar.

I was very surprised (or maybe I missed something in the previous posts) to hear that Chrono is in England.... I was always under the impression that he was in the US...

Tell us more about where you are in England. Why did you land in England and not the States. You were living in the States weren't you?

And Chrono, couldn't you try and expand a little bit rather than saying that things are just "different" in your time? Jokes, TVs, etc... Explain please. Especially the computer that reads your thoughts - how is that done. You're probably going to say (again) that you can't tell us because that would alter the timeline, right?

And, don't you think you're a bit cheeky there, saying that we should read your posts carefully and that you are tired of repeating yourself? Come on, Chrono, just because you claim to come from the future, doesn't make you any more superior than any of us here.

I still can't believe how much importance Chrono is being given, and how much people still care to think that he is true!!!

Someone should put all the things he said together from the very beginning, so we can clearly see all his contraddictions and put an end to this once and for all.

I was very surprised (or maybe I missed something in the previous posts) to hear that Chrono is in England.... I was always under the impression that he was in the US...Tell us more about where you are in England. Why did you land in England and not the States. You were living in the States weren't you?
I guessed england because his email address is from the U.K.

He said in one of his last posts that he is in England, right? Maybe that's why he brought up all that stuff about the Big Ben!!

Hello Sarah, you asked to chrono "Explain please. Especially the computer that reads your thoughts - how is that done."

I can tell you that in 1993/94 I did a art exhibit called 'dream machines'.

I used a scan brain, the EEG of my scan brain, was capturing brain waves, real time,

with a Xobject that I wrote I could communicated with my computer,(was a MAC II)

In the computer I used a sequencer, which was receiving and Interpreting the brain waves

(by midi signal) and from the output of the computer I linked a robotics interface.

the system was inside my sculpture, it was working well, and independently of your brain condition,

corresponding to relaxation, concentration or high brain activities, the sequencer of the computer was giving some feedback on screen.

It was also communicating with an external device: a robotic interface, giving

(in regards of your brain activities range), order such as xon xoff

and gradually for music, lights, animated sculpture and image video projection.

then it was a re-lecture took by the scan brain for interacting.

it was far away from a computer who reads directly "thoughts" but once we will

perhaps be able to interpreting the thoughts by reading "images thoughts" of

our brain, with a new device, we will then be able to send it to a computer for interaction, rendition n implementation.

a temporel

:D Siegmund Which photo is the real you? The one on the left, or the the good looking one on the right .And is that,what happen's to a time traveler as he goes thru,the spacetime continuum?... [kidding]

I am not two guys and I don't have a speech impediment.

cleaver was supposed to be irony-me being clever at history but not typing skills.

If god was real do you think he would allow pain and suffering. If god is real then he is an evil hypocrite.

being evil because he allows disease and suffering.

being a hypocrite because he says you have free will but if you don't wortship him your going to hell-doe that sound like free will to you?

I live in england and that as far as it goes. I came to england because most events happen here.

if they want to ask questions then they should read if they have already been answered

Why cos you can't lower yourself to answer again? Or are you afraid of giving a different answer to the same question, thus exposing you a little too much??!?

Does it matter, temporal puts a large value on 20 00 dolphins per year then 4000 children per day? need i say more? Temporal if you can justify this please do?
20,000 Dolphins per year(I think that figure is too high, but I'll go with it) are not being killed to save children from starvation. Most are inadvertantly killed while catching tuna.
As for us being higher on the food chain... When was the last time you hunted for your dinner? As humans we have a habit of taking all we can, instead of allowing our food to replenish. If you want to use the food chain as an example - what about lions and zebra. Lions are higher on the food chain,but they only attack the old or the sick - ie the zebra that will not contribute to future growth in the herd. There is a balance.

The number of children dying per day will not be affected by any increase in the number of animals killed per year.

