I am from the year 2522

Also, if you could tell the person the colour of his girlfriends hair colour, and that his works would be stuidied 500 years later, why can you not tell us the stockmarket, or the next big war or anything like that?

Everything you say is only a basic insight onto a subject. You seem to have no depth in history. You do not know names, dates or even the year of a certain invention. You do not even have an extensive vocabulary or a even good grammar to boot. Your replies to us are jus mere one sentence explanations that give no depth in whatever answer that we really seek. Your motive here doen't seem to be with any relation to history but to lead us on as long as you can to break some hoax record and hoping that we haven't debunked you. (well, we did, but since you refused to own up). You contradict yourself a lot. You cure cancer, but there is still cancer. You cure AIDS but there is still a new strain and besides AIDS isn't jus AIDS, it's jus a simple term for example the common HIV. You do not have any depth. Besides a cure for cancer doesn't mean any cancer, there are so many variations of cancer and they all have different effects on a human. How would there be a all-in-one cure to rid of all cancer cells without amputation or radiation treatment?

You talk about recyling, but how this work? How do you even recyle plastic? 500 years in the future and you still use the term TERABYTES? It's not like we haven't achieved any of these terabytes technology. If you still use terabytes, i expect there are other similar counterparts to the pc as well?

You always say I don't know this, or I've never heard of it. I bet you haven't been studying hard and I believe you were duped by your own 'government' to discover what you have really missed out here.

500 years in the future, it all sounds too dumb, too stupid. I would choose to die and fade than to live in a such a 'fascinating' world. It's not a dream world, it's not a paradise. It is just a world built on modern conveniences and technology, mankind has not learnt it's lesson.

Thank you,


Well my history is lost so I aren't going to know every name and date in the last 500 years. I also aren't going to know what happens everyday for the next 500 years. I have told you lots of things about people and inventions.

Maybe if I told you what happened you would understand but I can't.

I have good grammar but I feel weird typing, normally I would be telling the computer something and words would appear on the screen.

If you want an in depth answer then you should ask an indepth question.

I never said there was still cancer in my time. Read properly and you will know and I never said we still have AIDS in my time, I said it mutates in your time though.

All cancers can easily be cured with one method which I will not tell you because you could invent one and change history.

We just recycle how you do it now but a bit better with smaller machines that work faster.

250 terabytes is the average computer. Some computers have more memory. The average ship computer has about 900 gigaquads of memory.

We have learnt to care for the environment and not be selfish. In schools instead of just focusing on many subjects you focus on one or two to make the information you know better so we advance more. If someone wants to be a therapist there is no point in teaching them maths if they are not going to need it is there?

I would rather be really smart in one subject and stupid in others than be average at everything because you can't be excellent at everything can you?

I would rather be really smart in one subject and stupid in others than be average at everything because you can't be excellent at everything can you?
Very well. Then please tell us which subject you are "really smart" in, because you have proven to us more than once that you are NOT the historian you say you are. You're not very good at grammar and diction, either. You seem to claim, yourself, that you are not good at math.Is there is a professional occupation for TV-watcher and internet-surfer in your time? Because THAT is the only thing that I might find you to be "really smart" in....and the "really" part is very tenuous at this point.

According to the people in my future I am really smart in historical knowledge.

There is a profession in my time for watching tv and surfing the internet. It is called a critic.

Because you become part of this era's neural net.

The personal p.c. to date, is one of the most complex developments ever made, as this device starts to form fit the user.

By the act of using a personal p.c. you interface with the entire whole world net.

Everything that is you interfaces with the computer and the p.c. starts to copy your mannerisms as well as your knowledge.

Any culture that uses the personal P.C. starts to become as one.

If you are from the future, then what you knew will rapidly fade and the new offering, which is the fabric of this society, will then become embossed upon you.

It's a type of infective process, so the more you use your personal p.c., the more you become like this society?

According to the people in my future I am really smart in historical knowledge.
No, I don't think so. Standards for intelligence do not decrease as time goes by. Einstein was MORE intelligent than Newton because he had the knowledge of Newton to leverage his work in Relativity. The saying used for this is that "great scientists stand on the shoulders of the great scientists who have come before."Your most glaring error of what year the 9-11 attacks took place would not be an acceptable error for a person of average intelligence and study of history. You claim to be a historian, which would make this error grossly unacceptable for a person in this profession. Here is an analogy: Any student who has made it to high school knows the significance of July 4th, 1776. If you asked them what occurred on July 4th, 1777, and they said "the Declaration of Independence was signed by the USA founding fathers", they would be laughed out of the classroom. If a HISTORIAN made that same error, it would be grounds for dismissal from their job, because historians are charged with maintaining accurate perspectives of history. Errors in dates, times, and places of historical events are not tolerated for they can result in wrong beliefs in the people that rely on historians.
You do not even possess the intelligence to engage me in a robust discussion, which would be another trait of a good historian. Historians write in complete paragraphs, with a well-rounded vocabulary. The curriculum for historians is also quite heavily weighted in language, especially the native language of the country they live in. Your language usage is nowhere near indicative of one having completed a university-level degree in history.

Do you wish to continue to lie, or would you rather just admit now what your real profession is?


I will still know what I know from the future even if I use this eras technology.

I am intellegent in history but my strength is history from 1900-2000.

isn't the saying something like this: "If I know the universe it is only because I have stood on the shoulders of giants" I could be wrong and I probably am.

I am telling the truth about me being from the future.

WOW! I just read the whole thread.

Chrono, dude, you suck ass. You don't know anything about history. You say that history was lost. LOST? Think about that for a second. We know what the Chinese did 4,000 years ago. You, however, don't know what happened mere 500 years ago.

In the beginning this was amusing, but now it's getting annoying.

To think that future generations are sending dumbasses to the past. That's interesting.

Because of duality factors, Chronohistorian, may exist.

Roughly desbribe the onboard core matrix, of your spaceship computers?

*So there is a memeory core.What is this core, bubble, hard disk, in block synthate, holo.bubble, laseric in photonic charge memeory, you should know.

Also what was the type of Aircraft that President Johnson sent against North Veitnam's Hypong Harbour, when the vietnam war started?

Were they Gruman F-8 Tigers?


F-8 Crusaders?

All cancers can easily be cured with one method which I will not tell you because you could invent one and change history.
u have already told me that by single inoculation at the age of 5 yrs suposed to protect from all kind of diseases which is for me is hard to believe.as far as i m concern we only immunised to prevent infective disorder.and we probably need booster dose at later time.

the only cured that might come from cancer probably in somatic cloning which introduce speciffic cell to the precancerous cell via any media(virus most likely).and this is not the immunisation process.

i m sorry for not believing in u man from the future.u have to try a bit harder to convince me.

Uhm, chrono... you're contradicting yourself...

However them implants will cause headaches and in serious cases cancer but you won't discover this for a long time

I never said there was still cancer in my time. Read properly and you will know and I never said we still have AIDS in my time, I said it mutates in your time though.
I think this is the first thread with 28 pages of pure nonsense...


If you are experienced from 1900-2000, there is no reason why should not know the correct date for 9/11. It's a very grave and fatal mistake, do you have any explanation for your mistake? RainmanTime is right, a professional in his job, especially a historian should not and NEVER make such a mistake. It would lead to a dismissal and humiliation from the history society. Well, since we assume you are not a historian, we are still laughing at your poor attempts to make us believe. Look around, who really believes you? Even if you are from the future, the government is probably sending you here to die and never let you back. A one government dictator rule doing this much more feasible than you coming to research on history. Guess it's time to meet your fate and watch TV for the rest of your life, and yes, before you know it your doctor is gone. You are alone.

:p How we adore such misfortunes!

Hi Chrono, I've new to this forum & have just read this whole thread. One thing that I'm confused about with what you're saying is this. First you laughed at the idea of Food Replicators ( as in Star Trek ) because you thought the idea of conjuring up food out of thin air was preposterous. Yet, then you would have us believe in another post that you get your food from the future. :confused:

But, its still an interesting topic, except for the garbage about Britney Spears posing nude.....I mean, who cares!! Not very Earth shattering is it, she's practically naked in her TOXIC film clip anyways.

Zimbabwe, well we all know that things are not good there with Mugabe & the place is headed for a civil war, so thats not new either.

You give examples of events around the world, but I hear nothing about my country. What do you see for Australia? Make me believe. :)

I can't really describe it but I think we use a process called slipstreaming for the memory core. I don't think slipstreaming has been invented yet.

I though President Johnson sent B17s at them with......

I don't think it would have been Gruman F-8 Tigers because they were used in the second world war

I don't think it was a Pantherjets because they served in korea.

so I think it must be F-8 Crusaders.

I know I have told you but I can't tell you the cure in it.

We immunise for any disease in my time. why is that so hard to believe?

It is illigal to clone humans.

I was talking about your present implants and not the implants in the future. If you read on you would have known.

nicknack-I said my strength was from 1900-2000. When I noticed 9/11 I immediately thought about the twin towers attack because I learned about lots of strange things about it. I will just name a couple though:

911 is the emergency service number for america

the spanish railway bombing happened 911 days after september 11th.

Nothing really happens to australia except for more bush fires but that happens every year.

Hi Chrono, not that I'm disappointed to hear that nothing much happens to Australia except next year there will be more bush fires, but thats too predictable. Pretty much everyone around the globe knows that we are an arid country which experiences more than its fair share of bushfires. Can't you at least give me something to look out for? Perhaps you can tell ME the color of my hair?? ;)
