Some questions for you before I "debunk you to shreds":
1) That thing-a-ma-jig you call a "Key Lock Door" on your time machine... does that, perchance, have anything to do with a Variable Gravity Lock (VGL)? Reason I ask is cuz that's a term I have heard associated with other time travelers & their devices.
2) It seems like the page from the manual is inconsistent with the photo of the time machine in its operating environment (it seems you call this the Ridgeway?). Why is this? Some examples of what I am talking about:
a) The feature named "Bob" seems to be modified between your operational photo and the manual photo. Bob in the manual seems to have an overt ornateness about him that Bob in the ops photo does not have. Is this just a personal choice of Bob's or does it somehow figure into the time travel physics?
b) The "stabilizing bars" (my term, since there is no callout for them in the manual) on either side of the "analog readout" (again, my term) seem to be different between the ops photo and the manual. Why is that? Is temporal vortex strength somehow involved? I would think so since the operational unit seems much more...... ornate(?) in this sector of the device.
c) The "analog readouts" seem to be indicating different temporal deviations. Is the manual version simply calibrated for a different worldline?
3) It appears that tracking the position (and phase???) of the moon is crucial to time travel in this device. Is this true? And if so, could you explain the physics, please.
4) I see from the "other user's manual" you included that GE is still in the time travel business where you come from. In my worldline we have a much more superior "HD" technology that seems to put your "porta color" to shame. Have you ever heard the names "Sony" or "Panasonic" in your worldline? I have found these devices to provide the highest resolution time traveling experience... if you know what I mean (wink-wink, nudge-nudge).
Write back.