I am a Time Traveler from 2026.

I'm researching Zeshua for my next Hall of Shame report.

I'd just like to report that Zeshua dropped his "A 3rd becomes next" on 14 April 2005, during the interim between the death of Pope John Paul II and the selection of Benedict XVI on 19 April 2005. I'm pretty sure it was a dim attempt to predict that the next pope would be Whoever the III. (Most likely JP III, but could have been a couple of others.) This rolls into the whole "look in the paper and make a couple of guesses" mode that most time travellers operate under.
I just don't understand why we're discussing Zeshua. Boredom, I suppose.

Back in July of 2007 Zeshua got caught redhanded in a lie when s/he posted the photos from "the future". It was quickly verified that the photos were lifted from the Smart Skyways website at http://www.smartskyways.com. The photos are still on the home page of that site. Just because after being caught Zeshua said "Oh, it was all a test - a trap" doesn't make the lie go away.

What did, however, go away was Zeshua. Zeshua made two posts thereafter and became another OWETO. Simply because one person on planet Earth obsesses over this stinker doesn't make it an interesting topic.

Just my thoughts on a thread that, as I've said before, has never interested me.

Just an aside, but after all those years of posting through The Cloak and in the end suggesting that s/he was a student posting from Cambridge University in England where did Zeshua post from in the final post - the one post where s/he apparently forgot to use The Cloak?

I still get a chuckle out of the little homily about how s/he correctly guessed the method of how the professor at Cambridge figured the grading curve and how concerned she was about her GPA. Cambridge has been grading using the same or very similar system for eight centuries - a system that is in no way similar to the US system - and suddenly between 2007 and 2026 it changes to the US style system? And make that between 2010 and 2026 because they still haven't changed. What a moron (not Cambridge, Zeshua). It's not surprising that s/he stopped posting. The bovine dug was getting pretty thick and even the cows can't stand their own feces when it gets nose high.
I think a lot of people just tried to jump on the Titor bandwaggon.....but not one of them ever created a hoax that was as 'good' ( that's a relative term ) as Titor.

Titor was evidently a hoax ( to anyone with a brain ) right from early on.....but he at least made the effort to sound convincing, and put a little time into his props and story. Everyone else is just so much very unconvincing BS. They can't even come up with amazing hoax videos like the superb Haiti UFO hoax. Now THIS is the sort of hoax material I find impressive....

I think a lot of people just tried to jump on the Titor bandwaggon.....but not one of them ever created a hoax that was as 'good' ( that's a relative term ) as Titor.

You might recall that Peter did the same thing on this thread once Zeshua was caught in the photo lie. Between 7/23 and 7/25/2007 Peter deleted four of his posts responding to The Lie.

I still believe that when Zeshua first came on it was intended as a joke on the Titor "Believers". The first post was hilarious. As time went on and Peter became so obsessed it appears that Zesh just couldn't resist setting the hook even deeper (much like Kumagoro/TTITO2 did on About.com in late 2001 a meme that started as a joke but was taken seriously by the fruit-bats even after Tom Dehn the OP admitted that it was a joke).
The Following are all events that will shortly come to pass. In your immediate futures.
- A Massive Financial meltdown that puts the Euro as the preferred Global Currency. Repercussions abound to the almighty US Dollar.

She posted that prediction in early 2005, and elsewhere, she said that the economic collapse would begin in 2007 (it did) and max out in 2011.

Today, we read this in Bloomberg News:

"The world’s monetary system is in the process of melting down. We have entered the endgame for the dollar as the dominant reserve currency."

Regarding Titor:

ALL of Titor's predictions came true (or are increasing in likelihood of coming true) with the exception of the "no official Olympics after 2004" prediction.

He predicted that the Civil War would begin in 2004.
2004 was, as it turned out, when the Republicans first used the electronic voting boxes to steal the US Presidency, which amounts to a hostile takeover of the government, an act which would qualify as the beginning of a Civil War in any historian's eyes.

He predicted "The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over." This prediction proved all too correct when the world economy crashed in 2008 and we entered the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

He predicted we would have an "overheating problem with our space plane", and then the Challenger Explosion occurred because of, yes indeed, an overheating problem.

He predicted "degrading US foreign policy and consistency", and under Obama the US has been far less friendly to Israel and far more to Muslim nations, which certainly qualifies as an inconsistency.

He predicted the "the demise of "Homo Materia", a seeming reference to a worldwide economic collapse, and capitalism/materialism in particular, something which is occurring before our very eyes.

He predicted a revival of States Rights as a major national issue, and this came to pass lately with the advent of the State Sovereignty movement.

While he stated that the US Civil War would technically begin in 2004/2005, he made many statements indicating that this conflict would not turn violent until 2011 ("I keep saying her tune will change in about ten years [2011] and she'll be cleaning shotguns in her sleep" and "outright open fighting was common by 2011").

He predicted that during the civil war (i.e., between 2005 - 2015), the US would see "a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse", and today the major story in the news is about all the thousands of families getting forcefully thrown out of their homes, which is exactly what the government was trying to do at Waco. More and more families are vowing to resist foreclosures, and those Waco-type events are seeming much more likely in the months ahead.

Although he maintained that the US Civil War officially started in 2004/2005, he added that the conflict would not really get going until much later : "The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012", which is a timeline very consistent with today's economic crisis and foreclosure rush.

He predicted that "The West will become very unstable," something that has in fact already occurred due to the worldwide economic crash, as we have seen in the news stories covering the riots and chaos in Greece, France, and elsewhere. The West's destabilization has indeed begun, and right on Titor's schedule.

He predicted that China would become very aggressive and expansionistic, and it would "forcefully annex Taiwan, Japan and Korea" before 2015, and the news has carried stories lately suggesting that China is laying the groundwork for such expansion, with its recent huge military buildup, its naval fleet expansion, and its latest move to boost its naval presence in disputed waters.

Titor said that during the coming war, the greatest number of deaths would be via starvation, and the news has carried numerous stories about severe food shortages around the world over the last two years.

He said that homosexuals would openly serve in the US army, a prediction that came true just recently with the repeal of "don't ask don't tell".

If Titor was the real deal, then why did his prediction about the Olympics not come true? Why would Titor intentionally sprinkle his correct predictions with false predictions? He TOLD us why : "I have thought again about how to revel information that would make me more believable but I always come across the following problems: All of you become much less interesting as sheep. I can't talk to you if you're not skeptical. [...] My goal is not to be believed. [...] If you absolutely believed I was a time traveler, with no skepticism whatsoever, then we would be unable to communicate [...] The skeptics will always over rule the "believers". If that were not the case, I would not be posting at all. [...] it is very easy to remain hidden behind a veil of disbelief. [...] When the day comes for my "prediction" to be realized it will either happen or not. If it does happen, then your ability to judge your environment is crippled by your acceptance of me as a "knower of all things" and gifted with the ability to tell the future. If I am wrong, then everything I have said that might possibly have made you think about your world in a different way is suddenly discredited. I DO NOT WANT EITHER." Basically, Titor stated here that, just like Zeshua, he had to sprinkle some false predictions into his message so he could maintain a degree of "disbelief". The Olympics one is the only false one so far.

John Titor himself connected the idea of election fraud with his prediction of a second US Civil War starting in 2004/2005: "For a few months now, I have been trying to alert anyone that would listen to the possibility of a civil war in the United States in 2005. Does that seem more likely now? Actually it's quite amazing to see what's happening. I have been trying to get people to pay attention for the last few months but to see it unfold is very interesting. Before I leave, I'll try and post my report. I am curious… will anyone be upset if Florida's votes are not counted in the Electoral College because of the current 'confusion'?" He started posting in public at the exact moment in history when a very controversial election was occurring, and he predicted that a new US Civil War would begin around the time of the very next election. When he was asked exactly when that Civil War would begin, he gave two different answers on separate occasions : 2004 and 2005. This would make sense if he was identifying the coming stolen 2004 election as the official beginning of the Civil War he was talking about, because although the election was held in 2004, the unlawful occupation of the White House would not actually begin until early 2005. So depending on how you looked at it, the coup occurred either in 2004 when the election was stolen, or in 2005 when the results of that election when into effect. He not only associated the coming election with his Civil war prediction, but even went so far as to specifically and directly connect shenanigans in Presidential voting with the Civil War he predicted, pointing to the then-current shenanigans in the 2000 election and then asking if anyone thought the Civil War he was predicting for 2004/2005 was "more likely now". This is strong evidence that Titor's prediction of a new US Civil War was related to election fraud in the 2004 elections. He wrote, "For a few months now, I have been trying to alert anyone that would listen to the possibility of a civil war in the United States in 2005. Does that seem more likely now? Actually it's quite amazing to see what's happening. I have been trying to get people to pay attention for the last few months but to see it unfold is very interesting. Before I leave, I'll try and post my report. I am curious… will anyone be upset if Florida's votes are not counted in the Electoral College because of the current 'confusion'?" Note carefully his wording here. It speaks volumes : "For a few months now, I have been trying to alert anyone that would listen to the possibility of a civil war in the United States in 2005 [...] to see it unfold is very interesting." He speaks as if he felt he was actually watching his predicted "Civil War" unfold before his very eyes in the election mess of November-December 2000.

Titor said that before 2015, China annexes Japan, Taiwan, and the Koreas. China's current military expansionism is right on schedule, balls-on consistent with Titor's prediction. Japan sees it plainly enough, as today's news reflects.

I'm not going to run through all of this silliness again. Been there and done that long ago. So I'll just refer to one of your self-serving (and intentional) misstatements of what TTO/Titor actually said:

While he stated that the US Civil War would technically begin in 2004/2005, he made many statements indicating that this conflict would not turn violent until 2011

Here's what he actually posted on 7-NOV-2000 on this site while answering a question posed by Pamela:

timetravel_0: Wow...that's a big question. There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States

Nothing "technical" about that statement concerning civil war.


In my 2012, I was 14 years old spending most of my time living, running and hiding in the woods and rivers of central Florida. The civil war was in its 7th year and the world war was three years away.

5-FEB-2001 (Post-2-Post "I am From 2036")

From the age of 8 to 12, we lived away from the cities and spent most of our time in a farm community with other families avoiding conflict with the federal police and national guard. <snip>

Outright open fighting was common by then and I joined a shotgun infantry unit in 2011.

Obviously it had turned just a bit violent sometime before 2011 if "outright fighting was common by [2011]".

And finally, he actually did define very clearly what he meant - and he didn't mean a civil war of words, anguish or anything of a sort:

12-FEB-2001 (again of "I am From 2036")

((8. John says the civil war which starts in 2004 or 2005 (depending on the post) leads to the world war which starts in 2015. ( So we have a TEN YEAR civil war???))

It's 2004. I apologize for a missed key (very observant – we all need good critics). Perhaps our definition of war is different. I would define it as a conflict where organized groups engage in maneuver and armed conflict.

That's it - he said "armed conflict" relative to the civil war that he predicted would start in 2005, changed it to 2004, apologised for the "typo" yet had other posts where he clearly refered to 2005, i.e. in 2012 it was in its 7th year.

Now can we please put this (apparently failed) attempt to promote a film project that was handed over to a film project attorney to bed?
Zeshua's "twist" may be the upcoming Wikileaks dump

On the Twist, Zeshua said, "The Civil War, which is more of a Global Civil War, is the same all over the globe. It is truly a David versus Goliath scenario and this is one thing JT never said, this is a worldwide phenomenon. It just happens to be Focused on the United States. You will feel as though you've just been through a movie in which the last 5 minutes changed the entire first 2 hours of the movie, the Twist, as it were, which Cannot be guessed (we are sure, you have Tried, every single time), and cannot be revealed, is very "Unexpected". Once the initial panic is over, the confusion sets in, this is the time Big Brother steps in and you no longer have that cushy 100% freedom you treasure so Dearly. Well, get Used to it. [...] Imagine if you will all of these large domino's being setup, all over the world. Interlinking countries, Dictators, Rulers, Presidents, Leaders. Arafat, Terri Schiavo, The Pope, are exactly like this, stand them up carefully and watch them all fall in succession. I Might add, the thing about Domino's is, you find it almost impossible to stop them once the chain reaction of events has started. All it needs is One Catalyst, One starting point, something to set it off. Or what I refer to as "The Twist"."

This TWIST starts the civil war, according to Zeshua. She calls the strange event that starts the war the "TWIST", and mysteriously declares that it will make us feel as though we've just been through a movie in which the last 5 minutes changes the entire first 2 hours of the movie. That could very well occur with this new Wikileaks dump. This unexpected occurrence will take everyone by surprise, and when it happens, all our lives will be indelibly altered and permanently changed. This Twist is not religious, political, archaeological, or astronomical in nature, Zeshua says, but PSYCHOLOGICAL. Similarly, the coming Wikileaks dump is slated to have a huge psychological impact. Zeshua says that this Twist will be a psychological change or transformation that will "permanently change" and "indelibly alter" all our lives . Zeshua says that the whole Civil War starts because of this one strange and mysterious event, and also that this conflict is almost like a Global Civil War.

This Twist, Zeshua says, is not so much catastrophic as it is cataclysmic. The difference between these terms? One is associated with a disastrous ending, while the other is just a great upheaval that "washes through". This change is not the end of the world, life goes on, people are still surviving and getting by, but patience and cautiousness become necessary. The way she describes this worldwide psychological transformation suggests just such a “washing through" :

Catastrophic : a sudden and widespread disaster. A disastrous finish or conclusion. Any misfortune, mishap, or failure. A sudden violent disturbance.

Cataclysmic :any violent upheaval, esp. of a social or political nature. A sudden or violent physical action producing changes in the earth's surface. A flood, deluge. Cata =down, through, against. Klysmos=a washing. Cataclysm = a washing through.

The Wikileaks dump could well be described as a “washing thru”. It will sweep thru the world’s awareness, transforming everyone’s concept of the USA, and it will be seen as “cleaning” or “washing” away the lies that have concealed the truth.
According to Wikileaks, the history of the world will be redefined over the next few months because of the contents of the telegrams being released.

Zeshua right again!

In 2005, Zeshua warned that a great international incident would occur which she called "the twist". This was the event, she said, that would ultimately propeld the world into World War III in 2011-2012. She refused to say exactly what this event was, but she did say about it that "You will feel as though you've just been through a movie in which the last 5 minutes changed the entire first 2 hours of the movie".

This "twist" was going to cause the downfall of all sorts of dominoes, world leaders, and nations, according to Zeshua.

Your history has arrived, folks.
The "twist" then coincides with the material that time traveller Jacob Time has put forth. In late 2011 he saw a war build-up with Obama losing in the election, but being removed prior to January because of blunders apparently made vis-a-vis troop movements. Prior to the election, according to J.T. Tea Partiers would be marching en masse in D.C. to protest the war buildup. China would also be reportedly attacking Thailand in late 2011/early 2012. That would clearly be coming out of nowhere given current events stories at the present time. Perhaps that is the actual "twist" or event that sparks the next global world war? We certainly won't have long to wait to find out.
Who's this Jacob Time? You know its funny you mention thailand though just heard about that in the news, I guess we are going to sell them 4 aircraft carriers or other sea going vessels and China isn't too happy about that.
Jacob time refers to another time traveller referenced at this forum. Will put a thread up on that when I get a chance. Thanks for the info, Ren, regarding the aircraft carrier sale.