I am a Time Traveler from 2026.

It just gets better and better with you, Peter:

Of course "Europe/Asia" does not only mean "Europe and Asia" but also "Europe or Asia".
So does this mean you are now abandoning the old "Europe divided by Asia" ploy? Or merely adding all possibilities with the hope that one pans out?
I don't see how you can now deny the "shoehorn prediction" tag with this nonsense. You are forcing Zeshua's predictions to be right...and it is hilarious.

And what about "a 3rd becomes next"? You sure have gone silent on that one! And after all that ranting and raving you did, INSISTING that I make some comment, because you thought I didn't have anything to refute your "iron clad hit"... Did you plan on responding to my refutation that you so voiciferously asked for?

I will give you one more day and I will start to detonate the "time bomb" in that thread.






Former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin announced last week that she will resign as governor of Alaska and not run for re-election.

There has been much speculation that Mrs Palin might be preparing to make a bid for the White House in 2012.

Speaking to ABC's Good Morning America during a family fishing trip, she said she could not rule it out. "

end quoted from video here:



For God's sake, my friend. You bolted out of bed in the middle of the night over Zeshua?

Perspective, Pete. At some point you have to be able to see that what you've been posting isn't Zeshua's thoughts - they are yours. Go back and look at Zeshua's first post. It was a joke. His/Her posts only changed after you became the First Acolyte of Zeshuaism. S/he's pulling your leg thereafter to see just how far you might go to "interpret" the posts. Why didn't Zeshua reappear, as scheduled? Boredom. The personna behind Zeshua appears to have become bored with pulling wings from butterflies.

Zeshua didn't predict what you just posted - you post-dicted it. You spent time anguishing over an obvious hoax to justify the vague anagram. Why didn't you come up with Venezuela vs. Honduras? It's the same "bound" to war situation. Why not Germany and the rest of Europe? Sure, there was a declaration of "peace" following the 2nd World War - but the 1st World War ended in an armistice. Technically all of Europe is still at war with Germeny re. WW I. Turkey is still, technically, at war with ANZAC.

It's still called data mining to fit the profile.

It's still called data mining to fit the profile.
This one? RMT Style...

This one? RMT Style...
Excuse me? Please do tell me how me showing my own PM inbox contents is "data mining to fit the profile"?
I suggest you bit careful if you think you are going to make another accusation against me, recall. It will likely be as wrong as you last, and it could result in much worse consequences for you than the last one.


You sent yourself a PM ?

And why are you using Privoxy ? Just curious...this sometimes indicates that a PROXY is in use...IF it is coupled with a "special" program...just because it states that there is no proxy detected, doesn't mean there isn't one in use.

Why you would have it listed on your screen shot that there isn't a proxy in use is a bit strange. Why would "you" need that visible in the toolbar ?

easy answers:


You sent yourself a PM ?
that way i caught a curious big fish... :devil: :devil: :devil:2.

And why are you using Privoxy ? Just curious...this sometimes indicates that a PROXY is in use...IF it is coupled with a "special" program...just because it states that there is no proxy detected, doesn't mean there isn't one in use.
To avoid these nasty error in Youtube`s videos if you not are in the USA :
"This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions


Why would "you" need that visible in the toolbar ?
this act with another one that is not displayed in these capture image: a button that say: "get youtube video" and directy converted to .mp4...

that way i caught a curious big fish...
You see, he is still of the mistaken impression that I can access his personal PMs, which I cannot, and which you know cannot be done. So while he may think I saw that email to himself before, and probably thinks I have read it, this revelation of his inbox by him is the first I knew about it.
But we know recall's life is run by cornspiracy theories! So what else is new? ;)


Forget to say that with the use of Proxy to get Youtube Videos outside USA... we got Another "FAT" Fish as Gary Vozz Said, that start call me "Charlie"....

Best Regards... ;) ;) ;)

It just gets better and better with you, Peter:In reply to:

Of course "Europe/Asia" does not only mean "Europe and Asia" but also "Europe or Asia".

So does this mean you are now abandoning the old "Europe divided by Asia" ploy?
I don't know what it means. I am exploring different interpretations, just as anyone would.
The line "A pre-emptive strike between two war bound nations in Europe/Asia" is a much clearer prediction than some that Zeshua has made, but the last bit does leave it a bit less defined than one would prefer.

I think the important thing about this prediction at this point is what we can agree on about it -- that it has not been fulfilled yet. Perhaps it will, perhaps it won't. But it is written clearly enough at least to tell when it has not been fulfilled. If a pre-emptive strike occurs between two nations before the end of this year, we will all consider if the two nations qualify as having been "war bound" prior to the strike, and if they were nations in Europe or Asia or some combination thereof.

If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. So far it has not. So far Zeshua has been wrong about this one.

The reason I brought up the Koreas was because I've seen other predictions lately about it lighting up over there, and that made me see the phrase "war bound" in a new light from how I'd been reading it previously.

I will give you one more day and I will start to detonate the "time bomb" in that thread.
Time bomb? Yeah okay. You know, Ray, if all of Zeshua's remaining predictions come true by December 31st, nothing that you or I say about her now or then will make a difference. It is out of our hands. For better or for worse, Zeshua's predictions will speak for themselves in 2010.

You betcha, Jim. Most of them are nothing to be too pleased about, but that one gives us hope.

It reminds me that she once said something along the lines of "the one thing that all survivors had in common is that they never gave up hope."

Nice to hear from you, Jim, and nice to know you're still checking in here.

My favorite Zeshua prediction is only three words long ... "Life goes on."
That is a understatement. It is like the energizer bunny rabbit. On and on and on...... After Rome fell and the citizens of Rome moved to the country side and after thousands of years as the remains of Rome decayed in ruin life went on. The same in Egypt. The same in south america after their civilation fell. Well be the same in America and Europe too (not predicting here just saying.) The only true prediction is that life will move forward. Long after the post here at TTI have been deleted or destroyed and its memory fades away with time life will go on.

Re:The Associated Press: worse than merely foolish

Just to remind us all of Sammy's past timeline with us... :)

And who said I was making a time travel claim? I find it funny how, searching the history of the forum, it seems to have been bombarded with idiots claiming to be from the future or whatever (especially when there are so many flaws with what they are saying). I thought John Titor was bad, but I can't believe some of the other people who just show up here.
So I guess he has chosen to join the legions of the bad with his own, brand spanking new TT claim?

I am somewhat puzzled by the references to having to know the exact time and spatial co-ordinates for a transmission 20 years into the past. No, it doesn't work that way.

Time travel systems operate instantaneously. You are not 'travelling back' to the past. In a sense the past is made here and now. The potential range is the entire universe. You want to fix a co-ordinate in a space 75 billion light years across and 14 billion years old ? Good luck to you ! However, it is extremely handy if a time travel device already exists in the time you are travelling to.

It's a bit like sending a wave down a piece of wire. You don't need to know where the other end is to know that it will respond if you shake this end.

Another point of confusion is the request of people for time travellers to send posts back into the past of 'now'....so somehow a post appears dated 2008 or something.

Once again, it doesn't work that way. Whatever a time traveller does in THIS timeline will already have happened - prior to the device even being used. If a time traveller were to meet the request, it would generate a post in another timeline. So I guess someone somewhere would be impressed. But given that there's an infinite number of timelines...you could wait quite a long time for such evidence in this one.
