I am a Time Traveler from 2026.


Temporal Novice
Good Day All.......

It is currently April 4th 2026.

I apologize for the previous thread posts, they have

subsequently been deleted.

I have recently disconnected the "Bridge" to 2005 so that

certain posts from a previous time could come through, a

few weeks have gone by since that time. There is much to

say, to all who are interested.

I have made minor alterations to the timeline recently,

at the specific request of certain individuals. You may

have noticed effects similar to Deja Vu, these are called

Time Quakes. A Popular 20th Century Author named

Vonnegut coined the term you may be familiar with it.

I have stated previous, What Happens If the Pope Dies?

Find out

April 3rd 2005

Proof? Nay, I state it freely that I cannot provide such

100% proof until the time I leave. All are invited to

email myself at [email redacted] for the remainder of my

stay. As a day passes for you, so does it to for myself.

I Encourage all to ask questions, as many as you can

think of, anything you can think of. Some questions I

will answer Publicly, some Privately, some I cannot

answer at this time. I No longer have reason to hide

from public view, certain cloaking technologies are

making it possible for these communications to flow

freely and not be intercepted. The Caus-Sim is running

at Maximum Efficiency, the established link is much

better than previously available. I encourage any and

all forms of communication.

Pictures? I've already given them out to a select few,

why don't you see what they think. Lottery numbers? Not

likely. A Public Debate on John Titor? Gladly. (A Lot

about this story emerges in the next few years time, you

will all be quite surprised).

I Do NOT work for a governmental agency, the only "Rules"

which apply to me are those of my own well being and

ethics. I will not divulge information which could

drastically alter the timeline, I will not reveal

personal information about myself as I was but a child in

2005. I will not talk about any type of "War" whether is

be "Civil" or "World".

I Have given information to a few, I have given details

of future events and they did come to pass. I have

spoken in code, some of which have been broken, others

which have not. I Have been somewhat devious in my

intentions, for my own personal security reasons. I have

tested others, even planted certain seeds of

dis-information over the past months, and I have

concluded quite a bit.

I leave you with another question. First let me detail

the connections some of you may not have been aware of.

There was a direct connection between Pope John Paul II

and Terri Schiavo. As on got sicker, so did the other.

Is a 3rd Tragedy nigh? ■ ■ß■ ■ 

[email redacted]

I don't know whether you are telling the truth or just being a prat, but i'll keep an open mind, however i realise that most people here will dismiss you instantly. The connection between the pope and Terri Schiavo is interesting.

As for questions: What is sport like in 2026?

What role does the media have?

What are video games like?

Is there a cure for cancer/AIDS?

Is the United States (as I know it, obviously) still a single country?

Are either Scotland or Wales independent from the UK?

America's New Revolution - Temporal Salvation!


By Kevin Fobbs

April 6, 2005

For two weeks America and the world witnessed the passing of two Catholics who led very different lives. Yet both deaths would leave an indelible mark upon the consciousness of our nation and on the world. Many in the nation claimed, quite incorrectly, that reliance on religious doctrine to support the declaration of life, which was guaranteed by our founding fathers, was merely a coincidence of fate. Yet Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, Samuel Adams and President George Washington, if they were alive, would certainly beg to differ.

You see there is an intrinsic connection between those who are casually labeled (with restrained derision) "The Religious Right" for strenuously supporting our nation's founding fathers' doctrine of protection of individual rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. This document created our nation's moral foundation which the historically disabled would have known had anyone in their flock had made a mere cursory reading of our founding principles. These guiding principles provide the subtext for connecting the death of a pope and the starvation of an innocent.

Although the demise of Pope John Paul II -- the Holy Father -- was expected and imminent, the timing of the death of this global leader impacts us as well. His comment upon speaking to his fellow Polish people in 1979 set the stage for morally principled activism that was not built on just sitting idly by. He began his reign by declaring, "Be not afraid." He emboldened his fellow countrymen to stand for freedom. He deeply felt this to be the noblest stance one can take as part of a religious doctrine. Too bad most Americans who labeled Terri's life supporters as fanatics forgot that "Be not afraid" was also part of the Revolutionary War leaders' religious call to arms as well.

Samuel Adams, who most Constitutional historians will remember was not only a patriot but a leader of the Continental Congress, spoke about the value of the individual and warned of the "adversaries who would laugh at the rights of humanity, who turn religion into derision." Was he a fanatic? Was he too radical to say, "The hand of heaven appears to have led us on to be, perhaps, humble instruments and means in the great providential dispensation which is completing." He was speaking to the individual who would rise to be a guardian of justice, of the spirit of freedom, of the individual protection of life.

The designers and framers of our nation's Constitution were particularly concerned about the fact that eventually our country would become too comfortable, too trusting of others to do the citizens' duty, and too willing to give to the notion that standing up for the rights of Americans should be someone else's job. They rightly predicted the rise of the disengaged American.

John Marshall, the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, was quite eloquent in accurately describing the dilemma that Terri Schiavo and her family would be confronted with several centuries later. He spoke of the danger that would befall the individual if we claimed that the Constitution and Congress could offer no protection. "What are the favorite maxims of Democracy?... Can we pretend to the enjoyment of political freedom or security, when we are told that a man has been struck out of existence without a trial by jury? Shall it be a maxim that a man shall be deprived of his life without the benefit of law?" Terri Schiavo was deprived of her life because a state court judge in Florida decided he would ignore a subpoena of Congress, a law passed by Congress and signed by the President, all because he put himself above the law he was sworn to uphold.

This is why the Congress had to act, because of its solemn obligation to defend an individual who represented all handicapped individuals, all women who may have been the unfortunate victims of domestic violence and lived. It was for this very reason that the Due Process Clause is an integral part of the Constitution that anyone would have picked up in a first year political science class.

The connection between the founders of our nation and Pope John Paul II's comments in 1994 in devising our nation's test of its own values was no coincidence. The pope said, "the ultimate test of our American society would be in protecting the life of every human being but especially "the weakest and the most defenseless."

Terri Schiavo's death created both a moral dilemma as well as a moral revolution. Her death was expected by most of the morally disconnected in America because they wrote off her fate as being "merely a family matter." It was truly unparalleled since the infancy of our nation. Patrick Henry, another great Revolutionary War figure, said it best in describing the great "unbothered masses" in our nation. He also said, "It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes to a painful truth. Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?" I suppose he was a radical right-winger of his time because after all those good, uninvolved "citizen patriots" were just waiting for the British to simply come to their collective senses.


Temporal Salvation!

Is that why we visit TTI forums?

Yeah, right... in 2026. As if.

I assume you realize that the Earth has moved some 1.6 million miles from where it was in its orbit around the Sun since yesterday? And I assume you know that the solar system has moved around the galaxy to a similar degree? ...and that the galaxy has moved through its local cluster to a similar degree? Etc., etc.?

And that the variations in pressure from the Sun has caused uncountable variations in the Earth's orbit second by second? And that the Moon in orbit around/with the Earth has caused additional variations? And that interactions with other planets and all sorts of gravitational fields has caused even more uncountable variations? And that _NONE_ of these are currently being tracked to any significant degree so that no one in the future knows exactly where this planet was at this time?

So, I assume you also realize that if someone from the year 2026 wanted to send a signal back through time, that the signal would also have to travel to a distant, incalculable point in space to account for all of the generally known but specifically unknown perturbations in motions in order to intersect at _precisely_ the right molecular time to enter a specific electronic circuit (whose absolute physical location isn't even known in THIS time right now) in order to cause a message to appear? If the entire planet couldn't be localized, I assume you know that the location of particular molecules in an electronic circuit is even less determinate.

Get real. How can anyone have such a small life that wasting time with such a story would seem to be worthwhile to him? At least go to a forum that's dedicated to fantasy.

Hey there, this is your message. May be you forgot to delete this? Let me remind your purpose:

"Please Listen, we made a mistake. Our other 26 attempts

did not fail in fact every single one of them

succeeded. However, none of our programs took the

extremes of the time dilation into effect, now we are

in trouble.

This was the furthest back communication, so you know

the least about me. You are our last hope.

Or other communications landed alright. One on Feb

25th, then months and years apart. We have actually

been corresponded with several of you many many times,

certain members who may all be described as addicts.

Something or somebody that we replied to in a later

time, which is before this time and I do apologize for

the frustration you must be feeling, as this should be

arriving in early feb 2005. Our accuracy has improved

much due to some new algorithms I helped design.

The key to the success of our tunnel onto the internet

at your time is wireless, certain servers in your time

have recently gone online to enable this at the

location we are at now. Geography on a spinning body

does seem to remain relatively constant and thus

predictable. This is the furthest back we were able

to communicate, and although for us it is currently,

well, You won't believe this but its Oct 2025. As I

have said, a lot has happened.

The time dilation made us believe only a few of our

original attempts had landed on the TTI boards. The

effect was instantaneous. Immediate responses from

Feb. 22nd 2005. We were all awestruck, that is the

two other members of my team here at the college.

This is the real so called 20th century "kicker". Our

first post was then received a few weeks later, around

2007, responses were immediate, hundreds more surround

the boards at this time. We did not know what to make

of it, before we could understand what was happening,

Thousands upon Thousands of replies were being

received and they soon started to become

inter-dependent on each other. The effects this

created were detected as the magnitude of the

timequake increased in a rippled-dilution of

space-time. Primarily focused around the coils


I told the others to pack everything and leave. The

computers are all homebuilt but nothing more than

peta-processors, we can rent the computer time to get

everything back up and running. Everything else is

portable. I believe one final message that will

hopefully end up before all of this started, can fix


Our reply message, made in haste after only a couple

of days, to your time frame, in which we received the

first response to one of our attempts, the #18 and #20

coded ??messages, resulted in what I now believe was a

m?/??w^L ÖL◘7 ÀX[u_ùÃøÃSP´_.ÿ_0_

Àt_X[ÃëþÃ�!ú__¼__û__Å“P. __¨â‚¬t_$�.ÿ_,_.€&__�X^ÿ____ _A________________"__0__.___________________ _____<_ _|___________________________________________________________________________________________,_________________________ÿÿ_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‹_Ã� ¡Ã� ‹_½ ‹_à PSQŒÛŽÃ‹_'_´JÃ�!€>°__u3Æ’>V__t,»__´HÃ�!r#ŽÀ3ÿ3ö_Ž_V_¹!_Æ’Ã�@üó¤_Å’Ã�Ž_V_´IÃ�!‰_V_Y}>´HÃ�!rA£X_£,_ŽÀ€>°__u4S»__ÄÄT_‹Ã[=__t$_Ø´IÃ�!´HÃ�!ru£X_£,_ŽÀ‰_½ SÄÄT_X;Øv

ë]_ŽÃ�3ö‹þüó¤_€>Å¡ _u_ŽÅ´IÃ�!Æ_ž___¾p%¿__¹L¡»Ã¿Ã¿´HÃ�!;Úr

I beg you now to take immediate but very simple steps

to prevent this from occurring. Somehow prevent these

posts from being made, we used 3 different wireless

proxies through our "Bridge" and several ips from

these proxies do exist.

I must take off now, its a few minutes later i think

they just scanned the building but I haven't sent this

message yet, they will detect me as soon as I do.

I think in this moment before I must attempt to run

underground, would a namechange on theboard abort our

battch file/?

Please help somehow okgot to go. luck all

---Attached File---

²_Ô_ß_ò__ _ 0

S.H. Insisted we include this, if it came to it.

Should come through as an attachment, or if not the

backup should work http://www.geocities.com/zeshua1/ttiforumextras022505.txt"

Ok here we go again...

Again, post a message in 2004. Any time in 2004 like the other guy on your first thread said. Once again, you'll claim to have never received this message or any others asking for proof of your travels. So let me get this right... you claimed to have posted messages using tunneling from the future. You didn't claim you were in the present from the future, but that you were only sending messages from the future. Ok ok. Someone then said that if you are able to direct messages to the past, then why don't you direct messages to 2004 and do it now so we can have some kind of proof. But then you come in this thread and claim that you are currently in the present time without ability to send messages further back into the past, no doubt. yeah good try.........but not really.

All, please forgive my absence.

"As for questions: What is sport like in 2026?"

After a National and International ban on major sporting events, the vast majority of sports became independent. Almost every major sport is still played somewhere in the world, the restrictions were lifted shortly after, the rules have changed very little with the exception of Hockey. A nationally televised event shown live featured the death in rink of a hockey player. I remember watching this as my father Loved hockey.

"What role does the media have?

A Very limited capacity. The single largest news organization remains virtually in tact in the US. The Role of the AP has changed quite dramatically, most stories are written/produced/covered by local journalists who have verified their credentials and sources. I would call the current media the exacting balance always wished for. The Truth is no longer hidden or covered up by some large organization under the direction of certain Governments the world over.

"What are video games like?"

Most games are built MMPOG, we use wireless portable gaming consoles or at home wireless with holo screens, HUDs, flat panel Hand Sensors or "Tweeks" which are 3d Finger sensors placed on right/left or both hands. Almost all systems are voice activated.

"Is there a cure for cancer/AIDS?"

They start pushing out cures for many types of cancers but not all. Most therapies for cancer are actually screened against the individuals DNA to produce the best course of treatment. AIDS/HIV is treatable but does not appear to be curable in the majority of the population at this time. I have heard of work with nanites in this respect, with limited success so far.

"Is the United States (as I know it, obviously) still a single country?"

I cannot answer this question.

"Are either Scotland or Wales independent from the UK?"

I am currently in the UK and I can assure you it has not changed in any meaningful regard.

If you can tunnel packets back in time, you should be able to do more than post on a message board. So here's what I want you to do. There must be some sort of internet telephony that you can use. IP to phone some sort. So what I want you to do is call someone from the future and turn on the news so they can listen to your day's news for the day...and don't put on Total Recall or some other show with radio or TV from the "future" :p

Poster: VinnieLTSubject: Re: I am a Time Traveler from 2026.

Yeah, right... in 2026. As if.

I assume you realize that the Earth has moved some 1.6 million miles from where it was in its orbit around the Sun since yesterday? And I assume you know that the solar system has moved around the galaxy to a similar degree? ...and that the galaxy has moved through its local cluster to a similar degree? Etc., etc.?
Yes, the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, the Universe is in movement. Surprisingly the tricky part is not pinpointing a space/time coordinate for Earth, as equations were written to approximate its location. The difficulty is in pinpointing an exact time. Currently, rented supercomputer cycles (usually around 40 teraflops) are required to establish the lock.

So, I assume you also realize that if someone from the year 2026 wanted to send a signal back through time, that the signal would also have to travel to a distant, incalculable point in space to account for all of the generally known but specifically unknown perturbations in motions in order to intersect at _precisely_ the right molecular time to enter a specific electronic circuit (whose absolute physical location isn't even known in THIS time right now) in order to cause a message to appear? If the entire planet couldn't be localized, I assume you know that the location of particular molecules in an electronic circuit is even less determinate.
No, I assume that because I am in the year 2026 and communicating with you, in your time, that this incalculable point in space you speak of, probably is not that difficult to calculate for. Not to mention, I don't have to be perfect, only close to the wireless array in 2005. It has roughly a 2.2 mile radius, anywhere within this area I am assured a rather stable connection. As technology levels increase and the area becomes a WiFi haven, my connection will only continue to get stronger. The furthest back I am able to make a connection is ~Feb 2005. I can however connect to any space/time coordinate. However without WiFi capabilities in the area I would have no means of communciation. It is a "Virtual" Link, radio wave type transmissions can travel through but not actual matter.
In ~6-7 weeks I will be disengaging the link and leaving behind a small present for a few whom I trust. For the others, I wish to leave behind some rather generic statements about your futures. As you will have no time reference for the statements, the derivations in the timeline should be almost insignificant.

If you can tunnel packets back in time, you should be able to do more than post on a message board. So here's what I want you to do. There must be some sort of internet telephony that you can use. IP to phone some sort. So what I want you to do is call someone from the future and turn on the news so they can listen to your day's news for the day...and don't put on Total Recall or some other show with radio or TV from the "future" :p
You are referring to VOIP. Thus far I have had limited success, as the link "Artificially" steps forward in time small/simple packets can be sent however when a lot of information is routed and needs to be routed in correct order, IE Streaming packets to a destination, the problem becomes that of Time Dilation. It does not appear this will work for real-time communications, however it may be possible to record a message, transmit data onto the Internet of 2005, and stream it from the web to a phone. If you have any suggestions I would be more than willing to try.

The Following are all events that will shortly come to pass. In your immediate futures. I will not give dates for these events, and although these may seem rather generic statements I assure you they are founded in reality based on fact. In the small chance that the posting of this information changes the outcome of the events, I see no way in which the events depicted would unfold "That much" differently than in my history.

- A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia.

- 2 Federal buildings are completely destroyed.

- A Sudden outbreak of influenza.

- The Patriot Act ends up in court, its powers used to spy on civilians "For their own good"

- A 3rd becomes next.

- A Massive Financial meltdown that puts the Euro as the preferred Global Currency. Repercussions abound to the almighty US Dollar.

- A New form of computer virus programmed by a small team of individuals sweeps the globe within 24 hours.

- The Telluride Occurrence

There is more I wish to say but it cannot be stated in public forums.

The stuff in bold is possible problems with the predictions, which would make them appear less valid, I'm trying to be open minded as always.

1- A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia.
I'm guessing India and Pakistan, although both are asian, so Greece and Turkey comes to mind. The problems between these two pairs of nations are well known

2- 2 Federal buildings are completely destroyed.
Obvious guesses - White House & Capitol, White house & Pentagon (although it would be hard to completly destroy. Obvious terrorist targets, to be fair

3- A Sudden outbreak of influenza.
Also an obvious guess: Bird flu Mentioned recently in news, also the news yesterday of that "super-flu" thing

3- The Patriot Act ends up in court, its powers used to spy on civilians "For their own good"
Not too unreasonable, but why?
4- A 3rd becomes next.
This could mean nearly anything
5- A Massive Financial meltdown that puts the Euro as the preferred Global Currency. Repercussions abound to the almighty US Dollar.
Not really likely, but other things like number 2 could cause it. No real "counter argument", stock markets, etc = unpredictable, at least to me
5- A New form of computer virus programmed by a small team of individuals sweeps the globe within 24 hours.
Seems the most likely, because new viruses happen all the time. but of course significant viruses are rare
6- The Telluride Occurrence
I have no idea what this is, and so cant comment.
Nice point-for-point response, Cryo. I agree with you, so many of them are obvious guesses based on current events. Higher probability of occurrence. And his cryptic predictions, of course they could indeed mean anything. As such Zesh is casting the net much wider than his predictions based on current events...hoping to catch something in that BIG net that can be pointed to in the future by others as "see, his prediction predicted it!" Sorta like 3/4/05 vs. 4/3/05, huh?


Zeshua said> The furthest back I am able to make a connection is ~Feb 2005.

RMT asked> I'd like the technical explanation for why this is, if you please.

Creedo answers> The reason we are able to make our connections, only as far back as February 5th 2005, is due to the nature of the interrogator, into you time.

You see, we can construct a probable time matrix, in which we can send the said packets of information to your time. Know that there must be a corresponding assembly reality, within your system in order to realize these packets assembled into any meaningful document, or communications.

In your time, you have a device which is also capable of communicating to the future.

However in these lanes of communications certain protocols must be observed, so that no violations occur.

The information that you have gotten so far, is privileged and metered.

If we were to go beyond what is intended in any of my communications to you at this time, then the danger exist of variating the timeline.

There is a central time travel and communications authority control over some aspects of both communications and time travel.

"This is what and what we are not allowed to say"!?

Let's just leave this first introduction to the character and letter of The Time Travel Institute's allowance, of very professional amatures and professionals in this field as well.

There will be other times, that communications will occur.

Try to keep events and proposed happenings within an equilibrium of perspective and this way, stability of communications occurs througout the ages.

It has been a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Rainman!

Telluride Occurrence? Hmmm


Noun 1. telluride - any binary compound of tellurium with other more electropositive elements

atomic number 52, Te, tellurium - a brittle silver-white metalloid element that is related to selenium and sulfur; it is used in alloys and as a semiconductor; occurs mainly as tellurides in ores of copper and nickel and silver and gold

chemical compound, compound - (chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight


Two towns in one, Telluride and Mountain Village combine the best of Colorado... quaint history, progressive culture, exciting recreation, breathtaking scenery, fine dining, funky tradition, the luxury resort experience, hip entertainment... all within a (free!) 12-minute gondola ride of each other.


Surprisingly the tricky part is not pinpointing a space/time coordinate for Earth, as equations were written to approximate its location. The difficulty is in pinpointing an exact time.
Except, of course:

Not to mention, I don't have to be perfect, only close to the wireless array in 2005. It has roughly a 2.2 mile radius, anywhere within this area I am assured a rather stable connection.
Approximately zero chance of that. 2.2 miles is not within any reasonable margin given the uncertainty of position after 20 years. Sheesh, 2 years is beyond possibility. We simply are not currently tracking orbital motions accurately enough today for you even to have historical data that would help you. And we definitely aren't tracking factors of perturbation.
If we aren't tracking it, it doesn't exist for you to use. And we have no projects planned in the near future for such tracking. Algorithms won't work for this.

Further, it needs to be a particular kind of "2.2 miles". E.g., 2.2 miles underground or behind any RF blocks renders it unusable -- there's no way around the 2-way communications necessary for the receiving end to reconstruct a valid TCP/IP conversation. Sure, on your end, you can handle the protocols and error-correction any way you wish; but you can't affect those factors on the receiving end.

And I think it's pretty obvious that you haven't been causing RF emissions that would appear from thin air here of such magnitude as to overcome such an issue as being nowhere near 2.2 miles. Even considering a 2.2-mile radius, we're talking a 4.4-mile wide strong coverage. The FCC would be all over that. :p

If you think you can cover up by trying to weasel out to "2.2 miles", you clearly know little about Wi-Fi and the actual related technologies.

There's no possibility of you calculating even within 1000 miles, 10000 miles. We're not talking fancy time-travel math here; this is orbital mechanics for which math is well established. We already know it's impossible to calculate the position of a moving body (such as a comet) to within 2.2 miles six months out. Why? Because bodies don't move in a predictable fashion. A gamma-ray burst could impart energy at any instant that alters angular momentum slightly. After six months, 2.2 miles would be considered a lucky bull's-eye. That's why we have such trouble knowing whether a given asteroid is going to hit the Earth a few months out; and the Earth is far bigger than 2.2 miles wide.

But 20 years? With no recent data? You're off your rocker.

Creedo answers> The reason we are able to make our connections, only as far back as February 5th 2005, is due to the nature of the interrogator, into you time.
We, eh? So you're in cahoots with Zeshua, eh Creeds? Interesting.I put my engineering brain to work this afternoon while teaching my aerospace propulsion class.
And I came up with another way that Zeshua can prove his is what he is.

And the best part is that it will avoid the "Only able to reach ~ Feb 2005" excuse.

Zeshua: What I would like you to do is send a message back to some time in March. And to make it

easy, all you need to do is send a message back to the thread listed in the following URL, which

you began on FEB-28-2005 in our timeline. All you have to do is send a message back to any day in

March of 2005, into that thread, and you will be able to give us a little bit of proof that you

are real.


You see, I have downloaded the entire content of that thread, as of the time I am writing this

post. If you can actually do what you claim, then you should be able to send a message back to

some day in March 2005 from your time, and it will show up as a change in that thread from what I

have downloaded. I can run a simple DIFF on it whenever you let me know you have sent the message

back. And it will show me your inserted message.

Genius test for you, if I do say so myself. So...get to work. This should be a piece of cake for

you, since it does not violate the "~ Feb 2005" time barrier you claim above.


I think that "the 3rd" will be another shuttle disaster.

But I'm thinking about recent tensions between Japan and China as a catalyst for:

A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia

China tells Japan to proceed with caution

"China on Thursday warned that Japan would have to take "full responsibility" for any consequences if it proceeds with exploration for oil and gas in a contested area of the East China Sea."

Hmmm, what do you think?
