
Hello alien child, I don't know if this is a hoax or not. I was wondering if you can tell me where you are, how you are connected with our internet.

If you are real, thanks from the future(don't ask).
Hello, I do want to welcome you all here. Alien Child, can you tell me two things.

1. Do pleadians really exist? If so do they really live in what we Earthlings call the 7 sisters cluster?

2. I think I have an alien friend, but there doesn't seem to be anyway for me to be sure. Is there a special code I can speak or some way to find out for sure?
Guys, I'll save you the trouble of reading through all his posts because you have obviously missed the one where he admitted he was a fraud and hasn't posted since.
I hate it when people make false claims on these forums. It really annoys me, ya read for an hour gathering interesting information only to encouter "Just kidding" ****************************
Start from the end and read backwards, its more fun that way. Basically its like this

"Just kidding, losers"

"I am not lying I'm really from the future"

"I can't explain that huge hole in my story sorry"

"Really I'm telling the truth"

"I'm from the future"

"Tom A, from what I had time to read and from the little that I know about space time contineum, Time travel as you say is not possible, thus my answer to you is: By your deffinition of time travel, NO."

This simple paragraph proves AlienChild is human, and not very educated at that. As time travel has already been made possible on this planet, and all "visiting" extraterrestrials here are more advanced than humans, AlienChild should be aware of the fact that it is in fact possible.