How to Catch a Time Traveler

The problem is that to procure a way to steal a time machine from a time traveler has the same ethical repercussions of planning a theft. Its not good, Sheldon. Specially since we all know what will happen to the time traveler. I keep thinking that you just want a really good idea to use it somewhere else, what are you working on Sheldon, a book, an RPG, what is it really?
Transient001, does amount to thief, but I am desperate here.
It was disappointing enough to know I shall never achieve my childhood dream of visiting other planets, now to realize that time travel is so close but not quite yet possible, whether quantum foam, Mallet's light, finally finding dark matter we can harness, or David Deutche's approach.

Unfortunately, I shan't live long enough to benefit from the time travel technology.

So as a person seriously interested in time travel, the question becomes, well, if I can't build the time machine now, myself, then perhaps, I can get the time traveler to come to me.

That does not work. MIT tired and failed. Hawking being an important person probably had visitors but who never disclosed their temporal origins.
My request for temporal asylum went unanswered so I know that is not an option.

So, how does one attract a time traveler so that they can request and be granted a ride in the time machine.
There is no Doctor riding around in a TARDIS who pops by and offers people like Rose or Donna a ride through space & time.

Assuming there are like-minded people at this website, I figure there must be smarter people than I who can come up with a scheme to trap a time traveler and thus their time machine.

I've waited decades for a visit, that's not going to happen. So time to take the initiative and make something happen to get a time machine come to me.

(Decades ago, I had already written my time travel novels. Rejected like all unsolicited manuscripts. Yet Hollywood and the major book publishers keep pumping out the same crap every year.)

[Edited for grammar and spelling.]
And so the anonymous writer comes out curtain #2. :)

I figured you were looking for a better plot for one of your novels, I guess I wasn't that far off. Well, unfortunately despite your honest confession I still can't provide you with a viable way to "Trap" a time-traveler and "Steal" a time machine. However, I will tell you this.

We are all time travelers. To actually become one depends on two very important things. The first is, which end of the timeline you are looking at. The second, the amount of confidence in yourself to recognize yourself as a time traveler. A friend of mine, a very close one, once told me that he'd been to a multitude of times and places. He described to me the distant past, the distant future and the many other worlds out there.

But you know what impacted me the most? It was his reason to time travel. He said he liked to travel in time to see the faces of people, their expressions and how they looked a thousand years ago and a thousand years forth. How their expressions changed with great sorrows but how their expressions alighted with life's infinite tomorrows.

May you find the traveler in you, he/she is just waiting for you to turn that lever forth and.....engage!!!!
I also made my testament.. I keep it in the deposit box. in the testament I challenge my descent to come to travelling in my time... but still no responds

Were you specific about who you expect your descendants to be?
I ask this question because I have doubts about who would be permitted to time travel.
Again, I suspect, time travel will be restricted to very few select set of people limited to historians, anthropologists, military officer, and very much like the US's NASA, a handful out of a thousand trained chrononauts.

The second problem is whether or not your "testament" is compelling enough for them to visit you.
We know Newton, Einstein, and Hawking are important, but neither of them publicly or covertly have testified having contact with time travelers (from past, future, or elsewhere e.g. off planet).

Third, you assume your safety deposit box does survive long enough to reach some one capable of time travel.
Imagine a month before time travel is unrestricted, by government judicial decree, a disgruntle former employee in an act of arson burns the bank, and plans to escape through the now legal option of time travel.