How to build a homemade nuclear reactor at home.


Quantum Scribe
Here is a youtube post of a 15 year old boy who built a nuclear reactor at home in his garage. Though I can,t prove it I am pretty sure he visited my web sight. All you have to do is google homemade nuclear reactor to find my sight. Here is the video he produced of his reactor. I would of loved to of seen more details but he showed enough. This proves my point to Darby that most equipment to do this can be found. This is the more harmless type of reactors. It becomes more dangerous as more power is fed to the unit.

Here is another one.

and another one.

Basicly with a fusion reactor you rip off the electrons and accelerate the ions toward the center into each other creating fusion. This is done with two electrods negative and positive seperated from each other. There are other methods for creating fusion with a plasma.

Here is another fusion reactor suppose to improve on the above design.

Need an electron gun. Here you go.

Here is a vidoe showing more how a polywell fusor works.

How to build a homemade breader reactor.
Though I can,t prove it I am pretty sure he visited my web sight.

Or he knows what a neutron generator is and he built a small one. Vacuum, high voltage, hydrogen or deuterium/tritium (you can get tritium from a green glow "EXIT" sign at the hardware store). He didn't have to look at your site to get any information about H-H or D-T neutron generators.

Neutron generators are common items. There isn't any secret here. They've been built since the late 1940's.
Or he knows what a neutron generator is and he built a small one. Vacuum, high voltage, hydrogen or deuterium/tritium (you can get tritium from a green glow "EXIT" sign at the hardware store). He didn't have to look at your site to get any information about H-H or D-T neutron generators.

Neutron generators are common items. There isn't any secret here. They've been built since the late 1940's.

No he didn,t have to but still Im sure he did. And a lot of this stuff is not secret. During the early days though I had a hard time finding information and still do sometimes. Sometimes I find places where nuclear information has been blocked out intentionally because of people like me wanting it and will if giving the change make it public. Ive seen elements on the perodic tables of various places being edited so people can,t get too much info. I use to look at my visting logs every day but now I rarely do so. I,ve been up and running for 9 years now.
How a hydrogen bomb works.

Here is the hydrogen bomb concept but you have to create fusion to make it work. Would not a fusion reactor work for this? Hmmmmm..... Don,t try this at home boys and girls. Besides you would have to enrich some Uranium or something.

Need to make some homemade radiation to go with that homemade nuclear reactor. Here you go.
Making X-Rays at the house.
Need a fuel cycle. Here is one I like.

The thorium fuel cycle is a nuclear fuel cycle that uses the naturally abundant isotope of thorium, 232Th, as fertile material, and the artificial uranium isotope, 233U, as fissile fuel for a nuclear reactor. However, unlike natural uranium, natural thorium contains only trace amounts of fissile material (such as 231Th) that are insufficient to initiate a nuclear chain reaction. Thus, some fissile material must be mixed with natural thorium in order to initiate the fuel cycle. In a thorium-fueled reactor, 232Th will absorb slow neutrons to produce 233U, which is similar to the process in uranium-fueled reactors whereby fertile 238U absorbs neutrons to form fissile 239Pu. Depending on the design of the reactor and fuel cycle, the 233U generated is either utilized in situ or chemically separated from the used nuclear fuel and used in new nuclear fuel.

A thorium fuel cycle offers several potential advantages over a uranium fuel cycle, including greater resource abundance, superior physical and nuclear properties of fuel, enhanced proliferation resistance, and reduced plutonium and actinide production.

Concerns about the limits of worldwide uranium resources motivated initial interest in the thorium fuel cycle[1]. It was envisioned that as uranium reserves were depleted, thorium would supplement uranium as a fertile material. However, for most countries uranium was relatively abundant, and research in thorium fuel cycles waned. A notable exception is the Republic of India which is developing a three stage thorium fuel cycle. Recently there has been renewed interest in thorium-based fuels for improving proliferation resistance and waste characteristics of used nuclear fuel[2]

Thorium fuels have been used in several power and research reactors. One of the earliest efforts to use a thorium fuel cycle took place at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the 1960s. An experimental Molten Salt Reactor technology to study the feasibility of such an approach, using thorium(IV) fluoride salt kept hot enough to be liquid, thus eliminating the need for fabricating fuel elements. This effort culminated in the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment that used 232Th as the fertile material and 233U as the fissile fuel. Due to a lack of funding, the MSR program was discontinued in 1976.
Ive seen elements on the perodic tables of various places being edited so people can,t get too much info.

What? Yikes...

The Periodic Table is the Periodic Table. There actually is a system in place for the table. If you have a modicum of an education in physics you can fill in blanks with the exception of the few elements, mostly superheavy elements. A good high school student could do it.

There's no secret about the table.
What? Yikes...

The Periodic Table is the Periodic Table. There actually is a system in place for the table. If you have a modicum of an education in physics you can fill in blanks with the exception of the few elements, mostly superheavy elements. A good high school student could do it.

There's no secret about the table.

No there shouldn't be any secrets. I would have to go back and try to remember which elements I was looking for and the sites that had those blocked. But I do remember coming across elements where information about them was limited. There is a way to generate the chart like you said but when you want to go deeper into the uses for those elements and how to use them some elements depending on the websight you are on will not give you very much information and will tell you that information is restricted.


Making x-rays is also something that people do for fun because they like taking pictures. So, my post about x-rays is nothing special. Problem is when people with the wrong intentions try to put all this stuff together into some kind of weapon of mass destruction. Though we have not seen a nuclear attack on the USA yet experts say it is still possible.
Here is a youtube post of a 15 year old boy who built a nuclear reactor at home in his garage. Though I can,t prove it I am pretty sure he visited my web sight. All you have to do is google homemade nuclear reactor to find my sight. Here is the video he produced of his reactor. I would of loved to of seen more details but he showed enough. This proves my point to Darby that most equipment to do this can be found. This is the more harmless type of reactors. It becomes more dangerous as more power is fed to the unit.

Maybe there is hope for the The Sword of Allah to find its way to the people of Islam.
There's some things better left to regulations than anything even attempted, no matter how ridiculous or plausible.
It's one thing to hack at computer components for self-eductation - it's another thing altogether to even think to play with something potentially health infringing, IE. radiation etc.
I quite doubt the home application of something so obscure, but even if possible - would be stupider than playing with mercury or lead.
There's some things better left to regulations than anything even attempted, no matter how ridiculous or plausible.
It's one thing to hack at computer components for self-eductation - it's another thing altogether to even think to play with something potentially health infringing, IE. radiation etc.
I quite doubt the home application of something so obscure, but even if possible - would be stupider than playing with mercury or lead.

It is my belief that anything is possible. The people of Islam have the wise to lead them and they would not be "stupider". The would use it wisely for self defense and to strike down their enemies.
It is my belief that anything is possible. The people of Islam have the wise to lead them and they would not be "stupider". The would use it wisely for self defense and to strike down their enemies.

Would "you" ?
It is my belief that anything is possible. The people of Islam have the wise to lead them and they would not be "stupider". The would use it wisely for self defense and to strike down their enemies.
What's this? Jihadist on the forum?
In all fairness, I think we should be referring to people in a theological context in this regard as 'radicals', we do get along just fine with some countries such as Jordan, Egypt, Dubai, etc.
No need in mass stereotyping /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
As for the 'wise men' to lead them quote, I don't think anything malicious like that is 'wise'.

If he's speaking in terms of Iran, I'm not educated enough to really make a confident informed opinion, but there's lots of variable there. I do know enough that we don't need a nuclear armed Iran however. If two countries are sanctioned enough, and they break the rules all the time according to such, what's to stop them from trading between themselves?
With Russia playing old cold war games, would they ever act as a 'cloak' to facilitate this?
'Like I said, very complex stuff and I for one will let the real intelligence handle that.

No cheer-leader pom-poms for Iran here, that's pretty ridiculous on an extreme scale.
What's this? Jihadist on the forum?

Calling names now. This is why Islam must have the same weapons as everyone else. With out them Islam is disrespected even in its own house and on its own land. If a armed man broke into your house and disrespected you then you would want to be armed to fight the man and his disrespect. Why would any other weapon be different or any other person even of a different culture not be entitled to the same rights as you and your country? If one country has nuclear weapons then all countries should have nuclear weapons. It can not be any other way.
As noted above, Islam is doing just fine in let's say Dubai.
If a country is not a superpower, and does not invent their own technology or ideas, how does that give any inherent right or entitlement?
Seems a bit hypocritical to say that a person does not have a right to freedom (democracy) - but yet the suppressors of this 'freedom' have a right to 'freedom of information'? (meaning technological advances not originated on their own).
A bit ludicrous.

Are you actually advocating giving 'free tours' of our best advances to radicals?
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif How can that possibly make sense? If not only for desperation of a ridiculous conversation.

Regardless of politics, to logically look at something like Iraq, one can understand why Israel took out their Nuke facilities when Saddam exhibited actions of not only procuring technology, but testing, and using it in condemned ways on humans. There's alot more variable certainly, without a doubt - but in retrospect that to me, shows an outcome that in hindsight proved positive from a purely subjective view.
(Analyzation and effective action for greater good).

It's such an oxymoronic conversation anyway. The whole premise of these 'jihadists' is supposedly spiritual - if that's the case, what historical religious figure ever needed nukes in a war?
I have equal regard for all religions in the world as they pertain to the individual and their families as long as it provides firm moral grounding and not something reminiscent of 'killer cool-aid archetypes.
Alot of parallels can be drawn between the mentalities of the average radical jihadist and the Jonestown Massacre, at least imo.
Calling names now.

You seem to interpret "Jihadist" as being called a name. Yet there are plenty of people of Islamic beliefs who accept it as a title, and proudly. You can't have it both ways (as much as I know you want to).

This is why Islam must have the same weapons as everyone else.

Religion and politics is a very bad mix. Most of the rest of the world (and even some parts of the Islamic world) knows this very well from history (and no, not just Islamic history).

With out them Islam is disrespected even in its own house and on its own land.

Respect is earned by how you relate to all your fellow men. Not only those who you share beliefs with. When people start demanding respect, or claiming they deserve respect, that usually indicates fanaticism. Again, respect is earned. You don't get it for free.

If a armed man broke into your house and disrespected you then you would want to be armed to fight the man and his disrespect

Bad analogy. In some countries it is even illegal to own arms. In the USA, people who commit and are convicted of felonies are not permitted to own arms. You seem to wish your analogy to be a universal given, but it is anything but.

Why would any other weapon be different or any other person even of a different culture not be entitled to the same rights as you and your country?


1) Weapons of Mass Destruction are different from personal weapons. Very different. And the entire civilized world realizes this. Why doesn't Iran? (We know why)
2) Some people are not entitled to weapons (ones who have demonstrated violence towards innocents) are not permitted to own or possess arms. The same should be true for rogue nations who show no willingness to abide by majority agreements.

If one country has nuclear weapons then all countries should have nuclear weapons. It can not be any other way.

Very poor argument. That is equivalent to saying "if one person can own a gun then all people should own guns." Clearly there are people who do not demonstrate the self-restraint to only use guns in self-defense. I do not think that allowing mass-murderers to own guns is a good, or even a valid, idea.



You said respect has to be earned. It will be a long time before the USA earns the respect of other countries because of its shameful behavior.