How Religion and Time Travel come hand-in-hand.


Dimensional Traveler
Why must mankind strive for spirituality? Why if we are a type of creature that branched off a superior one, grow back to the way it was originally? Can’t it stay different? What drives it to change and become like it’s creator?

Why not something completely different, and independent? Aren’t we given that right? Their are hundreds of different kinds of species of plants and animals that do just well on their diversity. But why must mankind have to unite as one?

I personally like the way things are, I wish they don’t change. I get freaked out by someone’s religious spirituality, it makes my stomach sick. Why does it have to be that way, if there must be spirituality, can’t it be non-biased and coercive on the human spirit?

If God see’s us as sheep, then very well we are sheep. Why must we follow and try and be like him, when we can accept the fact that we are sheep and choose to create our own lives according to principles and common sense?

Do we have any right to invade another country that has no problem with us what’s so ever, and force their culture to change? No, but that’s what happened in America a few hundred years ago. They came to seek independence, only to deny others theirs.

Does that seem logical to anyone?

My point is this, I have no problem with Christians, but to be honest you make me sick. I cannot talk like you, nor do I ever want to. I have human traits, and I have human principles that lead me to the moral high ground. I am being who I am, preserving my species, not abandoning it.

If there is to be any life left on Earth, why can it not be humans who have learned to accept one another, regardless of their religious affiliation? We will end up destroying our selves first because of it, then ever seeing peace on Earth.

I guess you can say I have a dream. A dream where mankind is logical and is able to see past religion & race and follow fair principles instead. It’s been nagging at me to change and be something I am not, I remembered why I wasn’t and cannot. I am the TimeTravelActivist. And mankind is my religion, and I must do whatever I can to safe guard it and preserve this species from being exploited.

Why? Because I have to. Why? Because I care. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. Why? Because I have no choice in the matter. Why? Because if I don’t, everything goes to hell.

I cannot allow Time Travel to be the means by which we steal the souls of this species, the mere thought of it makes my soul cringe with loath for those that are responsible
that I cannot bare it any longer.

And I am sad to say that I have forgotten how I felt, my guard has been down as of late, and I have been becoming what I feared I vowed I would never become. And I may still change, and for that is the purpose of this post. My grip on the TTA reality is slipping away, and I am losing what memories I have about the wrong this cause is all about.

I will give out a human prayer to remind myself of my humanity and duty, then to forsake it for something selfish like spirituality.

But if that does happen, I hope I never live to see the day the whole world does too. I hope someone else realizes what I knew back in the past, and takes up where I have failed.

And that is to set things right, the way they should be. Exposing those Alien Time Traveling manipulators, and bring them to justice for their crimes. Look at what they have done to this species, my poor human race has been raped

What right do they have to change our soul to serve them? This is not what we were meant to live for. For if we were, we wouldn’t need to reach this level of being with great difficulty.

I wonder what some circus animals would say if they were aware enough that man was exploiting it to be more human and entertain us at their expense. What choice if any do they have in the matter? They are simply following in their nature for food, and we are merely exploiting it to our advantage.

As man has a nature to reconcile, dominate, explore and wonder about things, follow morals and be free. Through what means are highly spiritual beings infusing us with, to exploit that?

Naturally, stretching a species to it’s limit creates something else, but when that evolution is not in the species path, but instead it’s put there intentionally through manipulation, that is the biggest crime against nature, and people need to be aware of that.

Playing God when we are playing in creating a new species that we will have no right to it, and leading it to be like us should be against all universal law. But instead, allowing it to grow independent, and seeing how it has developed on it’s own, not what your telling it to become.

I know what my father wanted me to become while growing up, and I still feel the pull to please him. But I cannot be like him. Nor will I expect my son to be like the TTA, I will be proud of him no matter what he chooses to become. Just as long as it’s his choice, and no body else’s.

All you can do is set them on course with good knowledge of what to expect, and hope they make the right choices. Following their hearts, with morals and common sense, is all I expect from my descendants.

How about you all?

I agree with the first half of your post dealing with the many downfalls religion can have when people simply believe something on blind faith and do not question their actions. The result being logical inconsistencies.

I do not agree with the second half of your post. Everyone has freewill whether there is a God or not. The current state of humanity can not be blamed on anyone but ourselves. I can see many problems with the way things are, likewise I can see the great things humans have done and do as a species.

When you start to talk about time travelling aliens, you lose me completely. What physical evidence do you have of this? Or do you expect people to the existence of such beings based on blind faith?

There is no doubt that if time travel is developed it could have many potential risks(if we maintain a linear view of time), however it could have substantial benefits such as medical technology. Imagine creating some sort of stasis field were the passage of time is slowed, so that organs can be preserved for transplants. Or even placing a incurable human in stasis until a potential cure is available. These are just some technologies that would eventually develop from being able to manipulate time.(Actually, we already manipulate time in particle accelerators but accelerating particles to near light speed so that due to time dilation they appear to "live" longer.) If time travel is developed and i am around, i would be completely supportive. Here is to hoping the research being conducted at University of Conneticut and other places dealing with time are fruitful.
Well, as long as everyone in the U.S. that belongs here had a chimpanzee opening up the door -- named Clyde!

Right turn, Clyde!

((As in the movie 'Every Which Way But Loose"!

Then, the discussion from time travelers and religions experts could succeed at a accelerated pace!.

Picture the chimpanzee as a time traveler, and also picture the chimpanzee as a religious expert!

Right turn, Clyde!
I appreciate your views, but: <<Everyone has freewill whether there is a God or not.>>

How do you know that?

Obviously you have never had it tested to see if in reality you are doing what your mind is directing you to do. You will see once you observe the obvious that things aren’t always as they seem. There is a consciousness it would seem, dictating actions and events. Regardless of your feelings towards it, freewill is simply an illusionary belief.

I am talking about instances of Déjà vu, and double digits, which indicate a power that your biological flesh would otherwise be impossible to follow. But does so with great accuracy.

Obviously we are being tuned and placed in synch to a great cause, that in it’s self inhibits freewill. Setting you up, sabotaging what your “freewill” would be capable of doing, to prevent or allow to accommodate the bigger picture of things.

<<The current state of humanity can not be blamed on anyone but ourselves. I can see many problems with the way things are, likewise I can see the great things humans have done and do as a species.>>

I agree… however, when you look at the evidence in those events and incidences that show that there might have been something other then our influence on, makes you wonder whether or not this is simply just a coincidence, or something intentional? I’m sure you can think up of a few examples, and conspiracy’s to see what I mean.

<<When you start to talk about time travelling aliens, you lose me completely. What physical evidence do you have of this? Or do you expect people to the existence of such beings based on blind faith?>>

Besides my own experience with them in dreams and visions, and through my loved ones. There is testimony of countless hundreds who can attest to this, missing time, strange bodily changes, you name it. There is some sort of physical evidence in the majority of these cases that cannot simply just be thrown away as not being credible. You just have to make the effort to seek out the truth, instead of just crossing your arms and refusing to see what’s actually there.

“Just because a claim hasn’t been conclusively proven doesn’t mean it’s false.”

There’s also ancient evidence adhering to an Alien presence once here on earth. Check out the site, or have creedo refer you to a better one

There’s also a site devoted to uncovering the governments knowledge of this, check out

It’s all laid out for you now, and anyone else. Uncover the truth, instead of following blind faith, as you said people shouldn’t do

I whole heartedly agree (with the exception of the alien time travelers). . . and in doing so would like to add. . .Another thought. . . I think there is enough evidence in the world to support the following statement, "Life is an on going cycle that grows more complex over time". We can also probably all agree,To think of yourself as an individual of any signifigance is entireley arogant. Or to even think of yourself as an individual period. We are all one. We are humans. Our creator was "god". My creator was My mom and pops. It is funny to me that we think of our creator as omnipotent. It is often said that god made man in his own image. What does a 3 year old child think of their father. We as a race are growing and evolving, exploring sciences and the world. As we do, we learn more about the how's and why's "god" did this and that. We can make a hand out of a hand. We can make a sheep out of a sheep. We are learning "god's" ways through his guidance. One day we will make a flower out of bare elements. In man's history we have defied "god" in many ways and we have been punished as you would punish your own. However, "God" is not vengeful merely more knowledgable in areas of cause and effect. "why did you let this happen god" , because you were doing this ___________ and it's effect is far greater than what I have bestowed. What would you do to your child if they were about to stick thier finger in an electrical socket. Kinda hard to get this all in here kinda scatter brained but. . . hope my point got accross.
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 21-Jul-02 AT 07:59PM (EDT)</font>

<<However, "God" is not vengeful merely more knowledgable in areas of cause and effect. "why did you let this happen god" , because you were doing this ___________ and it's effect is far greater than what I have bestowed. What would you do to your child if they were about to stick thier finger in an electrical socket. Kinda hard to get this all in here kinda scatter brained but. . . hope my point got accross.>>

Yes, I got your point. And it is for that very reason why I know God is doing all of this for and allowing it. I am simply trying to prevent it from happening, it’s not right, it’s not in any way justified.

Sure, it can save us from our doom, but what better doom is that of using mankind as slaves? That is what the ultimate plan is, or can you not see it building up to it?

We are lying to our selves and being hypocrites if we say we have freewill, but then allow God to go ahead with his plan for us, when really we had no say in the matter. I.e. double-digits, coincidences that cannot have happened unless you were placed there by something else.

Then again, I shouldn’t say it’s God per-say doing this, but more then a morally twisted highly evolved race of our descendents who learned nothing from the past.

It’s the battle of Freewill vs. Following God (or obtaining Godlyhood) that they will have to choose.

We will have to take one of the other out of the equation in other to accomplish one of them. You can’t be spiritual, and still accept to follow in your freewill. You are following in unification to be something greater (you have to follow a specific planned path for that), by sacrificing and abandoning everything that was gained to come to this realization. Sacrificing freewill, to accomplish this goal, giving your self up to a higher power to allow this.

Looking back at who you once were, and remembering this, how can you say this was ever the right thing to do? It goes against all forms of human principle… When it’s always been dictated that you are born free to govern your own self and life, is merely a lie you give to your self when you inevitablly give your self up to not having freewill at all.

I hope my point got across to you

if your free will leads to extinction should we all agree to your free will . The funny thing is I am using my free will to listen to something that I beleive knows more about me than I know about myself. Maybe these beings can clear up for me why I would choose to desroy myself over haveing an abundent and harmonious life. It seems I look around me and find people everywhere using their free will. Has this made the world a pleasant place to be . No I should say not. You have thousands of mentaly, physically, and emotionally handicapped people running around on this planet. They need to be healed but in order to do so they must acknowledge that they are sick . they must ask for help otherwise it would be going against their free will to help them. they may like being sick and not want help then what ? and who's to say who is sick and who isn't. the answer is responsabilty . When we become a species that is responsibly for the whole as well as the individual then we will have evovled to a higher level . What I do effects everyone else . so I must think about the things that I do that would cause someone else to be a slave or that would take away anothers pursuit of happyness. we all feed off of each other . When we stop feeding off of each other and help each other that is when we will change . clara
TTA, Basically what you are saying is that you expect the human race to somehow do what they have always failed to do, which is actually have morals and common sense without any sort of guidance which is quite frankly impossible, due to the human race always screwing himself in the end, which is happening currently in the world.

See what people don't get is that the human race will always follow evil instead of good, trying to think that we can just pull our self's out of it, never works, (even though it can work on a individual level, I guarantee you that your offspring will have a 90% chance of them indulging in a particular evil niche)

What have you got with the human race?

WARS, DESTRUCTION, SUFFERING, INEFFECTIVE GOVERMENT , MURDER, INCEST, RAPE , MASS MEDIA CONTROL, NUCLEAR WAR, PREMARTIAL SEX, GAY/BI RIGHTS, SUICIDE BOMBINGS..... I can honestly say that for every innovation and despite your idea that the human race can help itself, the evidence always shows that things start out good but then become corrupted and fail, everytime.


Scott's Law: Everytime Humanity takes one step forward, it is followed by two steps backward and is then followed by our slipping and falling on our collective face.
<<if your free will leads to extinction should we all agree to your free will.>>

So your saying then that it's okay to be lied to? To be manipulated and used? That the ends justify the means?

Well what if our freewill won't lead us into extinction? But instead lead us to be better human beings. Imagine what more man can explore, and discover? Reaching outside of the solar system, and discovering new life. It will completely alter the way mankind views religion, and rather choose this freewill of understanding everything there is to know, then to just being sheep and staying locked away in a pen all day

<<The funny thing is I am using my free will to listen to something that I beleive knows more about me than I know about myself.>>

And how often is that? Monday's, and Thursdays, with ever other Saturday off
? Please Clara, your being used, and you don't see that.

<<Maybe these beings can clear up for me why I would choose to desroy myself over haveing an abundent and harmonious life.>>

I think I've gotten to know you quite well here on the posts, and I can see why they wouldn't want you to take up anything that requires responsibility
you might set it on fire or something. Somehow I don't think your not that bright in knowing what your doing or saying half the time. That not only explains why it's so easy for them to enter your mind and use you, but why they won't let you do anything, cause without them your directionless.

<<It seems I look around me and find people everywhere using their free will. Has this made the world a pleasant place to be . No I should say not. You have thousands of mentaly, physically, and emotionally handicapped people running around on this planet.>>

Your not really helping much, adding to those statistics
now are you?

Your argument: just because everything is messed up, we have our freewill to blame for it? Wrong Clara, put some critical thinking into what you say for a change. Think about this, there are millions of people who have aberrations in their minds or physical disabilities. The way I see it, they have either 2 choices in life: Figure the problems out and over come it, or succumb to them and fail. Those that make an effort are following in their freewill. Breaking free from what their limitation is telling them they can't. Then we have those that don't even try, and complain that they are not being treated fairly. Then they are not exercising their freewill, for they have already given up.

I.e. pacifist, and spiritualist, who leave it all up to something else, instead of taking action them selves. No human drive, but acceptance. What a waste.

Now, if you are trying really hard, and somehow by coincidence you are not succeeding (where in fact you should) then that is sabotage, and unfair. You are being classed as the same as the low end of humanity that has already given up, and has it's fate already planned. That is where Time Travel comes in and interferes with honest hard working individuals who really want to make a difference, but somehow their freewill is being trampled on. And it's obvious when all the signs of manipulation are there. I.e. Double Digits, déjà vu, even your possessions Clara

<<They need to be healed but in order to do so they must acknowledge that they are sick.>>

Healed? Acknowledge your sick? What kind of perverted New Age practice is this $hit?

Please Clara, spare me with this New Age philosophy of yours. What people need to do is realize that they need to fight for what's important to them. Only then can they truly "heal" them selves.

<<they must ask for help otherwise it would be going against their free will to help them.>>

Them? Who the hell is them? The spirits? Please, they aren't the only ones able to help people. What are you trying to sell here?

<<they may like being sick and not want help then what ?>>

Then they have pride issues and should really think about what's more important to them, their well being or their damn ego.

<<and who's to say who is sick and who isn't.>>

Well you can always go see a Dr. and have him/her check the person over, and decide who they need to refer the patient to for further treatment (I work at a hospital

<<the answer is responsabilty . When we become a species that is responsibly for the whole as well as the individual then we will have evovled to a higher level.>>

I disagree, your adding your New Age spin to the same thing I said. You contradict your self when you mention individual, and then say take the blame for everyone as a whole. No, it doesn't work that way. Each person by default is only responsible for one person, and that is himself. If the individual chooses to take more responsibility, and care about the whole, then he/she is free to do so at their discretion. Not because it's necessary for the survival of the species. Then there wouldn't be individuals, and choice. It will all have to be decided as a whole. Which is exactly the point and reason why Time Travel get's started.

<<What I do effects everyone else . so I must think about the things that I do that would cause someone else to be a slave or that would take away anothers pursuit of happyness.>>

So why are you still here promoting your New Age beliefs, when you know your only going to lead others down a path that is flawed? Or haven't I proved that enough times already

People’s happiness comes from the luxury of having the freedom to dictate the direction of your own mortal life. And Aliens, Time Travelers, have a definitive say in that direction. Distributing the command of say "…." individual, bringing his freewill down to a trickle, to none.

<<we all feed off of each other . When we stop feeding off of each other and help each other that is when we will change . clara >>

That's nasty Clara :P, your nasty. What's going through your mind this very minute? Never mind, I probably don't want to know anyways

Feeding off each other, New Age doctrine all the way. Won't you ever know better then to sell out humanity?


Whats being argued here is not the fact of human failure but ITS CAUSE.

Is the cause internal or external. Who or what obtains a benefit form human destruction?

Or is it just a plain out and out crapp-shoot?
<<TTA, Basically what you are saying is that you expect the human race to somehow do what they have always failed to do, which is actually have morals and common sense without any sort of guidance which is quite frankly impossible, due to the human race always screwing himself in the end, which is happening currently in the world.>>

Why not? Who’s to say we will screw it up? It’s a tainted freewill that we perceive at the present moment. It is not completely pure, and independent. It’s twisted with religious influences, politics, and the media. They all seem to have their own private doctrine in the matter of choice. The perceptive that I offer is one of common sense. Or have I not made that distinctively clear enough yet?

<<See what people don't get is that the human race will always follow evil instead of good, trying to think that we can just pull our self's out of it, never works, (even though it can work on a individual level, I guarantee you that your offspring will have a 90% chance of them indulging in a particular evil niche) >>

Yes, perhaps. But that won’t stop me from telling my offspring the truth of the way things are. Truth can resist evil, not just on religion and faith. And it’s the principles that I was raised with that have kept me from becoming what many of my friends have become. My faith in doing the right thing, and having a conscience is what made me know better then all the rest, and that is all I intend to pass off to my offspring.

Even though now that I am older, I am not perfect, I have intentionally made mistakes. But not mistakes that would have me abandon everything I once knew, but more like exceptions of knowing the consequences, only to learn more of understanding of the principles of that time, that limited me to know further.

<<What have you got with the human race? >>

They are my kin. I feel for them, what’s so wrong with telling them better?

<<WARS, DESTRUCTION, SUFFERING, INEFFECTIVE GOVERMENT , MURDER, INCEST, RAPE , MASS MEDIA CONTROL, NUCLEAR WAR, PREMARTIAL SEX, GAY/BI RIGHTS, SUICIDE BOMBINGS..... I can honestly say that for every innovation and despite your idea that the human race can help itself, the evidence always shows that things start out good but then become corrupted and fail, everytime. >>

Yes, you’re probably right. But I believe that once all that stuff is set aside and resolved, the real growing of a civilization can begin. They just need to know better, that’s all.

After reading every post in this tread I think that first of all we need to examine a few things and bring some truthful light to the surface.

Perhaps the answer to G-d and dualism lies in the human conscience?

The human body and brain is a chemical machine. So what is happing inside the brain allowing consciousness and a soul to be born? WHATEVER IT IS IS DEFINITELY QUANTUM!!! Its the traveling back and forth of neurons! Starting with electrical signals passing up the optic nerve and between different areas of the brain. Eventually one might respond with a smile, a perplexed frown or a remark, agony of intense pain, the sparkle of happiness or the meditative quality of moments lost in thought.

Another quantum field supporting biosubstrate is a dense nanolevel web of protein molecules which penetrates neuronal and neuroglial membrane boundaries. Called filamentous web the "nanolevel neuropil." Inside the neuron the nanolevel neuropil consists not only of microtubules but also neurofibrils and other structures which connect protein strands to proteins floating in the cell membrane. Outside the neuron in the synaptic cleft is the extracellular matrix of collagen and glyco conjugates which are also connected to membrane proteins so that a pervasive web is formed.

There are quasi crystalline water molecules within the microtubules and associated with hydrophylic regions on the web of protein filaments. This ordered water is yet another brain biosubstrate for a quantum field which supports super radiance and self induced transparency within the microtubules. Vacuum states of this water rotational field record memory. The function of the nanolevel neuropil is cognitive.

There is a fourth quantum field substrate where an interaction takes place between the sensory quantum field and the cognition/memory quantum field. This is a plasma of charged particles interacting with the electromagnetic field. The structure of this bio plasma is peculiar, it is divided into two very thin layers separated by a permeable membrane. Membrane channels open and close and ions rush back and forth between the two layers down electrical and chemical gradients. It is in this perimembranous bioplasma whose state is given by the ionic density distribution that sensory and cognition/memory quantum fields interact.

This all sounds scientic doesn't it? But here is the real SHOCKER! Guess what, it Biblical! Straight out of the Bible, Kabala 101
It explains about sub atomic particles and the new Super String Theory. (which by the way is straight out of Kabala.)

It goes on to differentiate how the optic nerve works by segregating the corporal from the non corpal realities of that which can and cannot be seen. That which cannot be seen is considered the spiritual and dimensional realm. (Non Corporal.)Kabbalistically speaking the spiritual non corporeal realm is a realm of light and thought. It is "above" our corporeal physical world. We define our corporeal world as that which is detectable in space time, yet science already has postulated the existence of other realms. In these realms the laws of physics, as we know and understand them today, break down. The barrier separating these realms is the speed of light.

Our corporeal world is defined as being limited to those things that manifest mass and that vibrate at a speed slower than the speed of light. This is applicable to everything from sub atomic particles to entire galaxies in space. According to its speed is its definition. Anything vibrating slower than light is corporeal and included within the boundaries of space time. This means that anything moving faster than the speed of light is non corporeal.

When we think of protons, neutrons and electrons, we visualize them as being round. Yet, the theory in physics today is that these sub atomic particles are rather a group of vibrating strings. All sub atomic matter is said to be degrees of resonance vibrating on these sub nuclear strings. The whole universe then is founded upon sound. Matter is nothing more than the symphony of space time. However there is one unique principle about matter, the vibrating strings all vibrate slower than the speed of light. It is possible that there is a universe invisible to us made up of particles (sound resonance upon strings) that travel (modulates) faster than light.

Modern science is a long way off from knowing whether there is a sentient hyperlight universe. Yet, who knows what is being discovered right now in experimental laboratories around the world? Indeed modern theoretical physicists are already talking about invisible "dark" matter, dimensional space time, the realities of time travel and parallel universes. With the advances in modern physics the realms of the invisible are not longer the domains of religion or science fiction. The realm of the invisible is now science fact.

It is interesting to note that although human beings (and all other matter) are formed from sub atomic particles, there remains one aspect of matter that remains unexplained by modern science. What exactly is the definition of sentience (consciousness?) What exactly causes life? The chair in which I presently sit is formed from many different materials, wood, plastic, fabric and more. Each of these materials is made up of a series of microscopic cells, each of which is only a combination of molecules. Molecules are simply combinations of atoms. Atoms are made up of neutrons and protons that form the atomic nucleus. Electrons orbit the atomic nucleus in the same way as the earth orbits the sun.

Physicists have ascertained even smaller particles form the neutrons and protons within the atomic nucleus. These smaller particles are called quarks. Both neutrons and protons are said to be made up of three quarks apiece. Additionally scientists have found a number of other sub atomic particles that form the menagerie of atomic structure. Yet with all these particles there is a cohesive force that binds them together.

Comparatively speaking, there is as much space between sub atomic particles as there is between planets and stars. As this is the case what exactly is the nature of the force that binds matter together? How do the sub atomic particles which form my hand know that they belong to my hand and not to the wood table upon which my hand presently rests?

At our human level I can recognize forms, which create the difference between my hand and the table. Yet at the sub atomic level all that exist are these little particles which bare no resemblance to that which they form. How is it then that they know what to form? What force binds combinations of sub atomic particles into atoms and eventually molecules?

Is this really a mystery? I think not! Science does know the answer to this. The answer is that electrons orbiting the atomic nucleus generate an energy field which acts like a force field. This is very important to understand. For if the distant between particles is so vast that we compare it to the distance between planets and stars then the vast majority of matter is nothing but empty space (or so it appears.)

If this is so, why then should my hand not pass through the table upon which it now rests? If there is so much empty space making up the molecular structure of my hand and of the table, one should naturally and easily pass through the another. This we know doesn't happen. The reason for this is because of the electron field. If it were not for the field of electrons surrounding each atomic nucleus my hand would pass right through the table.

So, let's thank G-d for electrons, those negatively charged particles which define the parameters of that which we recognize as form. Electrons form the energy fields which give rise to physical form. Yet, the electrons themselves are not form as we know it. They are energy, an energy which gives rise to form but itself is not form. This is the secret of what the Kabbalists call the "speaking silence", the Hashmal (which "hover around the celestial throne"). The Hashmal are not electrons but it is the force that directs the electrons in their function.

As mentioned above, the newest of all sub atomic theories hypothesizes that the smallest particles of matter that are billions of times smaller than neutrons and protons, are not particles at all, but are rather strings. These tiny little strings each vibrate in a different way expressing a different frequency. Similar to a violin, one string can manifest many different notes. So too do these sub atomic strings each vibrate with a different resonance. Together these strings create the orchestra of the universe. In other words, underlying all forms of matter in our four dimensional space time is not any type of particle, but only variations of sounds upon strings. One type of string, many types of sounds. Physical matter is therefore founded upon sound.

Yet, whose sound? Who (or what) causes the strings to vibrate? Who (or what) orchestrates the "music" that forms the universe? This newest theory in physics is called the super sting theory. The super string theory even in its most advanced mathematical forms is coming very close to the Kabbalistic understanding of the process of creation.

In order to understand this we must understand the relationship between physical matter and energy. According to Einstein's famous theory of relativity E=MC² (energy is equal to mass times the speed of light), the difference between energy and mass is defined by the speed of light. (By the way Einsteins got his theory of relativity from the Bible, and its code.)

If the string theory is correct (and according to Kabbalah it is) the difference between energy and (physical) mass is simply the frequency of vibration of the strings. That which vibrates faster than the speed of light is energy. That which vibrates slower than the speed of light is mass.

Our world of space time is composed of those vibrations which make up neutrons, protons and electrons. According to Kabbalah there exists a faster than light world made up of tachyons and other yet unknown particles or strings.

According to Kabbalah parameters, dimensions and space consists of three dimensions. Time is the fourth dimension. The fifth dimension is that which is referred to as THOUGHT! Thought travel is two directional between good and evil. The method of travel in this dimension is through the medium of the thinking process. In other words, where your thoughts are is where you are. Thought traverses the fifth dimension. Thought therefore is the dimension above space time. It can travel at a speed faster than light. This fact was scientifically proven during tests of quantum mechanics performed back in the 80's.

Lets get back on the subject of Adam for a minuit, according to the Kabbalists, Adam, before the fall in the Garden of Eden had a body of light and not one of flesh and blood. Only as a result of the eating of the fruit from the forbidden Tree was Adam "penalized" with a body of flesh. What then was the true nature of the fall of Adam? The present Adamic body of flesh and blood is composed of matter which exists in four dimensional space time. In other words, our bodies are formed of those sub atomic particles which are strings that are vibrating slower than the speed of light.

If Adam's original body was made of light, as the Kabbalists say, this would mean that his original form did not exist within the realm of physical matter at all. Indeed the Kabbalists teach this. Rather his body of light vibrated its constituent strings at a hyperlight speed. Adam's original form did not exist in space time but in the fifth dimension of Thought. It appears that Adam's body of light might have been made from tachyons. It is possible that tachyons or other hyperlight particles (strings or whatever) are the conductors of Thought in the hyperlight dimension, as electrons are the conductors of charge in the sub light worlds. Adam's original body of light is said to have been similar in appearance to the angels. Angels are pure thought forms composed of hyperlight particles existing in a fifth dimension. The value of Thought here gives us insight as to why the Torah places such strong emphasis on thought and intent. Our Thoughts create things. The modulations within the observance of the ritual law are said to create a body of light which the soul inhabits upon leaving this body and this world. Another modern name of this light body is the "astral body".

A shift of essence from hyperlight to sub light speed should not be a foreign concept to us. Heat equals speed of movement. In other words, the more a molecular structure of a thing vibrates the hotter that mass becomes. The opposite is also true, the slower something goes, the colder it becomes. The best example of this we all know, the compound H2O (two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen). This element we all know as water. When water is in between the temperature 32 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit it exists in a liquid state. Beneath 32 degrees Fahrenheit and the molecular structure of water slows down to become solid ice. Higher in temperature than 212 degrees Fahrenheit and liquid water turns into a gas stream. Eventually steam can be heated until it becomes plasma, a type of matter which isn't simply gas, but isn't yet pure energy.

As water can change its property from a solid to a liquid to a gas to plasma, what would happen if we sped up the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to the speed of light? Obviously the heat would be tremendous, yet what form would this molecule take?

As it is with water so it is with the body of Adam (and thus all mankind), whose bodies are made up of 90% water. The result of incongruent movement in the dimension of Thought led Adam's essence to slow to such an extent that it changed essence from light to mass. Instead of being like an angel, Adam abtained a physical chemical body.

If only modern science would explore the Torah and examine it as a book of science, as a code, as one long name of G-d. This would be an entire new page in the history of religion. Maybe this is the page that mankind has been destined to turn since the Garden of Eden. Maybe it is the scientific exploration of Torah that G-d has wanted from us from the beginning. Maybe it is this form of exploration that will finally bring mankind to face its greatest challenge, THE TRUTH!

Deny the highway and you lose the path. Deny the builder of the road and you will never come to His, and thus your, destination. It is truly a shame how science moves so slowly because it refuses to accept a pre conceived Divine plan.

After reading every post in this tread I think that first of all we need to examine a few things and bring some truthful light to the surface.
Perhaps the answer to G-d and dualism lies in the human conscience?

The human body and brain is a chemical machine. So what is happing inside the brain allowing consciousness and a soul to be born? WHATEVER IT IS IS DEFINITELY QUANTUM!!! Its the traveling back and forth of neurons! Starting with electrical signals passing up the optic nerve and between different areas of the brain. Eventually one might respond with a smile, a perplexed frown or a remark, agony of intense pain, the sparkle of happiness or the meditative quality of moments lost in thought.

Another quantum field supporting biosubstrate is a dense nanolevel web of protein molecules which penetrates neuronal and neuroglial membrane boundaries. Called filamentous web the "nanolevel neuropil." Inside the neuron the nanolevel neuropil consists not only of microtubules but also neurofibrils and other structures which connect protein strands to proteins floating in the cell membrane. Outside the neuron in the synaptic cleft is the extracellular matrix of collagen and glyco conjugates which are also connected to membrane proteins so that a pervasive web is formed.

There are quasi crystalline water molecules within the microtubules and associated with hydrophylic regions on the web of protein filaments. This ordered water is yet another brain biosubstrate for a quantum field which supports super radiance and self induced transparency within the microtubules. Vacuum states of this water rotational field record memory. The function of the nanolevel neuropil is cognitive.

There is a fourth quantum field substrate where an interaction takes place between the sensory quantum field and the cognition/memory quantum field. This is a plasma of charged particles interacting with the electromagnetic field. The structure of this bio plasma is peculiar, it is divided into two very thin layers separated by a permeable membrane. Membrane channels open and close and ions rush back and forth between the two layers down electrical and chemical gradients. It is in this perimembranous bioplasma whose state is given by the ionic density distribution that sensory and cognition/memory quantum fields interact.

This all sounds scientic doesn't it? But here is the real SHOCKER! Guess what, it Biblical! Straight out of the Bible, Kabala 101 It explains about sub atomic particles and the new Super String Theory. (which by the way is straight out of Kabala.)

It goes on to differentiate how the optic nerve works by segregating the corporal from the non corpal realities of that which can and cannot be seen. That which cannot be seen is considered the spiritual and dimensional realm. (Non Corporal.)Kabbalistically speaking the spiritual non corporeal realm is a realm of light and thought. It is "above" our corporeal physical world. We define our corporeal world as that which is detectable in space time, yet science already has postulated the existence of other realms. In these realms the laws of physics, as we know and understand them today, break down. The barrier separating these realms is the speed of light.

Our corporeal world is defined as being limited to those things that manifest mass and that vibrate at a speed slower than the speed of light. This is applicable to everything from sub atomic particles to entire galaxies in space. According to its speed is its definition. Anything vibrating slower than light is corporeal and included within the boundaries of space time. This means that anything moving faster than the speed of light is non corporeal.

When we think of protons, neutrons and electrons, we visualize them as being round. Yet, the theory in physics today is that these sub atomic particles are rather a group of vibrating strings. All sub atomic matter is said to be degrees of resonance vibrating on these sub nuclear strings. The whole universe then is founded upon sound. Matter is nothing more than the symphony of space time. However there is one unique principle about matter, the vibrating strings all vibrate slower than the speed of light. It is possible that there is a universe invisible to us made up of particles (sound resonance upon strings) that travel (modulates) faster than light.

Modern science is a long way off from knowing whether there is a sentient hyperlight universe. Yet, who knows what is being discovered right now in experimental laboratories around the world? Indeed modern theoretical physicists are already talking about invisible "dark" matter, dimensional space time, the realities of time travel and parallel universes. With the advances in modern physics the realms of the invisible are not longer the domains of religion or science fiction. The realm of the invisible is now science fact.

It is interesting to note that although human beings (and all other matter) are formed from sub atomic particles, there remains one aspect of matter that remains unexplained by modern science. What exactly is the definition of sentience (consciousness?) What exactly causes life? The chair in which I presently sit is formed from many different materials, wood, plastic, fabric and more. Each of these materials is made up of a series of microscopic cells, each of which is only a combination of molecules. Molecules are simply combinations of atoms. Atoms are made up of neutrons and protons that form the atomic nucleus. Electrons orbit the atomic nucleus in the same way as the earth orbits the sun.

Physicists have ascertained even smaller particles form the neutrons and protons within the atomic nucleus. These smaller particles are called quarks. Both neutrons and protons are said to be made up of three quarks apiece. Additionally scientists have found a number of other sub atomic particles that form the menagerie of atomic structure. Yet with all these particles there is a cohesive force that binds them together.

Comparatively speaking, there is as much space between sub atomic particles as there is between planets and stars. As this is the case what exactly is the nature of the force that binds matter together? How do the sub atomic particles which form my hand know that they belong to my hand and not to the wood table upon which my hand presently rests?

At our human level I can recognize forms, which create the difference between my hand and the table. Yet at the sub atomic level all that exist are these little particles which bare no resemblance to that which they form. How is it then that they know what to form? What force binds combinations of sub atomic particles into atoms and eventually molecules?

Is this really a mystery? I think not! Science does know the answer to this. The answer is that electrons orbiting the atomic nucleus generate an energy field which acts like a force field. This is very important to understand. For if the distant between particles is so vast that we compare it to the distance between planets and stars then the vast majority of matter is nothing but empty space (or so it appears.)

If this is so, why then should my hand not pass through the table upon which it now rests? If there is so much empty space making up the molecular structure of my hand and of the table, one should naturally and easily pass through the another. This we know doesn't happen. The reason for this is because of the electron field. If it were not for the field of electrons surrounding each atomic nucleus my hand would pass right through the table.

So, let's thank G-d for electrons, those negatively charged particles which define the parameters of that which we recognize as form. Electrons form the energy fields which give rise to physical form. Yet, the electrons themselves are not form as we know it. They are energy, an energy which gives rise to form but itself is not form. This is the secret of what the Kabbalists call the "speaking silence", the Hashmal (which "hover around the celestial throne". The Hashmal are not electrons but it is the force that directs the electrons in their function.

As mentioned above, the newest of all sub atomic theories hypothesizes that the smallest particles of matter that are billions of times smaller than neutrons and protons, are not particles at all, but are rather strings. These tiny little strings each vibrate in a different way expressing a different frequency. Similar to a violin, one string can manifest many different notes. So too do these sub atomic strings each vibrate with a different resonance. Together these strings create the orchestra of the universe. In other words, underlying all forms of matter in our four dimensional space time is not any type of particle, but only variations of sounds upon strings. One type of string, many types of sounds. Physical matter is therefore founded upon sound.

Yet, whose sound? Who (or what) causes the strings to vibrate? Who (or what) orchestrates the "music" that forms the universe? This newest theory in physics is called the super sting theory. The super string theory even in its most advanced mathematical forms is coming very close to the Kabbalistic understanding of the process of creation.

In order to understand this we must understand the relationship between physical matter and energy. According to Einstein's famous theory of relativity E=MC² (energy is equal to mass times the speed of light), the difference between energy and mass is defined by the speed of light. (By the way Einsteins got his theory of relativity from the Bible, and its code.)

If the string theory is correct (and according to Kabbalah it is) the difference between energy and (physical) mass is simply the frequency of vibration of the strings. That which vibrates faster than the speed of light is energy. That which vibrates slower than the speed of light is mass.

Our world of space time is composed of those vibrations which make up neutrons, protons and electrons. According to Kabbalah there exists a faster than light world made up of tachyons and other yet unknown particles or strings.

According to Kabbalah parameters, dimensions and space consists of three dimensions. Time is the fourth dimension. The fifth dimension is that which is referred to as THOUGHT! Thought travel is two directional between good and evil. The method of travel in this dimension is through the medium of the thinking process. In other words, where your thoughts are is where you are. Thought traverses the fifth dimension. Thought therefore is the dimension above space time. It can travel at a speed faster than light. This fact was scientifically proven during tests of quantum mechanics performed back in the 80's.

Lets get back on the subject of Adam for a minuit, according to the Kabbalists, Adam, before the fall in the Garden of Eden had a body of light and not one of flesh and blood. Only as a result of the eating of the fruit from the forbidden Tree was Adam "penalized" with a body of flesh. What then was the true nature of the fall of Adam? The present Adamic body of flesh and blood is composed of matter which exists in four dimensional space time. In other words, our bodies are formed of those sub atomic particles which are strings that are vibrating slower than the speed of light.

If Adam's original body was made of light, as the Kabbalists say, this would mean that his original form did not exist within the realm of physical matter at all. Indeed the Kabbalists teach this. Rather his body of light vibrated its constituent strings at a hyperlight speed. Adam's original form did not exist in space time but in the fifth dimension of Thought. It appears that Adam's body of light might have been made from tachyons. It is possible that tachyons or other hyperlight particles (strings or whatever) are the conductors of Thought in the hyperlight dimension, as electrons are the conductors of charge in the sub light worlds. Adam's original body of light is said to have been similar in appearance to the angels. Angels are pure thought forms composed of hyperlight particles existing in a fifth dimension. The value of Thought here gives us insight as to why the Torah places such strong emphasis on thought and intent. Our Thoughts create things. The modulations within the observance of the ritual law are said to create a body of light which the soul inhabits upon leaving this body and this world. Another modern name of this light body is the "astral body".

A shift of essence from hyperlight to sub light speed should not be a foreign concept to us. Heat equals speed of movement. In other words, the more a molecular structure of a thing vibrates the hotter that mass becomes. The opposite is also true, the slower something goes, the colder it becomes. The best example of this we all know, the compound H2O (two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen). This element we all know as water. When water is in between the temperature 32 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit it exists in a liquid state. Beneath 32 degrees Fahrenheit and the molecular structure of water slows down to become solid ice. Higher in temperature than 212 degrees Fahrenheit and liquid water turns into a gas stream. Eventually steam can be heated until it becomes plasma, a type of matter which isn't simply gas, but isn't yet pure energy.

As water can change its property from a solid to a liquid to a gas to plasma, what would happen if we sped up the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to the speed of light? Obviously the heat would be tremendous, yet what form would this molecule take?

As it is with water so it is with the body of Adam (and thus all mankind), whose bodies are made up of 90% water. The result of incongruent movement in the dimension of Thought led Adam's essence to slow to such an extent that it changed essence from light to mass. Instead of being like an angel, Adam abtained a physical chemical body.

If only modern science would explore the Torah and examine it as a book of science, as a code, as one long name of G-d. This would be an entire new page in the history of religion. Maybe this is the page that mankind has been destined to turn since the Garden of Eden. Maybe it is the scientific exploration of Torah that G-d has wanted from us from the beginning. Maybe it is this form of exploration that will finally bring mankind to face its greatest challenge, THE TRUTH!

Deny the highway and you lose the path. Deny the builder of the road and you will never come to His, and thus your, destination. It is truly a shame how science moves so slowly because it refuses to accept a pre conceived Divine plan.

Well, Shadow, if you think in athiestic terms, everything is a out and out crap shoot, Fate is the word, is what a atheist would tell you, since the whole point of evolution is totally random mutations that create something.

If you think God exists, you would think that he has overall control of things here, and that in the end God will beat evil and everything will be cool.
I personally think that God controls whether real lifechanging events happen that are destructive (Read about the Cold War for examples) and that when people don't want God there, he leaves them as long as they deny him, So for the most part I think it's internal problem, that man destroys himself regardless of politics, religion or the media exists or not.

Cute idea but this has been attempted before, The Humanist Manfesto was created with this in mind, basically you are taking a throwback to Marxism and saying that if the human race somehow comes together we can create out own Utopia somehow. Even if you could eliminate religion, politics and the media, people would still find a reason to hate and be destructive.

Anyway, about your "theory"

My Questions:

1.Even if this were somehow proven to be true that there are omnipotent Q like dudes running around, wouldn't they need a time neutral field in order to wreak havoc without effecting themselves?

2. If that is true, then how could they avoid someone with their own group going back in time (like a time space ship) and destroying their 'base' before they are finished buliding it?

3.Even if this was happening couldn't they just kill you off whenever they want to? (I mean considering they are omnipotent and all)

4.You mentioned a while ago that at first you were way into the New Age deal, Did you ever take LSD?

Do I sense a hint of displeasure in this debate on your part :P? Could it be that perhaps something other then religion can bring upon the results that it’s promised? If what you truly believe and are so adamant about really that flawless, and that anything other but by your means will fail regardless, then why are you feeling threatened

It can be proven through your way or mine, the choice is really up to you, if you want to go up against the TTA in a long debate about it
I’m game.

<<Even if you could eliminate religion, politics and the media, people would still find a reason to hate and be destructive.>>

Not if hate and destruction are also some of the things that become resolved through moral principles. I may not be pleased with many people’s actions, but I cannot resort to being destructive. The principle behind it would not allow me

That would be a hypocrisy, and go against everything that it was based on it to be, and to not be.

Sorta like Christians and Muslims resorting to acts of hate and destruction. It’s simply blasphemy, or is that what they truly believe? Self righteousness, I think is what they call it

<< 1.Even if this were somehow proven to be true that there are omnipotent Q like dudes running around, wouldn't they need a time neutral field in order to wreak havoc without effecting themselves?>>

Is this question to me, or to CAT?

I’m not a scientist Tracker, there is still much about the formula of Time Travel that I do not understand. I just sense and feel my way through things. I rely heavily on my instinct, for they are very sharp and almost never fail me
. I have an uncanny accuracy for spotting manipulators and those who are inclined to take advantage of someone (I just don’t buy into bull shit, is what I am basically trying to say). And it is for that reason, that I sense a greater force in the works in the universe, something humanly conscious is controlling things for a hidden agenda, and that is Time Travel… And I must stop it.

<<2. If that is true, then how could they avoid someone with their own group going back in time (like a time space ship) and destroying their 'base' before they are finished buliding it?>>

Again, are you asking me this question

<<3.Even if this was happening couldn't they just kill you off whenever they want to? (I mean considering they are omnipotent and all)>>

You have to consider that you’re being used, so wherever you go you know they can spare your death, by just rearranging a few things in your life accordingly to steer clear from their path. That again, brings up the question of “where is your freewill.”

<<4.You mentioned a while ago that at first you were way into the New Age deal, Did you ever take LSD?>>

So this question is to me?

NO! I have never used drugs (unless you count RX), not even pot. However, I did by no fault of my own, did get high on it once. While in my high school rest room, a couple of the bad crowd kids were smoking it, and since I really needed to go, I held my breath as much as I could. But I did breathe it in a couple of times, enough to feel my consciousness alter a bit. Which was what turned me off to even experiment once on it.

As for the New Age stuff, I only read into it. I bought a couple books, and tried the meditations, that’s all... I’ve always had visions and strange abilities before then, but it was only until I started to understand the other side and find fault in it, that the double digits, and voices began. Thus, the creation of the TTA was brought into order

That was pretty much the end, and the beginning of an era for me.

Any further questions

unlike TTA, the numbers started way before I knew anything about New age . In fact I was attending a united mehodist church and had been for 10 years before the numbers started. So I don't think you can blame it on new age. I think the TTA started something and now he can't turn it off. Like I said before I think they activated his DNA and now he wants it turned off . that I don't believe is gonna happen . Its like if someone signed up for the army and then wanted out when he had to go to the front lines and do battle. I think the numbers are a form of bio feedback . they are showing you how you act and you are choosing that . they are trying to let you know that you have a choice . After you get through this and master it the numbers change. Then you move on to the next level. You say this is against your will. In reality its not . You have always been acting this way the difference is it is now being brought to your attention. I don't see that as going against your will. I used the numbers to further my own evolution . I felt kinda stupid after I found this out because I thought I couldn't evolve any further. That was far from the truth . so my advice to you TTA is stop being such a wimp. You sound all tough and all but the problem is you can't even face your own behavoir thats why you are so adament about it being against your free will. clara
What? No, I am not displeased, No TTA, the LSD question I was just checking up on, as a possible lead in why you have had these paranormal experinces.

(What most people don't know is that if you take LSD a few times that the remaining LSD will end up in your cerbo-spinal fluid leading to you having a lifetime risk of going on a "trip")

Anyway, don't try and lead me off like most atheists by trying to make me angry with pointing out the bad things that Christian's have done. If you'd like I can point out all the atheistic screw up's if you'd like, but that might rattle your cage.

Anyway, to tell you the truth I have never EVER had any paranormal experiences happen to me personally in my rather short lifetime, That's probably why I have a hard time understanding this crazy theory, and that's just so wild how could anyone believe it?

Anyway, I'm not going to get into a real debate here, but I would like to ask you something, Prove the Double Digit Theory by proving that it's mathematically impossible (or have really crappy odds) for the double digit to appear x number of times in a 24 hour period. Get Darby to help you out with this, since he is a expert when it comes to math right?

<<I think the TTA started something and now he can't turn it off.>>

More like began to understand that it’s wrong. Hasn’t that ever popped into your mind, while reading my posts for all these months

<<Like I said before I think they activated his DNA and now he wants it turned off . that I don't believe is gonna happen>>

My DNA was activated? Well of course it was, it’s been activated for 22 years now. If it were deactivated I wouldn’t be here

<<Its like if someone signed up for the army and then wanted out when he had to go to the front lines and do battle.>>

That’s not what happened to me
I got injured.

<<. I think the numbers are a form of bio feedback . they are showing you how you act and you are choosing that . they are trying to let you know that you have a choice .>>

Of Course Clara, you think only the best
they can never do any harm to us. There is no such thing as manipulation and being used is just a human trait.

Your so naïve, you can never bring your self to critically see the common sense of this issue, can you?

Biofeed back had nothing to do with Sept. 11th, posting at double digits, picking up a receipt with specific numbers, or the exact same change you got the day before, or sending something off to the mail, and having to sign on a double digit number. All this has nothing to do with biofeed back.

These are coincidences that are suppose to be impossible to happen, but they happen quite frequently. Making a connection of understanding this violation of human freewill, is what I been trying to emphasize. Or is that not clear yet to you Clara?

This has nothing to do with how your body works, but more that it is or being driven to synch events in order for a common goal. Being put in places and having those places as a result of your presence their exploit you for the specific plan at that moment, that will domino effect everything else that comes into it’s web.

<<You say this is against your will. In reality its not .>>

I’ll tell you what, I will continue to prove and say that it is, if you prove to me how it isn’t
? How about that? Are we suppose to just take your word for it, without a good explanation why?

<<I don't see that as going against your will. I used the numbers to further my own evolution .>>

And you don’t think having a load of spirits in your head is against your will either? I’m begging to think you don’t know the meaning of the word, or when something is enough to have you call it wrong.

Evolution? What were you before, I’ll tell you if you come along way

<<I felt kinda stupid after I found this out because I thought I couldn't evolve any further.>>

Well your definitely not human I can tell you that, you will sell out your own race just to follow some little green Aliens from Uranus and channel a graveyard full of celebrities
. I know the perfect Cult for you: Co$. Look it up.

<<so my advice to you TTA is stop being such a wimp.>>

My advice to you Clara, is spare us the bull $hit.

Who are you to give me, or anyone else here advice?

It’s tiresome that you can expect everyone to follow your New Age beliefs, and yet be proven a hypocrite time and time again, by me.

What was it last time, this funky concoction of Jesus/Aliens theology you wanted everyone to buy into

<<You sound all tough and all but the problem is you can't even face your own behavoir thats why you are so adament about it being against your free will. Clara>>

Maybe it’s because I realize that it’s something worth fighting for, then giving up. I confront, you accept. That is the big difference between our 2 views on the numbers… It could also be something that a person with limited understanding of human loyalties will have trouble comprehending

<<What? No, I am not displeased, No TTA, the LSD question I was just checking up on, as a possible lead in why you have had these paranormal experinces.>>

Yes, I know Tracker, and that’s not what I was referring to either
but it’s okay. We can move on.

<<(What most people don't know is that if you take LSD a few times that the remaining LSD will end up in your cerbo-spinal fluid leading to you having a lifetime risk of going on a "trip">>

Right, I know this too.

<<Anyway, don't try and lead me off like most atheists by trying to make me angry with pointing out the bad things that Christian's have done.>>

No of course not. Religion is not my department. You were a formidable opponent when you were up against Mike during the Christian debates here, and even got me to think strongly about it. Until I came to my senses

<<If you'd like I can point out all the atheistic screw up's if you'd like, but that might rattle your cage. >>

Go ahead if you want. But I’m not an atheist. I believe in God
just not religion.

<<Anyway, to tell you the truth I have never EVER had any paranormal experiences happen to me personally in my rather short lifetime, That's probably why I have a hard time understanding this crazy theory, and that's just so wild how could anyone believe it?>>

Those who do aren’t necessarily more fortunate then those who don’t. So consider you’re self-lucky
. It does offer them a unique perspective of the inner workings of reality though. However, at times others who aren’t in tune to this kind of “creativity” refuse to see something that everybody else might see, but who are not as able to see it’s microscopic properties. But it’s just not visible to them yet, until they open their minds to the possibilities and question them.

<<Anyway, I'm not going to get into a real debate here, but I would like to ask you something, Prove the Double Digit Theory by proving that it's mathematically impossible (or have really crappy odds) for the double digit to appear x number of times in a 24 hour period. Get Darby to help you out with this, since he is a expert when it comes to math right?>>

I will definitely start something with it in the near future. I have a new website to début in the coming weeks, so that’s taking a lot of my time and hard work. I will keep you posted on what I find. In the mean time, just consider the possibilities. If they don’t make sense to you, let me know and I will try to clarify them.
