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ah!, the epic irony that litters the scene! Seeing as I have not recieved an adequate response I shall cease any interaction unless I recieve a response by April 22nd.

That is all.

i'll ask a few questions for the hell of it i guess. although im not interested in future technologies which im sure are far greater then our own id like to know how we as a people have evolved

1) does poverty and the exploitation of certain ethnic groups of people still occur?

2) have we become anymore "enlightened" with religion/other faiths?

3) do wars still rage in the future over land, money and power? or have we grown up a little and put those things aside for the better of mankind

i have many more questions but i'll limit myself to just these few in hopes you can awsner them in full without resorting to " i cant for security reasons " or other nonsence.
Is english your main language? The questions you asked are not very clear or explained well.

For example, what do you mean by us worshipping time? Do you mean that since we talk about time travel on this forum, we worship time? Or are you talking about all humans in general as worshipping time in some sense? Those who are "enlightened" say time is an illusion, and that even "me" is an illusion. The mind has to cease in order to realize this.

You say we idolize many false entities. You have not explained what false entities you are speaking of. You have left us to guess what false entities to speak of, so it is very hard to know what kind of answer you want from us. This is why you are not getting many responses.

You say there has been some activity at this location that draws your interest. Are you free to share what it is that attracted you here?

I am having some difficulty trying to figure out what you mean by this.. "While many have never delved into this somewhat shamed exchange of ideas that deliberate what is fact now, I plan to see if this had any impact."

Shamed exchange of ideas? What is shameful?

Deliberate what is in fact now.. questions about what the nature of "now" is? The present moment? Or what?

Better communication can help you find whatever you are seeking.
1) does poverty and the exploitation of certain ethnic groups of people still occur?

Poverty still exists but not in the same way nor scale that it does in your time. The poor are simply the lazy. Due to the constructs of my community if one participates and is involved then they have no problem suriving. The concept of how my time lives is more communal than individual. The exploitation of races does not exist due to greater "enemies" so to speak. Although the exploitation of religion has taken the place of racial tension.

2) have we become anymore "enlightened" with religion/other faiths?

No. Religion has become a major point of contention in my time and is on the verge of ripping the human race apart.

3) do wars still rage in the future over land, money and power? or have we grown up a little and put those things aside for the better of mankind

War is an issue of religion and alternate sources of energy in my time. Everyone has their defense systems so fortified that pursuits of land are pointless. I would assume that our sources of energy hold much power for the owners while money has compeltley left the avenue of war. Our bouts regarding money take place soley on an economic scale.

That is all.

Is time really linear or is it cyclic? To me being cyclic would describe time travel better. I want to know what you have to say about this. YOu don't have to answer directly. But please answer.


Guy D.
thank you for taking the time

a few other questions then.

1) who is this greater "enemy" ?

2) what religions oppose each other? or are there new religions all together?

3) does a great catasthophy bring the human race closer together or some kind of great discovery?

4) does our planet become war torn? do we bring war to other civilizations or do those civilizations bring war to us? ( if we reach any by then )

5) does nature continue to suffer by our hand or do we try to restore habitats across the globe

6) is our population as big or bigger then it is now?

7) are there more people of one race then another? a winner if you will if the world ever broke out in all out nuclear war.

3) Black matter? How far along are you?

I do not believe that we have encountered, discovered or know very much about black matter at this time.

I do believe that once we discover and if we know about it it may have amazing or distructful uses. I am only guessing.


Guy D.
Hora Praeu'

Religion was meant as a giude, even in this time.

The true substance of man, was that he was made by many influences.
Is time really linear or is it cyclic?


who is this greater "enemy" ?

You will see...well actually that depends.

what religions oppose each other? or are there new religions all together?

Many religions oppose eachother and there are several "new" ones.

does a great catasthophy bring the human race closer together or some kind of great discovery?


does our planet become war torn? do we bring war to other civilizations or do those civilizations bring war to us? ( if we reach any by then )

Yes, although not in the way one would assume.

does nature continue to suffer by our hand or do we try to restore habitats across the globe

It still suffers.

is our population as big or bigger then it is now?

Smaller and scattered.

are there more people of one race then another?

Race continues to be diverse and often mixed.

There is no "winner" in ANY war.


Creedo -- You are a fool who obviously does not know world history.
Another time traveler, jeeez, but for the sake of entertainment I ask the following:

Did you use a magic 8-ball to answer the questions you have answered?

Can time coordinates be plotted as in a three dimensional space? If so, can a set of coordinates be a specific point in time?

How many dimensions are there and can one get beyond the third if more do exist? How could that be achieved?

Is the smallest particle actually a time particle and could such a particle hold a reflection within of time itself as a whole? If so, what happens to that particle when introduced to dark matter?

What is your understanding of dark matter?

Magic 8 ball says.....


Religion was meant as a giude, even in this time.

Countless wars have been the fought over religion in the past. If Creedo knew anything about world history he would know that. Unless your timeline's history is drastically different from mine, you should know of the crusades or the holocaust. Religion was a guide ? More like fuel for a fire of ignorance.
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Maybe I can take back what I said. after all you say you are a anthropologist Hora. At leasat I think you said that.