Temporal Novice
ah!, the epic irony that litters the scene! Seeing as I have not recieved an adequate response I shall cease any interaction unless I recieve a response by April 22nd.
That is all.
That is all.
1) does poverty and the exploitation of certain ethnic groups of people still occur?
2) have we become anymore "enlightened" with religion/other faiths?
3) do wars still rage in the future over land, money and power? or have we grown up a little and put those things aside for the better of mankind
3) Black matter? How far along are you?
Is time really linear or is it cyclic?
who is this greater "enemy" ?
what religions oppose each other? or are there new religions all together?
does a great catasthophy bring the human race closer together or some kind of great discovery?
does our planet become war torn? do we bring war to other civilizations or do those civilizations bring war to us? ( if we reach any by then )
does nature continue to suffer by our hand or do we try to restore habitats across the globe
is our population as big or bigger then it is now?
are there more people of one race then another?
Religion was meant as a giude, even in this time.