Hi guys- Landers here


So October 7th might
not be that exact a date at all it
might be before or after that date.
We just have to waite an see over
a couple of months.

The problem is... people do this all the time. It is a ploy used over and over and over and over and over. And people who are lacking in intelligence tend to keep buying into it because either they forget about the prior "vague predictions" that never came to pass, or because they have an inherent wish to see bad things happen...so they keep "hoping" for them.

Let me give you an example: Does anyone remember one of our OETWO allged time travelers who wrote in this very forum? He claimed he was from the future, and flew F-18s in the Australian RAAF. Remember him? Anyone remember his "vague prediction"? He was trying to tell us an invasion of Iran by the USA was imminent..."in the very near future" were his words, I believe. Do you remember when he said that? I do. October 2006. Have we had an invasion of Iran anywhere close to "the near future" after October 2006?

His name was Brandon Falzon. And here is his thread...his predictions did not come to pass.


Re: October 7th at 7:10 AM UTC


Ray, its:

<font color="red">October 7th at 7:10 AM UTC[/COLOR]

Nize. I like a definite prediction. You don't mind if I capture this quote of yours here for posterity, so you can't go back and change it? Not that I don't trust you, but... well, maybe I don't! :D

I would also like a specific prediction of what will happen at that precise time, please. But even without it, then you will admit it is a "miss" if nothing happens at 7:15 UTC, but then maybe something (relatively) "big" happens at, say.... 7:35 UTC?

is from the Mazzacatto Drawings 1982 and back to 2007...

What a pretty picture! LOL. Gee, one part of that looks like an airplane about to fly into....is that Big Ben???? :D Gee...who do we know that "predicted" this funny little scenario? It would seem our old friend Chronohistorian is alive and well and spreading his fictions at other places on the net. Heck, he could still be with us here, but just under a different assumed name!

Link to GLP

Ehh.... oohh.... hang on.... trying to stop.....


oh....oh.... OHHHHHHHHH! Recall, you made me spew milk out my nose! Godlikeproductions! BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I can't control myself. REALLY!?!?!? Yes, we all know there are SO many credible people posting their trash over there! What's next on your link parade? Gonna send me some "credible insider" links from AboveTopSecret?

Re: October 7th at 7:10 AM UTC

<font color="red"> D [/COLOR]
<font color="purple"> T [/COLOR]
<font color="brown"> T [/COLOR]
<font color="blue"> O [/COLOR]



In reply to:
Ray, its:

October 7th at 7:10 AM UTC

Nize. I like a definite prediction. You don't mind if I capture this quote of yours here for posterity, so you can't go back and change it? Not that I don't trust you, but... well, maybe I don't!

I would also like a specific prediction of what will happen at that precise time, please. But even without it, then you will admit it is a "miss" if nothing happens at 7:15 UTC, but then maybe something (relatively) "big" happens at, say.... 7:35 UTC?

In reply to:
is from the Mazzacatto Drawings 1982 and back to 2007...

What a pretty picture! LOL. Gee, one part of that looks like an airplane about to fly into....is that Big Ben???? Gee...who do we know that "predicted" this funny little scenario? It would seem our old friend Chronohistorian is alive and well and spreading his fictions at other places on the net. Heck, he could still be with us here, but just under a different assumed name!

In reply to:
Link to GLP

Ehh.... oohh.... hang on.... trying to stop.....


oh....oh.... OHHHHHHHHH! Recall, you made me spew milk out my nose! Godlikeproductions! BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I can't control myself. REALLY!?!?!? Yes, we all know there are SO many credible people posting their trash over there! What's next on your link parade? Gonna send me some "credible insider" links from AboveTopSecret?


"After that event Planet Earth was a nice place"
Re: October 7th at 7:10 AM UTC

Well recall,

October 7th, 2008 at 7:10 UTC has come and gone. Nothing (as expected).

Now is when I am sure you will point out all the hedging that Kerry Cassidy's interviewee went thru in the interview. Don't bother, I saw that. Suffice it to say that yet again, one of your "doom dates" has come and gone without leaving the death and destruction that I know you secretly hope for my country.

Re: October 7th at 7:10 AM UTC

October 7th, 2008 at 7:10 UTC has come and gone. Nothing (as expected).

It started with the incident of the Plane, The 5 US Generals and Iran, but regarding the cover up you get "Nothing (as expected)"


It continues and the cover up strenghted but you may get a pick here:

Link to Project Avalon...
