Re: Freudian
This will be my last post in this thread. But you can rest assured that the person who was so upset that he had to barge in on this thread will want the last word. So be it.
I don’t want the last word Ray. That seems to be something that you always want, and take by force or make fun of others to get it.
That’s why things led to the way they went, don’t you see that?
You can’t always spin the truth Ray, no matter how hard you try.
1) Before he ever decided to enter this thread, he has even admitted that I did NOT refer to him specifically in my explanation to Freud as to why I shut my PM down. Indeed, his OWN DECISION to enter this thread and begin his tirade is what ACTUALLY called attention to the fact of which forum member it was that caused me to shut off my PM! In fact, he pretty much eliminated all doubt (on his own) that he was the one harassing me with PMs.
And was it not you who contacted me just two days later after a similar situation, asking me to not do it again, because we agreed to leave one another alone? If anyone began whining, it was you Ray.
2) And looking at his behavior since he joined this thread.... is it not obvious from his tone, and incessant need to answer...again and again, in a thread he was never involved in until he chose to become involved... is it not obvious why I shut off my PM so I did not have to receive his continuous judgments of me?
But that’s you Ray. Your constant need to always have to be right, each and every time someone disagrees with you. Isn’t it obvious why you could not stop PM’ing me and getting so upset each time I responded to you? You impose your message to no ends. From one thread, you began two more, and posted on someone’s MySpace. Asking them to come to kick my ass.
It’s pretty obvious you don’t like to be wrong on any level Ray, regardless if it’s science or math.
You will go through any lengths to do this. From attacking me (3+ against 1), ridiculing me, discrediting me, creating multiple threads to make others feel guilty and vote for you. Not to mention, the first time you harassed me on the forum for no reason, and through PM’s.
I didn’t even know you Ray. But when you met me, you began attacking me for no reason. And so this brings us to where we are today. You met someone who would not give in to you and shut up.
At the very least, I was very patient with you, and respected your wishes to leave you alone for the most part. Though, you could not do the same.
3) Passing judgment, as you can see, is the TTA's "thing". I am sure Freud can tell us how this is one of the oldest tricks in the book... trying to guilt someone into submission.
I’m passing judgment? Ray, the terms of service are clear. And it’s obvious you are not following them. If pointing out your behavior & actions is the only way for you to be reminded to abide by them, then really you can’t say that passing judgment is not just reminding you to behave or you’ll get booted.
And you do this by passing judgment on people and portraying them as "evil" or portraying their actions as "wrong" according to THEIR moral standard. Note how we flaunts my comment I posted in Freud's myspace page... and how he uses this as a means to try and shame me.
But Ray, you ATTACKED me. Your friends ATTACKED me. What else am I suppose to call them & their actions, “Little Angels†and give them a gift card or something?
Unfortunately, it hasn't worked because not only do I admit to posting those words, I mean them. And I do not feel "shamed" in expressing my disdain for a person like him. And if anything, Freud's response was quite a bit more tame than what he has done before. So Freud even has more patience and restraint than I do... so noted!
There you have it!
Ray does not feel ashamed for asking someone to come and kick my ass.
So since you don’t want me to judge you or call your behavior evil, I’ll just allow you to fill in the blank on that one. Ray’s behavior for this was ___________.
4) In a recent post, you can see this personality disorder come to light again, as he clearly wants others to think that getting drunk (in your house, while watching football, when NOT driving a motor vehicle, and while posting on an internet forum) is somehow "bad" or "evil"... yes, he wishes to "shame me".
But Ray, you just judged me, and said I have a personality disorder. How is that different from what you telling me that I am doing?
Again, it won't work. Yes, I like to get drunk (responsibly). Many people in our society do. And I find it sad that he should resort to trying to use this as a means to try to make me feel "ashamed".
No Ray, I don’t say this to make you feel ashamed, but I say this for you to realize what you’re saying, is in a public forum, not the locker room. I mean, who comes on here and say’s that they just had sex with their girlfriend, unless they were drunk.
But, of course, no one here has the high ethics and moral standards of the TTA, now do we? How could we, when we note his long history of putting himself on a moral pillar?
I’m sorry you feel that way. But it isn’t my fault you were irresponsible to not have seen the error of your ways in the choices that you made, and now be upset that someone caught you.
5) And to PROVE (yes, prove) that he just can't pass-up a chance to look down his moral nose and pass judgment on one of his "victims", I PURPOSEFULLY included my statement about receiving fellatio last night... because I knew he would latch onto it. And see again how he mocks me with his sarcastic "how appropriate...". I guess he thinks I am supposed to feel ashamed for getting a hummer last night and openly telling a friend (Freud) about it? Not gonna happen. If anything, this may even smack of "sour grapes" because I got one... and he didn't?
Ray you are to extreme. Your intentions now, as they were on the PM’s, are to continue to spin the facts regardless of the truth that is being shown to you. Yes, you did say your girlfriend gave you a hummer, that’s great, good for you. Though you believe I wanted to mock you or make you feel ashamed for this. As always, you’re taking things to an extreme measure, to mean something completely different. This again, is the root of all the problems we now face.
It’s not my judging of you that’s the problem, but of you not willing to see, and accept the truth. Simply perhaps because it is not in a mathematical language that you can understand and be secure in, the solution obviously eludes you.
You are no different then those who deny science, in exchange for a romantic notion of Time Travel.
And so, in this thread, you have now been able to witness some of the constant judgments that were levied against me in the PMs. And here he accuses me of "spin" (and I am still not convinced that another "member" who constantly used this term against me was not the TTA in disguise), but what kind of spin is it to try and FORCE someone to feel guilty about something they have done or said?
Yes, the many faces of the TTA… who else can I possibly be.
Does this scare you RMT?
Your spinning streak is obviously unending.
I have made my case in the above posts regarding your violation to an agreement that YOU made, and that I agreed to. An agreement that I kept, and you could NOT!
So spin all you want!
Given my upbringing in the Catholic Church, I can confidently say that the TTA's attempted use of guilt as a tool of suppression is right up there with the Catholic Church! They use it more effectively than the TTA, but he is only one guy.... to be fair.
I’m sorry Ray, you obviously need someone to talk to… in all seriousness, please seek someone trustworthy who can listen.
And now... here I am... willingly offering myself up to being banned. What is also ironic about all of this is that it is so obvious that the TTA wants to be part of a legend, if not a legend in his own right... and the irony is that I am now helping him to earn one form of legend status.
Now your judging me Ray. But fine, I can handle it calmly and answer you calmly.
I am no legend, you merely read my posts to another forum member. In it, I admitted that I was John Titor, and stated that I was a legend. But if you read closer, you would have read that I said, SIKE!
Obviously you fell for it, and still believe it to this day!
TTA: The man, the myth, the legend who "brought down" RainmanTime.
No Ray, unlike you I don’t take pleasure in the people that I bring down. You revel in it, I know. But for me, if you do get banned, I won’t make fun of you, the way you’ve made fun of the countless TT hoaxers who’ve left with their tails behind their legs. No body deserves to be let go like that, no matter who you are.