Here goes ... something.

Re: Clues occur in abject locations...

Is this another one of them there coincidences?

...probably? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, despite what some psychologists might say. Careful, they'll project their problems onto you too.

Explanation: He gave me a sedative prior to leaving where I came from in the first place. Given the nature of what was going on, I really have no idea how long I was out at any given point because I didn't have a watch, but I know we were in at least two different eras before I was dropped off. Only got out for one of them though - and the other, I don't think he intended me to be awake to be aware of it.

I really have no idea how the camo worked, incidentally, but it wasn't like what was used in those pictures. If anything it looked more like what you would see if you watched the Predator movies.

And... uh... my IP should be tracing to Dresden. As in Germany. But no, I am in Cincinnati. If you really want I can switch proxies and make it look like I'm somewhere else, but I always use proxies. Otherwise you'd see my IP as coming from Time Warner cable.
Re: Clues occur in abject locations...

Blight & other would-be time travellers, listen here!
I could hoax this forum as a time traveller, I have a conceptually possible time travelling method that I could even construct with current technology, providing I had a 'few things'. I aint gonna tell you muppets how to hoax though.

Here's the real take home message, because I could construct a worthy hoax, doesnt mean that I should. If I could not come up with a believable hoax and I wasnt bothered if people didnt believed me then I wouldn't [censored] bother making the hoax up.

Blighted by abject boredom

Y'know this hoax did have some pedigrees:

1. Bits of Terminator
2. Bits of Philip K Dick's The Man In The High Castle
and my fave
3. Bizarre cross-seeding of Captain America and The Red Skull's origins (no idea what that was all about)

Unfortunately whereas it could've been rendered in an interesting way its all been done in a very dry and dull fashion. Where are the Lizard Men? Who is this Vladimir supposed to be? (apologies for letting the side down and actually asking)

I've just returned AGAIN from 2565 and my reptile niece is now a foot taller than me and has even had similar tattooes to those her Uncle Dave sports! Far out! Chrono-clone is still rubbish though, the Lizards have now conquered Australia too and a space ark full of Skaarans that he (or was it me?) didn't manage to kill is now moored outside Jupiter. Ha!
