This seems to be the place for it, since I've been poking around a bit on the net and happened across the forum here. I've been lurking a while, a few things here have looked legit but most of it looks like nonsense. So what the heck, I'll come out and say it; no reason not to anymore.
I am from 2035.
Here's the catch. I'm certain it wasn't a future that you can get to from here. I was a smart kid for the most part and read my history books, at least the ones I could get my hands on. Back where I was from, the US dropped three bombs on Japan then fought it out on the ground, and here Japan surrendered. There are a lot of other things, technology seems a lot further back than I thought it would have been, but I didn't actualy realize that until, well. 2005.
Most notably in 2001 a couple of buildings in New York came down, which I never heard about. But there was no global nuclear holocaust in 2005. So it's something of a relief that I got out of there and ended up being dropped off here a while back.
Heck, I don't know what to go on from here. Comments, questions, concerns? Ask me stuff, I guess that's the standard rote, and I'll answer as best I can. And what the hell is everyone's hangup on cloning anyway? That's been driving me nuts since I got here, you should have had your first human clone before the turn of the century!
I am from 2035.
Here's the catch. I'm certain it wasn't a future that you can get to from here. I was a smart kid for the most part and read my history books, at least the ones I could get my hands on. Back where I was from, the US dropped three bombs on Japan then fought it out on the ground, and here Japan surrendered. There are a lot of other things, technology seems a lot further back than I thought it would have been, but I didn't actualy realize that until, well. 2005.
Most notably in 2001 a couple of buildings in New York came down, which I never heard about. But there was no global nuclear holocaust in 2005. So it's something of a relief that I got out of there and ended up being dropped off here a while back.
Heck, I don't know what to go on from here. Comments, questions, concerns? Ask me stuff, I guess that's the standard rote, and I'll answer as best I can. And what the hell is everyone's hangup on cloning anyway? That's been driving me nuts since I got here, you should have had your first human clone before the turn of the century!