RE: HELP! Why can\'t you go past the speed of Light?
The reason why you can not in the physical go past the speed of light is due to the following:
Please realize that time light and mass as we see them, are only frequencies of adjustment that we as humans realize them to be.
Because of the operation and nature of black holes, entailing that the event horizion is a said possable door to other realites, we can deduce the following.
That via the bed spread theory of Albert Einstein's, which says that time and space do warp, concerning the effect of black hole mass gravity on the lighter space around a black hole, that the nature of time and space is curvalinnear.
*See Steven Hawlking's tennets on black hole envalopes, of event horizions, n angles to possabvle entry points, to other dimensions of the universe?
If this adjustment holds so, then all we see that is time space and mass, is on an assigned frequency.
Furthermore, then is this adjustment is so, the C or light as we humans know and understand C to be, is so thussly assigned to this frequency.
This is thus an up and down ranger stateing that by veign diagram, starting from the zero intiger as we realize standard light to be.
Starts at bloody zero with you and me and when ya goes down you is in negative frequency intigers and when you goes up, your going towards C's ass hind end up towards the top end, they call C in transit.
So mass in itself, since mass always inhearently posess photons within matter, as we as humans see it, can only be confined to this frequency of existance, via the bounderies of acceleration only.
So this means if one were to accelerait mass, to a speed near the speed of light, then what would occur to a process known as the Lorentz Contraction, is that photonage, or light photons expressed, would emerge from that particular mass which has been acceleraited.
So even at a speed near the top end of C or light as light travelers on our frequency within the universe, one would start to observe light emmiting from that mass.
Secondly due to the Lorentz Contraction, because that mass has an assinged frequency, the mass of this matterbewing whatever vehicle, would greatly increase, till no more accelearition could be achived.
If one would push the object through the light barrier, then the object would disolve, as what is portented to the nature of time and mass on our frequency, would no longer be within its legal description.
However time and space always has doors within the nature of T M and C, so other means of escape from this frequency could be attained,in allprobabilty by the modulation of frequency itself?
The following that I have given you, is one very good reason why nucealr weapons are a damageing prospect to the nature of time space and matter.THEY DISRUPT.
C in natural M modified in situ, means light as it travelks naturally within outer space, without for the most part, either being acceleraited or deceleraited by gravitonic influences, from other space time assinged masses.
Remember Albert Einstein, bless him, had builton the works of Desitter and others before him, in understand in relativistic means, that timeand space does in certain ways, affact the traverse of light as light is shown from star light.
The new boys on the block are Paul LaViolette and Brian Green extoling both frequencies and microphysics as the new methods of telling that time and space are all access blocks which give a keyway into the realms of T&S.
M moddified, means space as we see it , however with the understanding that this space is not really null and voice, but a greater part of the universe.
Please enjoy the paintings of Escher and the writings of Hunter Thomson in his telling of small fire-breathing lizards, which crawl out of coffie cups, to amaze us, as they are potentially from other dimensions.
The universe is not only as strange as we can imaginge, however stranger than we are able to grasp, or imagine.
~~This is tremenjous stuff Peachy' we's here at the top of the world and no blighten idiots is tellin the likes of you, or me what we have to do, or wheres to be!
We can rule as we want and nobody, not even the queen or all her stooges put togeather can tell us, as we's in charge.
You King Daniel and me the teller of what's to be done!
World by the ass says I..
Adaptation from Rudyard Kiplings THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING:The story of Peachy Talifeario and Daniel Dravot, ex-soldiers in what's fit tobe Her Magestie's Royal Bleeding Army.