answers to distracting questions
I have a few problems with your tact - or lack thereof.
None of my postings require circumlocution (in other words, nothing that I have posted thus far requires any need for being coy, subtle or indirect). I wrote with the same clarity that others have with, perhaps, the occaional spelling and grammar errors. This not an English composition class afterall.
The first problem is that you continue to represent yourself as being arrogant and rude.
Arrogant, perhaps, but that may be a mis-impression that I give in displaying little tolerance or patience for those who know nothing about which they discuss. For example, there are those who talk about tensors but they demonstrate,
at least in this public forum, a level of mathematical understanding that does not extend beyond grade school arithmetic.
I accept being call "arrogant" if I cannot dissuade and educate those who pretend to know that of which they are ignorant ("ignorant" in the literal, denotative meaning as in
do not know).
A productive exchange requires that both parties gain something from the participation in the intercourse. If others are not willing to take time to study and deepen their understanding, then I cannot be at fault for failing to guide them toward what is correct and rational thinking. (Those last two words were a tad Ayn Randian.)
You can lead the proverbial horse to water but one cannot expect intelligent conversation, houyhnhms notwithstanding.
There is absolutely no justification on your part to ridicule the members as haivng "childish" imaginations. You've done this in the past more than once.
A previous post is the only time I have publicly expressed dissent about John Titor and in relation with those who still habour belief in the Titor hoax. Please, do not lie about me. If you are going to attempt correction or admonishment, first make certain you are correct and your claims are valid.
Second, my commentary on others having "childish" imaginations -- the exact word I used was "puerile" which connotes the untrained mind -- as mentioned above, others at least in this forum have demonstrated that very quality.
I "ridicule" those that still believe in the Titor hoax -- not those who have that "puerile" quality I sought. (Albeit the intersection of the two sets of people may be non-empty, that does imply I am "ridiculing" everyone. Please, do not mis-infer what I did not imply.
Second there is no justification for chiding the members by stating that the only way that you can grab any attention is to dangle John Titor in front of them. You've had their attention for several weeks without any such reference. You had the same level of non-Titor attention two years ago.
First, notice that the only current active discussions involve John Titor as the topic.
No one every replies and never bothers to read my posts.
But everyone currently loves talking about Titor. I do not want to ever talk aout Titor but that seems to be the only active discussion minus the occasional religious explorations.
Hey, fault me for attempting to employ a bit of marketing tactics to gain some attention.
Second, what happened years ago has little impact and of little help to what I seek now.
Third, I suspect that you plan to use their ideas for your own aggrandizement in one form or another. You don't need to have an audience that is naive to your real plans.
Believe what you wish, but I can do without the cynicism.
So, if I'm to continue feeding you ideas the trade-off is that you let the community in on your scheme. Why are you asking these questions
That much is be obvious.
Or have you, ignored my previous postings especially the one where I invite others to join me in a visit to a doctor of time travel. (Of course, let me be direct in my insult here so as to avoid mis-understanding,
you did not read that posting. If you did, then I am curious as to why some one who is
not interested in wanting to time travel visits and comments on this message board.
Please, tell me your interest in time travel if not to time travel yourself. Thank you in advance.
why are you ridiculing the members
I refer my honourable friend to the previous answer I gave.
what is it that you really want from them? The real reason - not the "I'm yet another would-be time traveler" babble.
I refer my honourable friend to the previous answer I gave.
Please don't misinterpret this post. . . . Its obvious that you have some hidden agenda and the community deserves to know what it is if they are to continue answering your questions.
First, evidently you have misinterpret what I have posted. Re-read
carefully what I have posted recently (recently = say, what I posted in the last six months). Please, re-read all my posts, but the most relevant material are my current interests.
Second, as given in my previous answer, my objective is transparently clear. If you are attempting to be sceptical, then please join me here. Let us together train, practice, and confront what we are obviously aiming to do.
Two years ago, when you first registered, you were a member of a group of grad students - plus one "very smart" undergrad. Did any of those people register and post here?
No. In fact, none of my academic friends -- in fact no one I know in real life, including my sci-fi & fantasy fan friends, actually posts on any message board such as this.
Unless some one I know in real life is being dishonest with me,
I know of no one in real life who posts or read here or any similar e.g AboveTopSecret message boards.
(I think every one else does the MySpace thing. As years ago, Friendster and Xanga were the web sites to visit frequently and where to post online.)
I think we, those of us who post on
this and similar message boards may be outside the proverbial popular loop.
(Let me refer you to a posting I made in answer to a question asked if Titor was ever mentioned or discussed when I was at Berkeley.)
We've seen several "Post and Run" members here over the past 5-6 weeks. Do you have any personal or professional relationship with those members?
No. Now in a display of arrogance, I do not care whether you believe me or not. My postings, Live Journal entries, and those of whom know me personal are indications of my veracity.
We're they a part of your 2004 group of students at UCLA? Have you used more than one handle on this forum? If so, what other name would we know you by?
(These questions presume a different answer to the previous asked questions, thus I am unable to answer.)